大西洋月刊 5小時 · 一個世紀前,一位德國社會學家準確地解釋了唐納德·特朗普對世界的看法,喬納森·勞赫寫道:“特朗普正在建立學者們所說的家長制。” https://theatln.tc/RpDbmeEW 「即使那些對他的連任抱持最壞預期的人(包括我)也希望他能更加理性,」勞赫寫道。 「今天,很明顯,自 1 月 20 日以來所發生的事情不僅是政府的更迭,而且是政權的更迭——也就是說,是我們政府體制的更迭。”
當代家長制的主要倡導者——至少到 2025 年 1 月 20 日為止——是弗拉基米爾·普丁。勞赫寫道:「在他統治的初期,他將俄羅斯國家治理視為一種私人勾當。 「國家官僚機構和私人公司繼續運作,但真正的治理原則是『與弗拉基米爾·弗拉基米羅維奇保持良好關係…否則』。」 「了解家長制對於打敗它至關重要。特別是,它有一個致命的弱點,民主黨和川普的其他對手應該將其作為主要和不懈的攻擊路線,」勞赫寫道。 「腐敗是世襲制的致命弱點,因為公眾了解它但不喜歡它,」他繼續說道。 「它不是像『民主』、『憲法』或『法治』這樣的抽象概念。它傳達的訊息是,政府是為他們而運作的,而不是為你而運作的。”
A century ago, a German sociologist explained precisely how Donald Trump thinks about the world, Jonathan Rauch writes: “Trump is installing what scholars call patrimonialism.” https://theatln.tc/RpDbmeEW
“Even those who expected the worst from his reelection (I among them) expected more rationality,” Rauch writes. “Today, it is clear that what has happened since January 20 is not just a change of administration but a change of regime—a change, that is, in our system of government.”
Patrimonialism’s main contemporary exponent—at least until January 20, 2025—has been Vladimir Putin. “In the first portion of his rule, he ran the Russian state as a personal racket,” Rauch writes. “State bureaucracies and private companies continued to operate, but the real governing principle was ‘Stay on Vladimir Vladimirovich’s good side … or else.’”
“Understanding patrimonialism is essential to defeating it. In particular, it has a fatal weakness that Democrats and Trump’s other opponents should make their primary and relentless line of attack,” Rauch writes. “Corruption is patrimonialism’s Achilles’ heel because the public understands it and doesn’t like it,” he continues. “It is not an abstraction like ‘democracy’ or ‘Constitution’ or ‘rule of law.’ It conveys that the government is being run for them, not for you.”
Read more: https://theatln.tc/RpDbmeEW