Headsets are the next big tech platform. This year all eyes will be on Apple’s Vision Pro
Chief of Hamas Slain in Wide Israeli Attack on Gaza
GAZA — Israel launched one of the most ferocious assaults on Gaza in
four years on Wednesday, hitting at least 20 targets in aerial attacks
that killed the top military commander of Hamas.
If this line of verse be not yet in our literature,
Through very love of self himself he slew,
let it be admitted for his epitaph.
*The Project Gutenberg Etext of The Egoist, by George Meredith* #6 in our series by George Meredith
談一則讀書感想,讀《余光中集‧ 第九卷,頁.440》,很羨慕年輕時碰到好老師,他上英國小說,
讀點The Egoist by G. Meredith
老師要求一學期看八本,分別為:《金銀島》、《愛瑪》、《簡‧ 愛》、《咆哮山莊》、《河上磨坊》、《大衛‧高柏菲爾》、《 自命不凡》、《回鄉》。「我們讀得雖然吃力,卻也津津有味。 唯一的例外是梅里迪斯的傑作《自命不凡》(The Egoist by George Meredith),不僅文筆深奧,而且好掉書袋。」
讀點The Egoist by G. Meredith
Taiwan man sought in slayings
The Japan Times
A Taiwanese man is being sought in connection with the fatal stabbings of two female Taiwanese students in Taito Ward, Tokyo police said Sunday. An arrest warrant has been issued for Chang Chih-yang, 30, who has been missing since Thursday after ...
The Japan Times
A Taiwanese man is being sought in connection with the fatal stabbings of two female Taiwanese students in Taito Ward, Tokyo police said Sunday. An arrest warrant has been issued for Chang Chih-yang, 30, who has been missing since Thursday after ...
It's 3-D, High Definition and in Your Face
Sony will soon introduce a visorlike headset, in which 3-D video can fill the visual equivalent of a movie screen.
Civilian counterpart to ISAF commander is needed in Afghanistan, says security advisor The international community must appoint a civilian equivalent to ISAF's top commander in Afghanistan, a key security advisor tells Deutsche Welle. The new position should oversee all aid programs in the country.
A heartstone is a fictional artifact common in dragon-related stories of high fantasy. It is a crystal of concentrated magic, and can be extracted from the heart of a slain dragon. It is believed that the heartstone is the source of a dragon's magic power, but this has never been proven definitively. Heartstones were considered a precious commodity in the Middle Ages, and were coveted for their wizard killing abilities. Generally the magnitude of a heartstone is directly related to the size of the dragon itself, though this is not always the case.
Concerning color and density, a heartstone will vary from dragon to dragon, the most common color is a shade between black and red, but heartstone colors ranging from yellow to violet have been recorded.
It is believed that a heartstone containing enough magic can be used in the manufacture of a Philosopher's Stone. However, this is only a theoretical conjecture.
vi·sor also vi·zor
1. A piece projecting from the front of a cap or an elastic headband to shade or protect the eyes.
2. A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.
The front piece of the helmet of a suit of armor, capable of being
raised and lowered and designed to protect the eyes, nose, and forehead.
4. A means of concealment or disguise; a mask.
tr.v. vi·sored also vi·zored, vi·sor·ing also vi·zor·ing, vi·sors also vi·zors
To provide or protect with a visor.
[Alteration of Middle English viser, from Anglo-Norman, from vis, face, from Latin v
sus, appearance; see visage.]
o·ver·see (ō'vər-sē')
tr.v., -saw (-sô'), -seen (-sēn'), -see·ing, -sees.
- To watch over and direct; supervise. See synonyms at supervise.
- To subject to scrutiny; examine or inspect.
tr.v., slew (slū), slain (slān), slay·ing, slays.
- To kill violently.
- past tense and past participle often, slayed. Slang. To overwhelm, as with laughter or love: Those old jokes still slay me.
[Middle English slen, slayen, from Old English slēan.]
slayer slay'er n.