2025年3月14日 星期五

He’ll Take ‘the Bullets. ’under-, underage, MINOR, stop short of sth, fire up, fire safety codes. a 'pyramid scheme' to recruit underage girls for abuse.

Schumer, Facing Backlash From Democrats, Says He’ll Take ‘the Bullets’

Many Senate Democrats conceded privately that Senator Chuck Schumer was doing his job and making a politically painful decision. But the backlash was intense.

Lawyer Says Client Testified She Saw Matt Gaetz Have Sex With Underage Girl

Ghislaine Maxwell's possible co-operation with authorities could lead to charges against other figures in the Epstein operation, who may have helped administer what authorities alleged was a 'pyramid scheme' to recruit underage girls for abuse.

YouTuber shows just how easy it is to prey on underage girls online.

BREAKING: Prince Andrew named in underage 'sex slave' court caseind.pn/1vATg87

A fired-up defender
in football,
or in a family,
is a key component
of success.
Fight, team, fight!

 The most effective set of eyes on Cambodia's garment exporters belongs to the International Labor Organization's Better Factories Cambodia program. BFC inspectors monitor factories such as Wing Star to ensure that they pay wages promptly and accurately, that they do not employ underage workers and that they have fire safety codes.

 Hon Hai Hired Underage Workers
Hon Hai acknowledged that it hired underage workers at one of its China plants, in the latest hit to the labor practices of the major contractor for Apple and other electronics giants.

Apple Audits Labor Practices
Apple said audits of its suppliers uncovered 17 core violations of its policies, including three cases in which its contractors hired underage workers last year.

U.K. Will End Cigarette Displays
The U.K. plans to ban cigarette displays in stores in a bid to curb underage smoking but stopped short of ending vending-machine sales.

In recent months, Iowa labor officials have been criticized by unions and immigrant groups who said that enforcement was lax at Agriprocessors and that labor inspectors had responded to violations with light fines.
Some under-age workers could benefit if the attorney general presses charges against Agriprocessors. Sonia Parras Konrad, an Iowa immigration lawyer, has been working with investigators to get more than two dozen of the workers special four-year visas, known as U-visas, which are given to victims who cooperate with criminal investigations.
A federal labor investigation is also under way.
The number of minors makes the Iowa investigation “a huge case” by national standards as well, said Reid Maki, coordinator of the Child Labor Coalition, a group of teachers and consumer organizations that seek to stop employment of under-age workers. “It is especially troubling since this industry is as dangerous as it gets,” Mr. Maki said.

Our infrastructure is crumbling, our once cutting-edge scientific research is underfinanced and underperforming, our work force is undereducated, our military is spread as thin as never before, and our national debt is skyrocketing.

Like most Japanese women, doll impersonators stop short of cosmetic surgery.
stop short
1. Also, stop one short. Check abruptly, as in When we tried to cross the street, the barrier stopped us short[Early 1300s]
2. Cause someone to stop speaking, as in I was about to tell them the date when my father stopped me short[Late 1800s]

3. stop short of. Not go so far as to do or say something. For example, He may embroider the truth but he stops short of actually lying. This usage was first recorded in 1818.

stop short of

Not go as far as (some extreme action):the measures stopped short of establishing direct trade links
stop short of sth
If you stop short of doing or saying something, you decide not to do or say it although you almost do:
I stopped short of telling him the brutal truth, but only just.

under (LESS THAN) 
less than:
All items cost/are under a pound.
The discount applies only to children under (the age of) ten (= younger than ten).
If you get under 50%, you've failed the exam.
NOTE: The opposite is over.

used before a word to mean 'not enough' or 'not done as well or as much as is necessary':
These potatoes are undercooked.
We're all overworked and underpaid.
His boss says he's under-performing (= not doing as well as he should) at work.
Compare over- at over (MORE THAN). underage Show phonetics
younger than the lowest age at which a particular activity is legally or usually allowed:
There are laws against underage sex and underage drinking.


Definition of code

  • 1a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy:the Americans cracked their diplomatic code [mass noun]:messages written in code
  • a phrase or concept used to represent another in an indirect way:researching ‘the family’ is usually a code for studying women
  • a series of letters, numbers, or symbols assigned to something for the purposes of classification or identification: each box had a label with the code SC 90
  • short for dialling code.I was given the number, but not the code for Guildford
  • 2 [mass noun] Computing program instructions:assembly code
  • 3a systematic collection of laws or statutes:a revision of the penal code
  • a set of conventions or moral principles governing behaviour in a particular sphere:a strict dress code a stern code of honour


[with object]
  • 1convert (the words of a message) into a code so as to convey a secret meaning:only Mitch knew how to read the message—even the name was coded
  • express the meaning of (a statement) in an indirect way: (as adjective coded)journalists made coded allusions to his deficiencies
  • assign a code to (something) for purposes of classification or identification:she coded the samples and sent them for dissection
  • 2write code for (a computer program):most developers code C + + like C [no object]:I no longer actively code in PHP
  • 3 [no object] (code for) Biochemistry be the genetic code for (an amino acid or protein):genes that code for human growth hormone
  • be the genetic determiner of (a characteristic): one pair of homologous chromosomes codes for eye colour


bring something up to code

North American renovate or update an old building in line with the latest building regulations: the wiring will be brought up to code




Definition of fire

[mass noun]
  • 1a process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke; combustion or burning:his house was destroyed by fire
  • [count noun] a destructive burning of something:a fire at a hotel
  • [count noun] a collection of fuel, especially coal or wood, burnt in a controlled way to provide heat or a means for cooking:we had a bath in a tin tub by the fire
  • [count noun] (also electric fire or gas fire) chiefly British a domestic heating appliance that uses electricity or gas as fuel: she was freezing and keeping the fire low to save money
  • one of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius): [as modifier]:a fire sign
  • 2a burning sensation: [count noun]:the whisky lit a fire in the back of his throat
  • fervent or passionate emotion or enthusiasm:the fire of their religious conviction
  • literary a glowing or luminous quality:their soft smiles light the air like a star’s fire
  • 3the shooting of projectiles from weapons, especially bullets from guns:a burst of machine-gun fire
  • strong criticism or antagonism:he directed his fire against policies promoting American capital flight


[with object]
  • 1discharge a gun or other weapon in order to propel (a bullet or projectile):he fired a shot at the retreating prisoners they fired off a few rounds
  • discharge (a gun or other weapon):another gang fired a pistol through the window of a hostel [no object]:troops fired on crowds
  • [no object] (of a gun) be discharged: the first gun fired
  • direct (questions or statements, especially unwelcome ones) towards someone in rapid succession:they fired questions at me for what seemed like ages
  • (fire something off) send a message aggressively:he fired off a letter informing her that he regarded the matter with the utmost seriousness
  • 2 informal dismiss (an employee) from a job:I had to fire men who’ve been with me for years you’re fired!
  • 3 supply (a furnace, engine, etc.) with fuel: liquefied petroleum gas can fire room heaters
  • [no object] (of an internal-combustion engine) undergo ignition of its fuel when started:the engine fired and she pushed her foot down on the accelerator
  • archaic set fire to:I fired the straw
  • 4 stimulate or excite (the imagination or an emotion):India fired my imagination
  • fill (someone) with enthusiasm:he was fired up for last season’s FA Cup final
  • [no object] (fire up) archaic show sudden anger:If I were to hear anyone speak slightingly of you, I should fire up in a moment
5bake or dry (pottery, bricks, etc.) in a kiln: methane gas is being used to fire bricks at a nearby factory
