Mavin Khoo 在“Gigenis”中。他和卡恩曾帶領南亞舞蹈家到英國、印度和斯里蘭卡駐留。
Spain Looks to Grant Residency to Nearly 1 Million Undocumented Migrants
The Dow industrials and S&P 500 stayed close to their starting levels as bank stocks rose after better-than-feared results from Citigroup. But the Nasdaq fell as Microsoft and Google earnings disappointed, weighing on tech stocks.
deep bench
Google shows off its bench
This is actually a very good thing. A large, growing company wants to show that it has a deep bench and sending five speakers to OSCON helps show off the company’s open source commitment....Despite the trappings of democracy, like elections for public company directors, the best American businesses remain kingdoms. Your bench can be as deep as you want, but you still need a star to win the game.

Paul J. Richards/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
On the White House
Comings and Goings for Old Faces
With just six months left in the Bush presidency, the White House is looking more and more like a baseball team reaching deep into its bench. Above, the president handing his dog to assistant Blake Gottesman in 2004.
- Sports.
- The place where the players on a team sit when not participating in a game.
- The reserve players on a team.
How many players sit on the bench? ...

the bench
1 a seat or area of seats where players sit during a game when they are not playing:
He was injured, and spent the last few weeks of the season on the bench.
2 the judge or magistrate, or the place where they sit, in a court of law:
Kindly address your remarks to the bench, Mr Smith.serve/sit/be on the bench
to work as a judge or magistrate
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

━━ n. ベンチ; 仕事台; 判事席; 裁判所; ((集合的;単複両扱い)) 判事連, 裁判官; 〔英〕 議席; (犬の)陳列台; (ボートの)こぎ手の座; (川岸などの)段丘; 【野】ベンチ; ((集合的)) 控え選手, 補欠.
be raised to the bench 判事[聖公会監督]に任ぜられる.
bench and bar 裁判官と弁護士.
sit [be] on the bench 裁判官をつとめる; (補欠選手として)待機する.
━━ vt. 着席させる; 〔米〕 (選手を)退かす.
━━ vi. 着席する.
bench・er ━━ n. ベンチに掛ける人; 〔英〕 法学院(the Inns of Court)の幹部.
bench mark (高低測量の)水準点; (一般に)基準; 【コンピュータ】ベンチマーク ((コンピュータ性能などの比較評価基準)).
bench・marking n. 【コンピュータ】ベンチマーク試験.
benchmark problem 【コンピュータ】ベンチマーク問題 ((コンピュータの性能を判定するために作られた特別な問題)).
benchmark test 【コンピュータ】ベンチマーク・テスト ((コンピュータの性能評価のために行われるテスト)).
bench press ベンチ・プレス ((ベンチに仰向けになったままバーベルなどを押し上げる運動)).
bench-press vt.
bench seat ベンチシート ((車の幅いっぱいの座席)).
bench warmer 〔米〕 【スポーツ】控えの選手.
bench warrant 【法】逮捕令状.

━━ vt. 着席させる; 〔米〕 (選手を)退かす.
━━ vi. 着席する.

bench・marking n. 【コンピュータ】ベンチマーク試験.
benchmark problem 【コンピュータ】ベンチマーク問題 ((コンピュータの性能を判定するために作られた特別な問題)).
benchmark test 【コンピュータ】ベンチマーク・テスト ((コンピュータの性能評価のために行われるテスト)).

bench-press vt.

"Deep bench" can refer to a sports term, a business strategy, or a platform that connects businesses with experts.
If a problem or responsibility weighs on you, it makes you worried or unhappy:
He's under huge pressure at work and it's really weighing on him.
She knew she had treated him badly and it weighed heavily on her mind for a long time.