Intel makes a lot of money from selling chips, but few markets are as lucrative as processors for server systems. The company on Tuesday announced its latest move to turn a potential threat to that franchise into an opportunity.
Liquidation Outlet, Inc. Recalls Action Figure Toys Due to Violation of Lead Paint Standard; Sold Exclusively at Dollar Stores <
An action figure is a posable character figurine, made of plastic or other materials, and often based upon a movie, comic book, video game, or television program. These action figures are usually marketed towards boys. Redressable action figures are sometimes referred to as action dolls [1] as a distinction from those which have all or most of their clothes molded on.
The arrests prove that the agreement “is not just an empty promise,” Mr. Liu said. “Instead, it is embodied by real action.”
Mavic announces R-SYS recall
Posted Jan. 8, 2009
Mavic has determined its R-SYS front wheels are at risk of spoke failure.
Mavic is advising consumers not to use the front wheels from any of its R-SYS wheelsets (R-SYS, R-SYS Test and R-SYS Premium) because of the possible risk of spoke failure.
The system relies on a unique set of tubular carbon spokes. While front wheels rely solely on the tubular carbon spoke, the rears combine those with Zicral spokes and the risk of failure is, therefore, lessened.
According to Mavic, consumers should immediately cease use of the front wheels and return those to a Mavic dealer. The company has promised to deliver “a new upgraded R-SYS front wheel” at no charge beginning on March 31. Until the replacements become available, the company will also provide consumers with a set of Aksiums wheels that they can keep even after they have received the replacement R-SYS front wheel.
The company advises anyone with further questions to contact their Mavic dealer or call 800-664-9228 for further information.
IF you’re the owner of a Windows PC who is looking for a replacement computer, the choices are grim. You can step into the world of hurt that is Vista, the latest version of Microsoft Windows that was released in January. Or you can seek out a new machine that still comes loaded with the comparatively ancient Windows XP.
--A Window of Opportunity for Macs, Soon to Close
adjective grimmer, grimmest
worried or worrying, without hope:
The future looks grim.
Her face was grim as she told them the bad news.
The expression on his face was one of grim determination.
Later Mr Ashby left the court, grim-faced and silent.
1 [after verb] injured or in pain:
Let me help you up. Are you hurt?
Put that knife away before someone gets hurt.
2 upset or unhappy:
I feel very hurt by what you said.
"That was very unkind, " he said in a hurt voice.
noun [S or U]
emotional pain:
The hurt after a relationship breaks up can be awful.
Her brave smile concealed a deep hurt.
1 of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time:
ancient civilizations/rights/laws
ancient monuments/ruins/woodlands
the ancient kingdoms of Mexico
People have lived in this valley since ancient times.
History, ancient and modern, has taught these people an intense distrust of their neighbours.
2 INFORMAL very old:日常用語
He's got an ancient computer.
3 describes the period in European history from the earliest known societies to the end of the Roman empire:
the ancient Egyptians/Greeks/Romans
The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.
Former Pakistani Officer Embodies a Policy Puzzle
A retired colonel personifies the deep connection Pakistan has to the Taliban, and possibly the key to controlling them.
tr.v., -bod·ied, -bod·y·ing, -bod·ies.
- To give a bodily form to; incarnate.
- To represent in bodily or material form: "As John Adams embodied the old style, Andrew Jackson embodied the new" (Richard Hofstadter).
- To make part of a system or whole; incorporate: laws that embody a people's values.
per·son·i·fy (pər-sŏn'ə-fī')

tr.v., -fied, -fy·ing, -fies.
- To think of or represent (an inanimate object or abstraction) as having personality or the qualities, thoughts, or movements of a living being: "To make history or psychology alive I personify it" (Anaïs Nin).
- To represent (an object or abstraction) by a human figure.
- To represent (an abstract quality or idea): This character personifies evil.
- To be the embodiment or perfect example of: "Stalin now personified bolshevism in the eyes of the world" (A.J.P. Taylor).
Mexican Wrestling Action Figures Recalled by Lee Carter Co. Due to Violation of Lead Paint Standard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.Name of Product: Super Luchamania Action Figures
Units: About 7,000 packs
Importer/Distributor: Lee Carter Co., of San Francisco, Calif.
Hazard: The surface paints on the action figures contain excessive levels of lead which is prohibited under federal law.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported
Description: The recalled Mexican wrestling Super Luchamania action figures were sold in packs of 12. The multi-colored action figures are plastic, have plastic capes and measure about four inches tall. "Super Luchamania" is printed on the action figures' packaging.
Sold at: Various Mexican specialty craft stores nationwide from June 2000 through October 2011 for between $12 and $14 per pack.
Manufactured in: Mexico
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled action figures away from children and return them to Lee Carter Co. for a full refund or credit towards a replacement product.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, consumers should call Lee Carter Co. collect at (415) 824-2004 anytime, or visit the firm's website at
Zarbon action figure made by Bandai, from the Dragon Ball franchise.
- 発音 frǽntʃaiz
- franchiseの変化形
- franchises (複数形) • franchised (過去形) • franchised (過去分詞) • franchising (現在分詞) • franchises (三人称単数現在)
1 (政府が個人・団体に与える)(…の, …する)特権, 特許((for ..., to do));営業免許
(1) フランチャイズ:製造主が販売業者に与える一手販売権(の及ぶ地域).
(2) チェーン店;チェーン店に経営権を与える契約.
(1) フランチャイズ:製造主が販売業者に与える一手販売権(の及ぶ地域).
(2) チェーン店;チェーン店に経営権を与える契約.
4 《野球》フランチャイズ(制).
5 (海上保険で)免責歩合(額).
6 ((古))(義務・税金などの)特別免除.
1 〈人・会社などに〉特権[一手販売権]を与える.
2 〈人に〉選挙[市民]権を与える.
3 ((古))〈人・町などを〉解放する.
[古フランス語franc(自由な)+ise. △FRANK1]