Fractal patterns can be found in everything from trees and flowers to clouds and waves. This made researchers in Japan wonder if these patterns could be used to teach an image-recognition system the basics of image recognition, instead of using photos of real objects.
Unlimited computer fractals can help train AI to see
Most image-recognition systems are trained using large databases that
As war rages on, more refugees are risking a journey across the
Mediterranean in hopes of new lives in Europe. Instead, many find
uncertainty and frustration.
China-Japan Rare Earth Fracas Continues
Forbes (blog)
Despite earlier news reports that it had come to an end, China's unofficial embargo on rare earth exports to Japan (which I reported on in a prior post) now ...Apple Navigates China
Apple is pinched between the promise and perils of doing business in China—a challenge highlighted after a fracas outside a Beijing store and as the company detailed working conditions throughout its supply chain.
Read more:
Supreme Court Nominee Pushes Ahead Despite Fracas
Qualcomm's former general counsel, Lou Lupin, resigned last month after several legal setbacks for Qualcomm. He was succeeded on a temporary basis by Carol Lam, one of the eight U.S. attorneys fired in December. Those firings caused a Capitol Hill fracas that ultimately led to the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.(wsj)
Soccer-For-Peace Game Ends in Blows
Intended to show that soccer is just good clean fun, a match organized by
the project Sports Not Violence ended in a fracas, fueling everyone's
worst fears that footballers are all thugs acting out aggression issues.
The DW-WORLD Article
ECONOMIC FORUM / Label fracas crimping choice
More Artists Steer Clear of iTunes
May 9, 2008 -- 2:36 a.m. EDT
Container Shortage Frustrates Exporters
Surging U.S. exports are hitting a bottleneck at the nation's ports, threatening to crimp profits for farmers and agricultural processors.
Cleveland-Cliffs' largest shareholder is pushing the iron-ore producer to put itself up for sale and forgo its $10 billion deal for Alpha. The hedge fund effectively has enough power to block any transaction.
Distributor: Philips Consumer Lifestyle, of Stamford, Conn.
Hazard: An electrical fault and the build-up of calcium from hard or medium water can cause an obstruction in the coffeemaker. If this happens, the boiler can burst, posing a burn hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported in the United States. The firm has received 17 reports of incidents in Europe, including six reports of minor personal injury involving first degree burns to the hands, arms and abdomen.
verb [T]
to prevent movement through something, or to prevent something from happening or succeeding:
A fallen tree is blocking the road.
My view was blocked by a tall man in front of me.
She was very talented and I felt her parents were blocking her progress.
A group of politicians blocked the proposal.
block Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular]
A block in (= An object blocking) the pipe was preventing the water from coming through.
blockage Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
something that stops something else passing through, or when something does this:
His death was caused by a blockage in one of his arteries.
The road is blocked - you'll have to go round the other way.
I've got a sore throat and a blocked (up) nose.
verb [T]
1 to block a road, passage, entrance, etc. so that nothing can go along it, or to prevent something from happening correctly by putting difficulties in its way:
After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.
Her view of the stage was obstructed by a pillar.
An accident is obstructing traffic on the M11.
2 to try to stop something from happening or developing:
to obstruct a police investigation
He got five years in prison for withholding evidence and obstructing the course of justice.
Finding Beauty: Fractal Patterns on Earth as Seen from Space
In a world made small and accessible by technology, it is easy
to forget the magnitude of nature’s infinite complexity. But sometimes
technology reminds us, such as when trawling planet Earth on Google’s
Satellite View, zooming across landscapes partitioned by natural and
unnatural boundaries.
Read more:
Supreme Court Nominee Pushes Ahead Despite Fracas
President Obama's aides and Judge Garland's allies have concluded that acting as if the Supreme Court nomination is going ahead is the best way to put pressure on their adversaries
Soccer-For-Peace Game Ends in Blows
Intended to show that soccer is just good clean fun, a match organized by
the project Sports Not Violence ended in a fracas, fueling everyone's
worst fears that footballers are all thugs acting out aggression issues.
The DW-WORLD Article
ECONOMIC FORUM / Label fracas crimping choice
A growing number of record companies are starting to think Apple's iTunes service is crimping overall sales.
May 9, 2008 -- 2:36 a.m. EDT
Container Shortage Frustrates Exporters
Surging U.S. exports are hitting a bottleneck at the nation's ports, threatening to crimp profits for farmers and agricultural processors.
Cleveland-Cliffs' largest shareholder is pushing the iron-ore producer to put itself up for sale and forgo its $10 billion deal for Alpha. The hedge fund effectively has enough power to block any transaction.
Distributor: Philips Consumer Lifestyle, of Stamford, Conn.
Hazard: An electrical fault and the build-up of calcium from hard or medium water can cause an obstruction in the coffeemaker. If this happens, the boiler can burst, posing a burn hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported in the United States. The firm has received 17 reports of incidents in Europe, including six reports of minor personal injury involving first degree burns to the hands, arms and abdomen.
Amy Sancetta/Associated Press
Stanford 82, Connecticut 73
Stanford Finds Openings Against UConn
Stanford defeated Connecticut, the top-seeded team in the country, with its balanced and imaginative triangle offense and enough obstructive defense to hold UConn.
block (PREVENT)
verb [T]
to prevent movement through something, or to prevent something from happening or succeeding:
A fallen tree is blocking the road.
My view was blocked by a tall man in front of me.
She was very talented and I felt her parents were blocking her progress.
A group of politicians blocked the proposal.
block Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular]
A block in (= An object blocking) the pipe was preventing the water from coming through.
blockage Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
something that stops something else passing through, or when something does this:
His death was caused by a blockage in one of his arteries.
The road is blocked - you'll have to go round the other way.
I've got a sore throat and a blocked (up) nose.
verb [T]
1 to block a road, passage, entrance, etc. so that nothing can go along it, or to prevent something from happening correctly by putting difficulties in its way:
After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.
Her view of the stage was obstructed by a pillar.
An accident is obstructing traffic on the M11.
2 to try to stop something from happening or developing:
to obstruct a police investigation
He got five years in prison for withholding evidence and obstructing the course of justice.
\noun [C or U]
There's some sort of obstruction (= blockage) on the railway tracks.
They were charged with obstruction of the police/of justice (= preventing the police/law courts from doing their jobs).
The referee said it was obstruction (= that one player had got in the way of another and so prevented them from moving freely).
when someone intentionally stops or delays an official process
obstructionist policies/tactics
trying to stop someone from doing something by causing problems for them:
We'd have made a decision by now if Jean hadn't been so obstructive.

━━ v. (通路などを)ふさぐ; (視界などを)さえぎる; (議事を)妨害する; 【スポーツ】(相手の選手を)妨害する.
ob・struct・er ━━ n. =obstructor.
━━ n. 障害(物); 議事の妨害; 公務執行妨害; 【スポーツ】オブストラクション.
ob・struc・tion・ism n. 議事妨害.
ob・struc・tion・ist n. 議事妨害者.
ob・struc・tive ━━ a. 妨害する ((to, of)).
ob・struc・tive・ly ad.
ob・struc・tive・ness n.
ob・struc・tor ━━ n. 妨害者[物].

tr.v., crimped, crimp·ing, crimps.
crimp2 (krĭmp)
A person who tricks or coerces others into service as sailors or soldiers.
tr.v., crimped, crimp·ing, crimps.
To procure (sailors or soldiers) by trickery or coercion.
KK: []
DJ: []
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
n. (名詞 noun)
There's some sort of obstruction (= blockage) on the railway tracks.
They were charged with obstruction of the police/of justice (= preventing the police/law courts from doing their jobs).
The referee said it was obstruction (= that one player had got in the way of another and so prevented them from moving freely).
when someone intentionally stops or delays an official process
obstructionist policies/tactics
trying to stop someone from doing something by causing problems for them:
We'd have made a decision by now if Jean hadn't been so obstructive.
━━ v. (通路などを)ふさぐ; (視界などを)さえぎる; (議事を)妨害する; 【スポーツ】(相手の選手を)妨害する.
ob・struc・tion・ism n. 議事妨害.
ob・struc・tion・ist n. 議事妨害者.
ob・struc・tive・ly ad.
ob・struc・tive・ness n.
(krĭmp)tr.v., crimped, crimp·ing, crimps.
- To press or pinch into small regular folds or ridges: crimp a pie crust.
- To bend or mold (leather) into shape.
- To cause (hair) to form tight curls or waves.
- To have a hampering or obstructive effect on: Supplies of foreign oil were crimped by the embargo.
- The act of crimping.
- Something made by or as if by crimping, as:
- Hair that has been tightly curled or waved.
- A series of curls, as of wool fibers.
- A crease or bend.
- An obstructing or hampering agent or force: Rising interest rates put a crimp in new home construction.
[Dutch or Low German krimpen, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German.]
crimper crimp'er n.crimp2 (krĭmp)
A person who tricks or coerces others into service as sailors or soldiers.
tr.v., crimped, crimp·ing, crimps.
To procure (sailors or soldiers) by trickery or coercion.
[Origin unknown.]
KK: []
DJ: []
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
n. (名詞 noun)
- 発音記号[frǽktl]台灣 碎形
noun [S]

━━ n. けんか, 騒ぎ.a noisy argument or fight:He was injured in a Saturday-night fracas outside a disco.The Prime Minister has joined the fracas over the proposed changes to the health service.
From French fracas, from Italian fracasso, from fracassare, from Latin infra- + Vulgar Latin cassare, from Latin cassus.[edit] Pronunciation
[edit] Noun
fracas (plural fracases or fracas)- A noisy disorderly quarrel, fight, brawl, disturbance or scrap. [quotations ▼]
Synonyms: | affray, altercation |
Usage: | A loud and violent fracas took place between the infantry Colonel and his lady, who were dining at the Cafe de Paris. |
- 発音記号[fréikəs | frǽkɑː]
[名](複〜, ((米))〜es)けんか騒ぎ;騒動.
[名]((主にスコット))小作地;小農場, 小牧場.
Pronunciation: /meɪz/
Translate maze | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun
(be mazed) archaic or dialectOrigin:
Middle English (denoting delirium or delusion): probably from the base of amaze, of which the verb is a shortening碎形(英語:fractal,源自拉丁語:frāctus,有「零碎」、「破裂」之意),又稱分形、殘形,通常被定義為「一個粗糙或零碎的幾何形狀,可以分成數個部分,且每一部分都(至少近似地)是整體縮小後的形狀」[2],即具有自相似的性質。 碎形在數學中是一種抽象的物體,用於描述自然界中存在的事物。人工碎形通常在放大後能展現出相似的形狀[3]。 碎形也被稱為擴展對稱或展開對稱。如果在每次放大後,形狀的重複是完全相同的,這被稱為自相似。自相似的一個例子是門格海綿[4]。 碎形在不同的縮放級別上可以是近似相似的。曼德博集合的放大圖像中顯示了這種模式[2][5][6][7]。 碎形也包有圖像的細節重複自身的意味。[2][5][8]