Starting a family is never a sure thing. Here’s what the current data on egg freezing do and do not show 總平均成功率不到四成
“I was crazy about the stories and would badger my grandpa all the time, whether we would be in air-raid shelters or fleeing from some terrible dangers,” recalled Yu. - See more at:
China Facing Cash Squeeze as Rising Rates Crimp Lending
The interest rates that Chinese banks must pay to borrow money from each
other surged to a record high of 13.44 percent, freezing up credit
Chloe said that Holly was nice but “the other girls used to pick on her." Holly was forced to move schools after the bullying became unbearable. "Girls used to gang up on her and call her names and she didn’t have anything to say back. She just froze up."

漫畫來源: Ted Goff
Germany has accepted its first batch of Iraqi refugees under an agreement to provide sanctuary to thousands of Iraqis across the European Union.Centuries old way of life destroyed by runoff pollution in
It has long been the case that the majority of the world's refugees have
become that way because of political, religious or economic reasons. But
in the future that may all change, and the world might see more
environmental refugees.
The DW-WORLD Article
Citing Need for Assessments, U.S. Freezes Solar Energy Projects
The freeze has caused widespread concern in the industry, forcing fledgling solar companies to wait just as demand for alternative energy is accelerating.
英語學習: freeze out
freeze out …をしめ出す; 〔米〕 …を寒さのため中止にする.
American lawmakers are proposing a bill to ban mainland Chinese from studying science and technology in the US.
New rules specify that no American tools can be used to make Huawei's products. Some of these products lack substitutes. Could this freeze out Huawei completely?
America is determined to sink Huawei
The episode will have broader consequences for the tech industry
Definition of freeze
verb (past froze /frəʊz/; past participle frozen /ˈfrəʊz(ə)n/)
- short for freeze-frame.
━━ v. (froze; frozen) 氷が張る; 氷を張らせる ((in)); 凍る[らせる], 凍りつく; 冷凍する[できる]; ((itが主語)) 凍るほど寒い; こごえる[させる]; 凍死させる; (植物などが)霜で枯れる ((out)); (植物などを)霜で枯らす; 冷淡になる; ぞっとする[させる]; 立ちすくむ, (表情などを)こわばらせる; 身動きしない; (機械などが)凍って動かなくする[なる]; 【コンピュータ】フリーズする, 固まる; (資産・物価を)凍結する.
Feeze! 動くな.
freeze (a ship) in (船を)氷で閉じ込める.
freeze (on) to 〔話〕 …にしがみつく.
freeze out …をしめ出す; 〔米〕 …を寒さのため中止にする.
freeze over 一面に氷が張る[凍らせる].
freeze …'s blood / make …'s blood freeze 人の肝を冷やす.
freeze [be frozen] to death 凍死する.
freeze up 凍結する; 凍結させる; 〔話〕 (舞台で)金縛りになる; よそよそしくなる.
━━ n. 氷結; 厳寒期; 凍結, 停止.
freeze-dry ━━ vt. 冷凍乾燥する.
freeze drying 【工】凍結乾燥.
freeze-etch ━━ vt. (電子顕微鏡用標本を)フリーズ・エッチング法で作る.
freeze etching, freeze・etching フリーズ・エッチング法.
freeze fracture 【生化】凍結割断.
freeze-fracture vt. 凍結割断する.
freeze fracturing, freeze-fracturing 凍結割断法 ((電子顕微鏡用に試料を凍結させてから切断して標本を作る方法)).
freeze-frame 【映】ひとこまの映像; (ビデオの)こま止め装置.
━━ n. 冷凍器[庫]; アイスクリーム製造器.
freeze-up 厳寒期; 氷結.
━━ a., n. 凍結する; 冷淡な; 冷凍(すること); 〔話〕 =freezing point.
freezing compartment (冷蔵庫内の)冷凍室.
freezing mixture 【物・化】寒剤 ((低温度を得るための混合物)).
freezing point 氷点 ((0°C, 32°F)).
freezing-point depression 【物・化】凝固点[氷点]降下.

━━ n. 氷結; 厳寒期; 凍結, 停止.

freeze drying 【工】凍結乾燥.

freeze etching, freeze・etching フリーズ・エッチング法.

freeze-fracture vt. 凍結割断する.
freeze fracturing, freeze-fracturing 凍結割断法 ((電子顕微鏡用に試料を凍結させてから切断して標本を作る方法)).

freezing compartment (冷蔵庫内の)冷凍室.
freezing mixture 【物・化】寒剤 ((低温度を得るための混合物)).
freezing point 氷点 ((0°C, 32°F)).
freezing-point depression 【物・化】凝固点[氷点]降下.
One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.
[French réfugié, from past participle of réfugier, to take refuge, from Old French, from refuge, refuge. See refuge.]
noun [C]
a group of things or people dealt with at the same time or considered similar in type:
The cook brought in a fresh batch of homemade cakes.
We looked at the job applications in two batches.
(hydrology) The formation of a continuous ice cover on a body of water.
(mechanical engineering) Abnormal operation of a refrigerating unit because ice has formed at the expansion device.
freeze up 凍結, 變呆板
freeze up:動詞片語,因為害怕或震驚而楞住、無法反應。例句:I just froze up when I heard the news.(我聽到這消息時都楞住了。)
batch processing noun [U] SPECIALIZED
the processing of several jobs by a computer, one after the other
batch-bake Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to make a large number of cakes at the same time, especially in order to freeze some for future use
pick on
Tease, bully, victimize, as in She told Mom the boys were always picking on her. [Second half of 1800s] This expression is sometimes put as pick on someone your own size, meaning "don't badger someone who is younger, smaller, or weaker than yourself but do so only to an equal."
Line breaks: badger
Pronunciation: /ˈbadʒə/
Early 16th century: perhaps from badge, with reference to its distinctive head markings. The verb sense (late 18th century) originates from the sport of badger-baiting.
- 1.a heavily built omnivorous nocturnal mammal of the weasel family, typically having a grey and black coat. 獾是鼬科的短腿雜食動物(該科還包括水獺、狼獾、貂、水貂、雞貂、黃鼠狼和雪貂)。 獾是一個多系群,而不是一個自然分類群,它們的矮胖身體和對化石活動的適應性將其結合在一起。 全部屬於食肉哺乳動物的犬形亞目。
- 2.INFORMAL•USa native of Wisconsin.
- repeatedly ask (someone) to do something; pester."Tom had finally badgered her into going"
把一段節間帶著節的甘蔗埋到土裡(這樣一段甘蔗稱之為蔗苗〔sett〕),就會冒出「種根」(sett root),提供暫時的營養,之後生出更永久的「苗根」(shoot root)來固定甘蔗,讓這段甘蔗活下去。之後冒出芽,成為新的一株甘蔗。
chest drawer
(1) 胸(郭)(thorax)(▼breastはchestの前部);肺
(1) 胸(郭)(thorax)(▼breastはchestの前部);肺
chest trouble
a chest cold
a chest protector
the hair on one's chest
have chest X-rays
Chest out!
(2) ((略式))胸中, 思い((号令))胸を張れ.
have something on one's chest
2 (貴重品などを入れるふたつきの)大型の箱, ひつ;整理だんす(chest of drawers)
a carpenter's chest
3 (茶などの)輸送[包装]箱;容器;輸送箱1箱分(の量)((of ...))
a chest of tea
4 ((米))(公共[慈善]団体などの)金庫;[U]金庫内の基金, 資金.
get ... off one's chest
((略式))(問題・悩みなどを)打ち明けて心の重荷を降ろす, 鬱憤(うっぷん)を晴らす.
puff out one's chest/puff one's chest out
(行進で)胸を張る;(誇り・見えで)胸を張る[膨らませる].Haier America Recalls Chest Freezers Due to Fire Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.Name of Product: Chest Freezers
Units: About 67,500
Importer: Haier America Trading LLC, New York, N.Y.
Hazard: A capacitor in the freezer's circuitry can overheat, posing a fire hazard.
Incidents/Injuries: Haier America and CPSC have received reports of 18 incidents, including four reports of fires with minor property damage, consisting of smoke damage, damage to a wall, and food spoilage. There have been no reports of injuries.
Description: This recall involves the Black & Decker® Model BFE53 and Haier® Model ESNCM053E 5.3 cubic foot capacity white chest freezers. "Black & Decker" is printed at the front upper-right corner or "Haier" is printed on the front upper-left corner of the freezer. "Black & Decker" or "Haier," the model number, the unit's serial number and other information are printed on a rating label at the top center of the back of the freezer. Only Model BFE53 and Model ESNCM053E freezers with serial numbers beginning as follows are included in this recall:
Beginning of Serial Number on Rating Label |
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
1007 |
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately unplug their freezer and contact the company to schedule an appointment for a free repair to the freezer.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, call the company toll-free at (877) 878-7579 between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET Saturdays and from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET Sundays or visit the firm's website at
Black & Decker Model BFE53