Under pressure from Arab Spring protests, Saleh gives up presidency after 33 years.
German Bond Sale Spurs Worries
A German government debt auction drew some of the weakest demand since the introduction of the euro, signaling diminishing investor appetite for even the safest euro-zone assets.
White Cube and Phaidon invite you to an in-conversation between Cerith Wyn Evans and Nancy Spector to mark the launch of Evans' Phaidon monograph.

(used at the end of a written invitation to mean 'please answer':)
法語 請帖的敬請賜覆縮寫(repondez s'il vous plait),
RSVP在約40年前就為Lawrence Halprin (1916–2009 )用在環境設計上(王錦堂譯)
還有(ReSerVation Protocol) A communications protocol that signals a router to reserve bandwidth for realtime transmission.
"Robert Lepage有套他的「R(Resorces),S(Scores),V(Valuations),P(Performance)」理論,發想由來是法語 請帖的敬請賜覆縮寫(repondez s'il vous plait),他將這些字眼巧妙地轉移到他作戲的準則。他說,「很久以前我開始作戲就這麼想了,好比說,我現在有套樸克牌,要成局的前提是有這副牌和玩牌 的人(Resorces),牌上的記號和我們要進行的遊戲規則便是S(Scores),拿到什麼樣的牌出什麼樣的招就是我們玩牌人的評價 (Valuations),結局要如何則是要玩了才知道!」這些種種鋪陳其實不光是借用「RSVP」的慣用術語,拿到劇場上來檢視,他希望演出不只是劇作 人、導演、編劇、演員和技術團隊的事情,而是要實質接收到現場觀眾實質的詮釋舞台上所有的一切。"
1 則留言:
12/01/2010: Last Train
USC Leavey Auditorium, 650 W. 35th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 6pm -9pm
Free and open to the public. RSVP required.
Phone: (213) 821-4382