Protesters Hurl Soup at the Mona Lisa
Two women from an environmental group threw pumpkin-colored soup at the artwork, which is behind bulletproof glass at the Louvre and did not appear to sustain damage.
史景遷有兩本書以康熙為題材,從第三本著作《康熙自畫像》(Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K'ang-hsi,另譯《康熙:重構一位中國皇帝的內心世界》),可見史景遷以文學手法,為卷帙浩繁的史料染上個人的筆觸,全書從遊(In motion)、治(Ruling)、思(Thinking)、壽(Growing Old)、阿哥(Sons)、諭(Valedictory)6個範疇出發,仿擬康熙的第一身敘述,描繪出康熙的個人形象以至內心世界
Passengers on a Lufthansa flight from Munich to Lisbon were hurled from
their seats and 14 were injured when the airplane hit unexpected
turbulence over the Alps and had to land in Switzerland.
BAGHDAD — President Bush made a valedictory visit on Sunday to Iraq, the country that will largely define his legacy, but the trip will more likely be remembered for the unscripted moment when an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at Mr. Bush’s head and denounced him on live television as a “dog” who had delivered death and sorrow here from nearly six years of war.
folk hero
Shoe-Hurling Iraqi Becomes a Folk Hero
The Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at President Bush has stirred emotions across the Arab world.
━━ n. (普通pl.) ((複数扱い)) 人々; 〔古〕 民族; 〔話〕 (pl.) 家族, 親族; 〔話〕 =folk music; (pl.) みんな.
━━ a. 民衆の; 民族の; 民族音楽[フォーク]の.
folk dance フォークダンス(の曲).
folk etymology 通俗語源(説).
folk hero 民衆的英雄.

━━ n. 民間伝承; 民俗学.
folk・lor・ist n. 民俗学者.
folk medicine 民間薬.
folk music 民俗音楽; フォーク(音楽).
folk rock, folk-rock 【楽】フォーク・ロック.
folk singer 民謡歌手; フォーク歌手.
folk song フォークソング.
folk story =folktale.
folk・sy ━━ a. 親しみやすい; 気どらない.
folk・tale 民間説話.
folk・way (普通pl.) 習俗.
━━ a. 民衆の; 民族の; 民族音楽[フォーク]の.
folk・lor・ist n. 民俗学者.
qui vive
(kē vēv')A sentinel's challenge.
on the qui vive
- On the alert; vigilant: “a loathsome Dublin politico who is on the qui vive for . . . terrorists” (Julian Moynahan).
[French, (long) live who? (a sentry's challenge to determine a person's political sympathies) : qui, who + vive, third person sing. present subjunctive of vivre, to live.]
ui vive [ kiː 'viːv; ki`viv ]
(italics) French. who goes there?
Source: Tzu Sun: « The Art of War » XI The Nine Situations
25. Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the soldiers will be constantly on the qui vive; without waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted.
Source: George Eliot: « Middlemarch » Chapter LX
When he was under an irritating impression of this kind he would go about for days with a defiant look, the color changing in his transparent skin as if he were on the qui vive, watching for something which he had to dart upon.
25. Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the soldiers will be constantly on the qui vive; without waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted.
Source: George Eliot: « Middlemarch » Chapter LX
When he was under an irritating impression of this kind he would go about for days with a defiant look, the color changing in his transparent skin as if he were on the qui vive, watching for something which he had to dart upon.
RL 英法聯軍
dart (MOVE QUICKLY) [Show phonetics]
verb [I + adverb or preposition]
1 to move quickly or suddenly: I darted behind the sofa and hid.2 dart a glance/look at sb to look quickly at someone:She darted an angry look at me and I shut up. dart [Show phonetics]
noun [C usually singular]
We made a dart for (= moved quickly towards) the exit.
verb [I + adverb or preposition]
1 to move quickly or suddenly: I darted behind the sofa and hid.2 dart a glance/look at sb to look quickly at someone:She darted an angry look at me and I shut up. dart [Show phonetics]
noun [C usually singular]
We made a dart for (= moved quickly towards) the exit.
\Dart\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Darted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To throw with a sudden effort or thrust, as a dart or
other missile weapon; to hurl or launch.
2. To throw suddenly or rapidly; to send forth; to emit; to
shoot; as, the sun darts forth his beams.
Or what ill eyes malignant glances dart? --Pope.
\Dart\, v. i.
1. To fly or pass swiftly, as a dart.
2. To start and run with velocity; to shoot rapidly along;
as, the deer darted from the thicket.
━━ vi. 〔話〕 【野】投球する.