Last year the Supreme Court ruled against the government's attempt to prorogue parliament. This year the government wants to put it back in its box
Last year the Supreme Court ruled against the government's attempt to prorogue parliament. This year the government wants to put it back in its box
L.A. Postcard |
The Great Train Robbery Redux
In L.A., boxcars on the Union Pacific rail line have become a target for thieves and looters, who pilfer the containers for motorcycles, rifles, or that duvet cover you ordered from Brooklinen. By Antonia Hitchens |
‘The Paris Review’ Redux lowers the paywall on select pieces from our archive. This week: Joan Didion, William Faulkner, and Matthew Zapruder.
Tech Talk Podcast: Google TV Redux
This week's podcast includes Claire Cain Miller on the updated Google TV software and Nick Wingfield on user complaints about the battery life of the iPhone 4S.2009/10
Munich Redux: Germany’s Hot Spot of the Moment
This historic German city, all but ignored after reunification and the rise of Berlin, is roaring back into the spotlight.
Redux: Rethinking Lean (Six Sigma) Service
by Jeffrey Rothfeder: Microsoft Redux? Google's Antitrust Case Draws Parallels
The FTC's broad investigation into whether Google abuses its dominance in search is drawing comparisons to a certain antitrust battle from the 1990s.
Deming Redux
About - News & Issues - New York,NY,USA
Attending a meeting this week with a Quality Association, I am reminded of the power of the teachings of W. Edwards Deming.
Ten Laws Of The Telecosm Redux
The FISA Follies, Redux
Lawmakers should bear in mind that President Bush’s version of the FISA does not make intelligence-gathering more robust.
Delay of jirga: a matter of concern? Afghanistan's planned peace jirga has been unexpectedly postponed. During the three day meeting, some 1,300 delegates were supposed to set out a concrete plan to reach a national consensus for talking with the Taliban.
A jirga (occasionally jirgah) (Pashto: جرګه) is a tribal assembly of elders which takes decisions by consensus, particularly among the Pashtun people but also in other ethnic groups near them; they are most common in Afghanistan and among the Pashtuns in Pakistan near its border with Afghanistan and are even held by Pashtuns in Kashmir valley, India.[1] It is similar to that of a town meeting in the United States or a regional assembly in England, where important regional matters are addressed among the people of the area.
Brought back; returned. Used postpositively.
Occurring or placed after a word.
A word or particle occurring or placed after another word.

Occurring or placed after a word.
A word or particle occurring or placed after another word.
[Late Latin postpositīvus, from Latin postpositus, past participle of postpōnere, to put after. See postpone.]
postpositively post·pos'i·tive·ly adv.prorogue | (verb) Hold back to a later time. |
Synonyms: | postpone, put off, defer, set back, shelve, table, remit, hold over |
Usage: | My students begged me to prorogue the upcoming European history exam so that they could have more time to study. |
pro·rogue (pr

tr.v. pro·rogued, pro·rogu·ing, pro·rogues
1. To discontinue a session of (a parliament, for example).1 〈議会を〉閉会する.
2. To postpone; defer.((まれ))…を延期する.
[Middle English prorogen, from Old French proroguer, to postpone, from Latin pr
re : pro-, forward; see pro-1 + rog
re, to ask; see reg- in Indo-European roots.]

tion n.
