2024年1月14日 星期日

zeal, passion, fervor, fire, ardor, zealotry, indignation, contrarian逆向(股市)操作者 唱反調的人. 憤青

"One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion." ~ Simone de Beauvoir
The Coming of Age by Simone De Beauvoir
“只要一個人透過愛、友誼、憤怒和同情賦予他人生命價值,那麼一個人的生命就有價值。” 〜西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦 書籍:https://amzn.to/3NXx76x 西蒙娜‧德‧波伏娃的《成年》

The argument for zeal in the struggle against covid-19 goes beyond economic logic. It depends on a more primal politics of survival


The costs of inaction in the face of covid-19 are currently greater than the costs of action

Lay’s narrow worldview is extreme; his zealotry, if anything, works as an argument for civilian control of the armed forces.

missionary zeal 
noun [U]
extreme enthusiasm

a zeal for money-making


noun [C] ━━ n. 熱中[熱狂,狂信]者.
a person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them too:
a religious zealot


adjective ━━ a. 熱心な, 熱狂的な ((for, in; to do, in doing)).
enthusiastic and eager:
a zealous supporter of the government's policies

13這樣,我的忿怒纔可以發洩,我的怒火在他們身上纔會平息,得到了報復;當我的憤怒在他們身上發洩時,他們要承認我,上主,在妒火中講了話。13And I will accomplish my fury, and will cause my indignation to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the Lord have spoken it in my zeal, when I shall have accomplished my indignation in them.

我要这样成就怒中所定的。我向他们发的忿怒止息了,自己就得着安慰。我在他们身上成就怒中所定的那时,他们就知道我耶和华所说的是出于热心Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them.
以西结书(Ezekiel) -- 第 5 章厄則克耳 Ezekiel

zeal, apostolic


noun [S or U]
great enthusiasm or eagerness:
reforming/missionary/religious zeal
a zeal for money-making

noun [C]
a person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them too:
a religious zealot

enthusiastic and eager:
a zealous supporter of the government's policies



 passion, fervor, fire, zeal, ardor. These nouns denote powerful, intense emotion. Passion is a deep, overwhelming emotion: "There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy" (Richard Brinsley Sheridan). The term may signify sexual desire or anger: "He flew into a violent passion and abused me mercilessly" (H.G. Wells). Fervor is great warmth and intensity of feeling: "The union of the mathematician with the poet, fervor with measure, passion with correctness, this surely is the ideal" (William James). Fire is burning passion: "In our youth our hearts were touched with fire" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.). Zeal is strong, enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance"Laurie [resolved], with a glow of philanthropic zeal, to found and endow an institution for ... women with artistic tendencies" (Louisa May Alcott). Ardor is fiery intensity of feeling: "the furious ardor of my zeal repressed" (Charles Churchill). See also synonyms at feeling.

參考 本專欄的 Unconventional Wisdom

Contrarian Investing

In finance, a contrarian is one who attempts to profit by investing in a manner

con·trar·i·an (kən-trâr'ē-ən)
n. 這是1954年的新字
One who takes a contrary view or action, especially an investor who makes decisions that contradict prevailing wisdom, as in buying securities that are unpopular at the time.
逆向(股市)操作者 唱反調的人. 憤青
contrarian contrarian adj.

 that differs from the conventional wisdom, when the consensus opinion appears to be wrong.

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人事物 提到...

Yo-Ho brew master Toshi Ishii also seems to have picked up some of the West Coast contrarian spirit. Chris Cochran, Stone's marketing coordinator, has tasted a barley wine and a seasonal porter which, flying in the face of craft brewing's bottle tradition, Yo-Ho releases in cans. "They were wonderful," he says. "They were the best canned beers I've ever had."