Celebrate our unofficial mascot, William the Hippo, by learning a little more about him.
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Automobiles et véhicules hippomobiles devant le magasin Félix Potin du boulevard de Sébastopol, vers 1910
Sanofi-Aventis has begun merger negotiations with the biopharmaceutical firm Genzyme after sending a letter outlining a potential takeover worth up to $18.4 billion, people briefed on the matter told DealBook on Monday.
The letter from Sanofi to Genzyme's board proposed paying about $69 a share, these people said. Sanofi's board last week authorized a bid of up to $70 a share. One of the biggest issues remains finding a price that Genzyme will find palatable, which these people suggested could be $80 a share.
At the same time, Genzyme is keeping hopes of a rival bid alive. It has fielded informal inquiries from other drug makers, like GlaxoSmithKline and Johnson & Johnson, one of these people said.
Between 2007 and 2008 real median household income in the United States fell by 3.6%, from $52,163 to $50,303. Worst-hit were Hispanic households, whose incomes fell by 5.6% to $37,913. Asian-Americans, as usual, were comfortably at the top of the heap with a median household income of $65,637, though this had fallen by 4.4% in a year. The figure for non-Hispanic whites fell by 2.6% to $55,530, while for blacks it declined 2.8% to $34,218.
Every time H. M. performed the task, it struck him as an entirely new experience. He had no memory of doing it before. Yet with practice he became proficient. “At one point he said to me, after many of these trials, ‘Huh, this was easier than I thought it would be,’ ” Dr. Milner said.
The implications were enormous. Scientists saw that there were at least two systems in the brain for creating new memories. One, known as declarative memory, records names, faces and new experiences and stores them until they are consciously retrieved. This system depends on the function of medial temporal areas, particularly an organ called the hippocampus, now the object of intense study.
━━ n. 【解】(脳の)海馬.
Pronunciation: /ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs/
Translate hippopotamus | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun (plural hippopotamuses or hippopotami /-mʌɪ/)
Middle English: via Latin from Greek hippopotamos, earlier hippos ho potamios 'river horse' (from hippos 'horse', potamos 'river')me・di・al
━━ a. 中間の; 平均の.
me・di・al・ly ━━ ad.
adj.- Relating to, situated in, or extending toward the middle; median.
- Linguistics. Being a sound, syllable, or letter occurring between the initial and final positions in a word or morpheme.
- Mathematics. Being or relating to an average or a mean.
- Average; ordinary.
- A voiced stop, such as (b), (d), or (g). Also called media.
- A sound, letter, or form of a letter that is neither initial nor final.
[Late Latin mediālis, from Latin medius, middle.]
━━ a. 中間に位置する; 【数】中線の; 【統計】中央値の.━━ n. 【解】正中動[静]脈; 【数】中数; 中点[線]; 【統計】中央値.
v., field·ed, field·ing, fields. v.tr.
- Sports.
- To retrieve (a ball) and perform the required maneuver, especially in baseball.
- To place in the field to play: field a team.
- To respond to: fielded tough questions from the press.
- To place in competition.
- To put into action: field an army of campaign workers.
- Computer Science. To enter (data) into a field.