Local youth branches are acting as matchmakers to help single people struggling to find love.

China’s singles put their hearts in the hands of the party
Local youth branches are acting as matchmakers to help single people struggli
Professor Yelick hopes to act as “a matchmaker and a translator,” connecting faculty and students from far-flung corners of campus to build new and unexpected collaborations.

Kathy Yelick named UC Berkeley’s new vice chancellor for research
Yelick hopes to serve as ‘a matchmaker and a translator,’ connecting
- Weeks before they died when their ship sank near Bali, the crew of an Indonesian naval submarine sang an unwitting farewell.
The American tech giant has partnered with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to develop ultra-advanced display technology at a secretive facility in Taiwan, Nikkei Asia learned.
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz told NPR if he runs for president, his intention would be to stop Trump from winning re-election.
"Nobody wants to remove and, in a sense, fire President Trump more than me," Schultz said.
Ex-Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Says He Wouldn't Be A Spoiler In Race For White House
"As the Russian hackers have unwittingly revealed, Colin Powell remains a sharp observer of presidential politics, no matter whose club you belong to."
China’s Secretive Banks Emerge From Shadows
A crackdown from China’s central bank — aimed at reining in banks
engaged in deals that involve risky loans — worried investors overseas
and brought fears of economic slowdown.
German Elites Drawn to Anti-Euro Party, Spelling Trouble for Merkel
Alternative for Germany, started by a Hamburg economics professor,
could play the role of spoiler in the September elections.
For Car Renters, Signing May Mean Trouble
Some Dollar Rent a Car customers say they unwittingly signed up for insurance even after verbally declining it.
Temptation lurks for therapists to play matchmaker for patients.
The modern matchmakers
Vatican Is Split Over Pressure for a Less Secretive Bank
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican is under mounting pressure to clean up its
bank — long the subject of dark intrigue — in a push by the European
Union to apply common rules for the use of the euro.
Feb 11th 2012 | from the print edition

Even if China became the world’s biggest economy by 2018, Americans would remain much richer, with a GDP per head four times that in China. But Rupert Hoogewerf, the founder of the annual Hurun Report on China’s richest citizens, reckons that it may already have more billionaires. His latest survey identified 270 dollar billionaires but the true total, he says, is probably double that because many Chinese are secretive about their wealth. According to the Forbes rich list, America has 400 billionaires or so.
'What the Dog Saw'
The themes of this collection are a good way to characterize the author himself: a minor genius who unwittingly demonstrates the hazards of statistical reasoning.
The Times looked at Google's role in the failed deal talks, describing it as "both unwitting matchmaker and self-interested spoiler." Separately, there were reports that while Yahoo and Google recently appeared close to a deal, things seems to have cooled recently. Go to Article from The New York Times»
I saw the new Pizza Hut TV commercial that advertises its new line of Tuscani pastas. The commercial purports to gather unwitting eaters to try the food at Tuscani in New York, and then revealing to them on hidden camera that in fact it's Pizza Hut pasta, not Tuscani's pasta.
The Fairfield Greenwich Group has portrayed itself as an unwitting victim of Bernard L. Madoff's fraud. But for Fairfield, a secretive hedge fund advisory firm, working with Mr. Madoff was hugely profitable, The New York Times writes.
Re: Hi
Oct 30th 2007
From Economist.com
AMERICA relays more spam to the world's inbox than any other country. Despite the CAN-SPAM Act, nearly 30% of all unsolicited e-mails between July and September were sent via computers in America, says Sophos, an internet-security firm. The nature of spam is also changing. Although penis enlargers and African fraudsters still abound, popular recent additions include fake e-cards and virus-riddled PDF attachments. The boom in digital music also provides a new avenue. As many as one in ten spam e-mails attach dodgy MP3 files or ringtones to lure the unwitting user, according to MXSweep, an anti-spam company.From Economist.com
In a word, a key problem going forward will be which nation the FT speaks for. FT editors will no doubt persist in the fiction that they are free agents in the British tradition – but in the long run any hopes they might harbor that they can continue to cover East Asia, for instance, on an impartial basis will be dashed. Willy nilly the FT seems destined to become just another organ of Japanese power.
It seems that a lot of you like to unwittingly reveal the details of your lives to hundreds of people...
What would a non-neutral Internet look like?
So far, the debate over net neutrality has centered mostly on whether broadband providers could manipulate the speed of certain traffic on their networks, cutting deals with content partners to serve up their web pages faster than others. It’s easy to imagine an unwitting web surfer accessing some sites quickly and others slowly, and never really figuring out why.
Unwittingly definition, inadvertent; unintentional; accidental: His insult, though unwitting, pained her. See more.
ADJECTIVE(Of a person) not aware of the full facts: an unwitting accomplice
2 Not done on purpose; unintentional:
we are anxious to rectify the unwitting mistakes made in the past
Origin Old English unwitende 'not knowing or realizing' (see un-1, wit2).
[名]結婚媒介人, 仲人(なこうど);(男女の)仲を取りもつ人.
unwitting[名][形]adjective [before noun] FORMAL ━━ a. 知らない, 無意識の.
without knowing or planning:
The two women claimed they were the unwitting victims of a drugs dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.
adverb FORMAL
I regret any anxiety or concern which I may, unwittingly, have caused.
un·wit·ting (ŭn-wĭt'ĭng)
- Not knowing; unaware: an unwitting subject in an experiment.
- Not intended; unintentional: an unwitting admission of guilt.
[Middle English : un-, not; see un–1 + witting, present participle of witten, to know (from Old English witan).]
“歷史告訴我們:佔據領先地位的海軍強國永遠會四處找尋下一個海軍強國。” 華盛頓的戰略和預算估計中心(Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments)高級分析員羅伯特·沃爾克(Robert Work)說,“中國正在崛起中,所以她一定會發展其海軍。我們可能不會和中國開戰,但我們必須預先設想如何阻擋她的崛起(hedge against it)。”
“中國海軍目前唯一的競爭者就是美國(海軍),連其在亞洲的長期對手日本都是美國的盟邦。”麥德偉在座談會上附和了沃爾克的說法,“中國可說是美國海軍最大的潛在破壞者(greatest potential spoiler)。”
“中國海軍目前唯一的競爭者就是美國(海軍),連其在亞洲的長期對手日本都是美國的盟邦。”麥德偉在座談會上附和了沃爾克的說法,“中國可說是美國海軍最大的潛在破壞者(greatest potential spoiler)。”
hedge (PROTECTION) noun [C]
a way of protecting, controlling or limiting something:
She'd made some overseas investments as a hedge against rising inflation in this country.
a way of protecting, controlling or limiting something:
She'd made some overseas investments as a hedge against rising inflation in this country.
1 [T + adverb or preposition; usually passive] to limit something severely:
We've got permission, but it's hedged about/around with strict conditions.
2 [I] to try to avoid giving an answer or taking any action:
Stop hedging and tell me what you really think.
1 [T + adverb or preposition; usually passive] to limit something severely:
We've got permission, but it's hedged about/around with strict conditions.
2 [I] to try to avoid giving an answer or taking any action:
Stop hedging and tell me what you really think.

━━ v. (spoilt, ~ed) (主要素を奪って)悪くする[なる], まずくさせる[なる], 腐らす[る]; (投票が)無効になるような記入をする; 〔古〕 ((過去形・過去分詞は ~ed)) 略奪する ((of)); 子供を甘やかす.
be spoiling for …したくて腕が鳴る.
be spoilt for choice より取り見取りで決めかねる.
Too many cooks spoil the broth. 〔ことわざ〕 船頭多くして船山に上る.
━━ n. (時にpl.) 略奪[戦利]品; (pl.) 掘出し物; (pl.) (与党の)官職, 役得.
spoil・age ━━ n. 損傷(物・額・量).

━━ n. (時にpl.) 略奪[戦利]品; (pl.) 掘出し物; (pl.) (与党の)官職, 役得.

1. 掠奪者
2. 損壞者
2. 損壞者
3. 【美】(競選中)拆臺者
aileron spoiler 副翼擾流器
航空太空 spoiler 擾流板

electronic device for preventing unauthorized copying of sound
recordings by means of a disruptive signal inaudible on the original.

spoil (DESTROY) [Show phonetics]
verb spoiled or spoilt, spoiled or spoilt
1 [T] to destroy or reduce the pleasure, interest or beauty of something:
He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.
The oil spill has spoilt the whole beautiful coastline.
I haven't seen the film, so don't spoil it for me by telling me what happens.
You'll spoil your appetite for dinner if you have a cake now.
verb spoiled or spoilt, spoiled or spoilt
1 [T] to destroy or reduce the pleasure, interest or beauty of something:
He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.
The oil spill has spoilt the whole beautiful coastline.
I haven't seen the film, so don't spoil it for me by telling me what happens.
You'll spoil your appetite for dinner if you have a cake now.
2 [I or T] When food spoils or is spoilt, it is no longer good enough to eat:
The dessert will spoil if you don't keep it in the fridge.
3 [T] UK SPECIALIZED to mark a ballot paper so that it cannot be officially counted as a vote:
Since she supported none of the candidates, she spoiled her ballot paper.
noun [C]
an newspaper article, television programme, etc. that is produced just before or at the same time as another similar one in order to take attention away from it
See also spoiler.
noun [C]
a device on a car or aircraft which is positioned so that it stops the air from flowing around the vehicle in a smooth way and so helps to control it
See also spoiler at spoil (DESTROY).
Pronunciation: /ˈsiːkrɪtɪv/
mid 19th century: back-formation from secretiveness, suggested by French secrétivité, from secret 'secret'secretive[se・cre・tive]
- 発音記号[síːkritiv]
[形](…を)隠しだてする((about ...)), 秘密主義の. ⇒SECRET[形]4