Ahi steak. Akami sashimi. Albacore on sourdough. Whether you smoked yellowfin on the grill or spread skipjack on a sandwich, chances are you’ve had tuna recently.
On average, Americans eat around two pounds of the fish per year, more than any other seafood except for shrimp and salmon. And for good reason: Tuna is tasty and versatile, and the canned variety costs as little as a dollar.
There’s not a huge nutritional difference between canned tuna, sushi and a tuna steak, he added. Cooking the fish might lower its vitamin D, and the canning process might leach out a few nutrients, he said, but its nutritional value is largely the same.
But is it good for you? Should you be
So what does this mean for tuna eaters? The answer is nuanced because the amount of mercury depends on the species — and there are 15 types of tuna, all of which could end up on a dinner plate. The smallest (and often cheapest), like skipjack, have very little mercury. Albacore and yellowfin can have three times as much; bigeye and bluefin can have far more, Dr. Vogliano said.那麼這對金槍魚食用者來說意味著什麼?答案很微妙,因為汞的含量取決於物種——金槍魚有 15 種類型,所有這些類型最終都可能出現在餐盤上。最小的(通常也是最便宜的)魚,如鰹魚,含汞量非常少。長鰭鮪魚和黃鰭鮪魚的攝取量可以是其三倍;大眼鯛和藍鰭鮪魚的產量可能要高得多,沃格里亞諾博士說。
- (with reference to a soluble chemical or mineral) drain away from soil, ash, or similar material by the action of percolating liquid, especially rainwater."the nutrient is quickly leached away"
- subject (soil, ash, etc.) to a leaching process."ash is readily leached"
- 1. 過濾
- 2. 淋溶
- 1. 過濾器
- 1. 鰹魚