Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan were arrested in New York and accused of laundering a record $4.5 billion dollars worth of stolen cryptocurrency. In the 24 hours since, the cybersecurity world has ruthlessly mocked their operational security screwups.

The DOJ’s $3.6B Seizure Shows How Hard It Is to Launder Crypto
A French court has ordered UBS to pay €4.5 billion ($5.1 billion) for money laundering and illegal client solicitations. The fines include €800 million ($907 million) in civil damages payable to the French state.
法國法院已責令瑞銀支付45億歐元(51億美元)用於洗錢和非法客戶索取。 罰款包括向法國支付的8億歐元(9.07億美元)民事賠償金。
client solicitations 客戶請求(非法節稅、逃稅等等.......)