China has gone into overdrive seeking to convince the world the Communist Party actually operates a superior democracy.
"So you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," Clinton said.
Bill Clinton calls Obamacare 'the craziest thing in the world,' later tries to walk it back
在歐元區危機可能會進一步削弱全球經濟前景的形勢下,IMF呼籲日本拿出更多行動以恢復穩健的財政。While more than 90 per cent of Japan's public debt is held domestically, even a relatively small increase in Japan's risk premium* could have a spillover effect on global risk returns and growth, the IMF warned.
*The return in excess of the risk-free rate of return that an investment is expected to yield. An asset's risk premium is a form of compensation for investors who tolerate the extra risk - compared to that of a risk-free asset - in a given investment.
*The return in excess of the risk-free rate of return that an investment is expected to yield. An asset's risk premium is a form of compensation for investors who tolerate the extra risk - compared to that of a risk-free asset - in a given investment.
beyond compare
phrase of compare
- of a quality or nature surpassing all others of the same kind."a diamond beyond compare"
- 1An amount to be paid for a contract of insurance.
- 2A sum added to an ordinary price or charge.‘customers are reluctant to pay a premium for organic fruit’
- 2.1A sum added to interest or wages; a bonus.
- ‘premium lagers’
- 2.3Stock Market
The amount by which the price of a share or other security exceeds its issue price, its nominal value, or the value of the assets it represents.‘the shares jumped to a 70 per cent premium on the first day’
- 2.1A sum added to interest or wages; a bonus.
- 3Something given as a reward, prize, or incentive.‘the Society of Arts awarded him a premium’
- at a premium
- 1Scarce and in demand.‘space was at a premium’
- 2Above the usual or nominal price.‘touts sell the tickets at a premium’
- put (or place) a premium on
- Regard or treat as particularly valuable or important.‘he put a premium on peace and stability’
Early 17th century (in the sense ‘reward, prize’): from Latin praemium booty, reward, from prae before + emere buy, take.
an insurance premium
(2) なかなか手にはいらない;重んじられて.
(2) …を奨励[助長]する;重んじる.
- 発音記号[príːmiəm]
1 ((しばしば〜s))保険料, 掛け金.
2 ((主に米))ハイオクガソリン.
(1) 《経済》打歩(うちぶ).
(2) 《証券》額面以上の額;(株の借用)手数料.
(1) 《経済》打歩(うちぶ).
(2) 《証券》額面以上の額;(株の借用)手数料.
6 謝礼(金).
7 ((米))(借用金に対する)割増利子.
at a premium
(1) プレミアムつきで, 異常な高値で.(2) なかなか手にはいらない;重んじられて.
put [set, place] a (high) premium on ...
(1) …にプレミアムをつける.(2) …を奨励[助長]する;重んじる.
there is a premium on
…が奨励される, たいせつだ.
1 上等な, 上質な;(他より)高価な.
2 割増の, プレミアの(ついた)
premium prices