It doesn’t seem like a titillating photograph: an orderly queue of Germans, waiting to enter a nondescript industrial site. It is dark. Just a single light illuminates the door. What does it look like? Like a color remake of Depression-era imagery: the factory entrance, the bread line.
“Disquisitions on the Past & Present”, first published in 1998, is a biannual journal featuring both academic and non-academic papers. Full texts of all the articles are now available online.
A look at the winner of Robert Mankoff's reverse-caption contest:
Closed Captioning on Netflix Movies
Roku is exploring ways to add closed captions to certain Netflix videos when viewed on a TV, but there is a computer workaround for those with a Netflix account.
Hu Yu-wei, Taiwan's information minister, posted a picture of the iPhone 5 on his Facebook account yesterday, along with a caption, saying "Help the economy and bolster consumption," according to the Associated Press, which was first to report on the ...
Google to Add Captions, Improving YouTube Videos
Drawing by Lee Lorenz
Contest #172, December 8, 2008
Each week, we provide a cartoon in need of a caption. You, the reader, submit your caption below, we choose three finalists, and you vote for your favorite. Finalists for this week's cartoon will appear online Monday, December 15th, and in the December 22nd & 29th issue of The New Yorker. Any U.S. resident age eighteen or older can enter.
It has some malignant power over his mind, and its fascinations are irresistible.Whatever be the dignity or profundity of his disquisition, whether he be enlarging knowledge or exalting affection, whether he be amusing attention with incidents, or enchaining it in suspense, let but a quibble spring up before him, and he leaves his work unfinished
I had not a dispute but a disquisition, with Dilke on various subjects; several things dove-tailed in my mind, and at once it struck me what quality went to form a Man of Achievement, especially in Literature, and which Shakespeare possessed so enormously - I mean Negative Capability, that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason
A caption contest or caption competition is a competition between multiple participants, who are required to give the best description for a certain image offered by the contest organizer. Rules and information about the competition process are also given by the competition organizer.
[新聞] 聽障者的新夥伴!馬上把對話轉成字幕的穿戴式裝置
在 Google Glass 出現之後,大家對於眼鏡能變化出各種功能已經不陌生。那除了把生活變得酷炫,能不能也用來幫助身心障礙者的日常需求?Frants Innovators 就做了這樣的事,他們設計出一款搭配任何眼鏡都能使用的 LTCCS──可穿戴式即時字幕系統(Live-Time Close Captioning System),將即時對話轉成文字字幕,幫忙聽力受損的人可以更輕鬆的和別人交談:

[ BIOS Monthly ] 聽障者的新夥伴!馬上把對話轉成字幕的穿戴式裝置
在 Google Glass 出現之後,大家對於眼鏡能變化出各種功能已經不陌生。那除了把生活變得酷炫,能不能也用來幫助身心障礙者的日常需求?Frants Innovators 就做了這樣的事,他們設計出一款搭配任何眼鏡都能使用的 LTCCS──可穿戴式即時字幕系統(Live-Ti
Pronunciation: \ˌdis-kwə-ˈzi-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin disquisition-, disquisitio, from disquirere to investigate, from dis- + quaerere to seek
Date: 1640
: a formal inquiry into or discussion of a subject : discourse
- a long or elaborate essay or discussion on a particular subject."nothing can kill a radio show quicker than a disquisition on intertextual analysis"
音節dis・qui・si・tion 発音記号/dìskwəzíʃən/
Lacking distinctive qualities; having no individual character or form: “This expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features otherwise nondescript” (Katherine Anne Porter).
IN BRIEF: Not easily described.
Definition of nondescript in English:
Lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics:she lived in a nondescript suburban apartment block
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A nondescript person or thing:the nondescripts were straight out of the nine-to-five banking bureaucracy
Pronunciation: /ˈkapʃ(ə)n/
Translate caption | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun
[with object]Origin:
late Middle English (in the sense 'seizing, capture'): from Latin captio(n-), from capere 'take, seize'. Early senses 'arrest' and 'warrant for arrest' gave rise to 'statement of where, when, and by whose authority a warrant was issued' (late 17th century): this was usually appended to a legal document, hence the sense 'heading or accompanying wording' (late 18th century)annotation
Pronunciation: /anəˈteɪʃ(ə)n/
late Middle English: from French, or from Latin annotatio(n-), from the verb annotare (see annotate)artisan
(är'tĭ-zən, -sən)n.
A skilled manual worker; a craftsperson.
[Probably French, from Italian artigiano, from Vulgar Latin *artitiānus, from Latin artītus, skilled in the arts, past participle of artīre, to instruct in the arts, from ars, art-, art.]
artisanal ar'ti·san·al (är'tĭ-zə-nəl, -sə-, är'tĭ-zăn'əl) adj.artisanship ar'ti·san·ship' n.
━━ n. (ページ・章などの)表題 (title), 見出し (heading); (さし絵の)説明; (映画の)字幕.
━━ vt. 表題[字幕]を付ける.
━━ vt. 表題[字幕]を付ける.