2025年3月13日 星期四

rallying, hey rube, shorten, shortener.Ukrainians are rallying around their president in ways that Donald Trump could only dream about

Ukrainians are rallying around their president in ways that Donald Trump could only dream about https://econ.st/4bPjdxQ
可能是顯示的文字是「 Is Volodymyr Zelensky a disliked dictator or a popular hero? Ukraine, % esponding Do you approve or disapprove of the way Volodymyr Zelensky is doing his job as president? 0 25 50 75 Highly approve 100 Somewhat approve Highly/ somewhat disapprove Don't know "Volodymyr Zelensky is the right person to conduct negotiations with representatives of Russia" Strongly agree Tendto to agree Strongly/ tend to disagree Neither *1,000 people polled March 5th-10th 2025 Source: Ipsos Don't Don'tknow know E 」的圖形

Man’s Dying Words in Custody Become Rallying Cry

Mourners of Eric Garner, who died on Staten Island after an officer apparently put him in a chokehold, said there were systemic problems between residents and the police.


hey rube (hay roob)

1. A fight between members of a circus and the general public.
2. A call to rally circus members in a fight.

The term originated in the 19th century when circuses were rowdy affairs and "Hey Rube" was the rallying cry to call all circus people to help in a fight with townspeople. It's not clear whether Rube in this term was someone specific or simply a use of the informal term rube (shortened form of Reuben) for an unsophisticated person from a rural area. Earliest documented use: 1882.

"I said 'Shut it, Camel! I'm dealing with a situation here.' Walter says. 'What kind of situation?' says Camel. 'Jacob 's messed up.' 'What? How? Was there a hey rube?" — Sara Gruen; Water for Elephants; Algonquin Books; 2006. http://amazon.com/o/asin/1565124995/ws00-20 "'Hey, Rube,' they would yell. Roustabouts would soon be beating on the trouble-maker." — Bill Conlin; Phillies GM Amaro is Master of the Shell Game; The Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania); Dec 17, 2009.

Definition of shorten


  • 1make or become shorter: [with object]:he shortened his stride patients whose waiting time had been shortened [no object]:as skirts shortened, so heels rose around mid September, days shorten and temperatures dip
  • (with reference to gambling odds) make or become shorter; decrease: [with object]:Ladbrokes shortened Nashwan’s odds from 2-1 to 7-4 [no object]:the odds had shortened to 14-1
  • [with object] Prosody & Phonetics make (a vowel or syllable) short: the preceding vowels are shortened
2 [with object] Sailing reduce the amount of (sail spread): before sail could be shortened she went on to her beam ends


Line breaks: rally|ing
Pronunciation: /ˈraliɪŋ 


1The action or process of coming together to support a person or cause:the rallying of ethnic minorities to form a new opposition party
2The sport or action of participating in a motor rally:established names in international rallying


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Having the effect of calling people to action:a rallying cry
