2025年3月9日 星期日

adventure, coroner, misadventure, Tim Curry and colleagues recall the musical’s misadventure.. obvious, venture, adventurous. the ‘Coroner to the Stars’ Has the Last Word. come with the territory

要請教張華兄:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
中的ADVENTURE 很有意思,不過我注意到趙元任和你--副標題--採用"漫遊",這有點離ADVENTUE 之冒險等原意。有意思的是,日本從1905年的譯本,也都省去adventure....

In Cape Breton, a Rugged Golf Getaway
This island on the edge of Nova Scotia isn't known as a golf haven, but for adventurous players, perhaps it should be.


Coroner’s Amy Winehouse Verdict: "Death By Misadventure"

British officials rule that the singer died of accidental alcohol poisoning.

Post-Mortems Reveal Obvious Risk at BanksBy ERIC DASH
Published: November 18, 2009

The coroner’s report left no doubt as to the cause of death: toxic loans.

ob·vi·ous (ŏb'vē-əs) pronunciation
  1. Easily perceived or understood; quite apparent. See synonyms at apparent.
  2. Easily seen through because of a lack of subtlety; transparent: an obvious political ploy.
  3. Archaic. Standing in the way or in front.
[From Latin obvius, from obviam, in the way, within reach : ob-, against; see ob- + viam, accusative sing. of via, way.]
obviously ob'vi·ous·ly adv.
obviousness ob'vi·ous·ness n.


  • 発音記号[kɔ'ːrənər | kɔ'r-]

1 検死官
a coroner's jury [in quest]
2 (昔の英国の)王室私有財産管理官.

(ăd-vĕn'chər) pronunciation
    1. An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.
    2. An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state's affairs.
  1. An unusual or exciting experience: an adventure in dining.
  2. Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences: the love of adventure.
  3. A financial speculation or business venture.

v., -tured, -tur·ing, -tures. v.tr.
  1. To venture upon; undertake or try.
  2. To expose to danger or risk; hazard.
  1. To take a risk; dare.
  2. To proceed despite risks.
[Middle English aventure, from Old French, from Latin adventūrus, future participle of advenīre, to arrive. See advent.]

  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 予期せぬ体験,珍しい経験,意外な出来事
    • have an adventure
    • 珍しい経験をする
    • meet with an adventure
    • 意外な出来事に出会う.
  3. 2
  4. (1)冒険
    • story of adventure
    • 冒険談
  5. (2)((しばしば adventures)) 冒険談,奇譚きたん,不思議物語.
  6. (3)冒険心
    • He is full of adventure.
    • 彼は冒険心に富んでいる[冒険したがっている].
  7. 3 大胆[危険]な企て,危険な行為,冒険的行動;((婉曲的)) 不倫,アバンチュール
  8. 4 投機,やま,思わく;冒険[投機]的事業.
  9. 5 〔海上保険〕 危険.
  10. 6 ((廃))
  11. (1)危難,危険.
  12. (2)運.
  1. ━━ [他動詞]
  2. 1 ((古)) 危険にさらす(risk,hazard)
    • adventure oneself
    • 危険を冒す,敢行する.
  3. 2 運に任せて敢行する,一か八ばちか[冒険的に]やってみる(dare).
  4. 3 思いきって言ってみる
    • adventure an opinion
    • 思いきって意見を述べてみる.
  1. ━━ [自動詞]
  2. 1 危険を冒す.
  3. 2 (…を)危険を冒してやる,あえて[冒険的に]する(venture)((on ...));(場所に)思いきって入る[行く]((intoupon ...))
    • adventure on unknown seas
    • 未知の海へ乗り出す
  4. [作品名]
    [文学]The Adventures of Harry Richmond『ハリー・リッチモンドの冒険』G.Meredith の小説(1871)
    [文学]Adventures of Huckleberry Finn『ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険』Mark Twain の小説(1884)
    [文学]The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』A.C.Doyle の探偵小説(1892).
    [映画]The Adventures of Robin Hood『ロビンフッドの冒険』(1938,英).
    [テレビ]The Adventures of Superman『スーパーマン』米国の連続テレビ番組(1951-57)
    [テレビ]The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin『名犬リンチンチン』米国のテレビ西部劇(1954-59).
    1200年以前? 中期英語 aventure<古期フランス語<俗ラテン語 *adventūra 起こり得べきこと(ラテン語 adventūrus の女性形);adventūrus は advenīre「来る」の未来分詞;adAD-は a-A-5 に取って代わる;→ADVENT

Definition of adventurous


  • willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences:an adventurous traveller
  • involving new ideas or methods:they wanted more adventurous meals
  • full of excitement:my life couldn’t be more adventurous






Middle English: from Old French aventureus, from aventure (see adventure)
