林語堂:這邊的魂靈不適已經頹喪如沒浆骯髒的破布? ----他們盜用這些破布來做新聞紙!
錢春綺 譯:你沒有看到那些靈魂像拖拖沓沓的齷齪的破布掛在那裏? ----他們還用這些破布來製造新聞!
The team will continue the trial extraction for about two weeks before analyzing how much gas has been produced, Jogmec said. Japan hopes to make the extraction technology commercially viable in about five years.
Must Great Leaders Be Gregarious?
The ability to lead depends on vision, not beer drinking, schmoozing or other social skills.
THE Japanese have made wine for years, it is just that no one outside Japan wanted to drink it, particularly if it was sweet swill made from a native table grape called koshu.
“We have shown you can make real wine in Japan,” Mr. Singer said. The question remains, he said, whether established vintners will change their winemaking practices or “continue to sell their schlock.”
also Slang.
Something, such as merchandise or literature, that is inferior or shoddy.
Of inferior quality; cheap or shoddy.
[Possibly from Yiddish shlak, apoplexy, stroke, wretch, evil, nuisance, from Middle High German slag, slak, stroke, from slahen, to strike, from Old High German slahan.]
schlocky schlock'y or shlock'y adj.
Our Living Language A good number of English words borrowed from Yiddish (a variety of German with an admixture of Hebrew and Slavic elements) are recognizably of foreign extraction because they begin with sound combinations (shl-, shm-, shn-) not found at the beginnings of native English words. Schlock is such a word; it is descended from a Middle High German word for a hit or blow, and thus came to refer to damaged merchandise, and then to merchandise of poor quality. Other words beginning with this and similar sound combinations are Yiddish also: schlep, schlemiel, schmooze, schmuck, and schnoz. These words may not be equally common in all regions of the United States; they are most frequently heard in areas with sizable Jewish populations that either speak Yiddish or are descended from Yiddish speakers, such as New York City. Of course, not all Yiddish words borrowed into English begin with the sound (sh); one need only think of bagel, lox, blintz, nosh, meshugga, and kibbitz to get a feeling for the variety of words that Yiddish-speaking Jews brought with them to America.
For Japanese Linguist, A Long And Lonely Schlep
by Lucy Craft Japanese linguist Kazuo Ueda (left) worked 20 years on a 1300-page, 28000-entry Idishugo Jiten, or Yiddish-Japanese dictionary. He is shown here with his wife, Kazuko, at their home in Kyushu, Japan. Japanese linguist Kazuo Ueda (left) ...
Perhaps reflecting less wine-swilling and more clean hands in the Chou rituals.
verb \ˈshlep\
schlepped also shlepped schlep·ping also shlep·ping
transitive verb
drag, haul
intransitive verb
: to proceed or move especially slowly, tediously, awkwardly, or carelessly
Variants of SCHLEP
schlep or schlepp also shlep or shlepp
Examples of SCHLEP
We schlepped our luggage through the airport.
Origin of SCHLEP
Yiddish shlepn, from Middle High German sleppen, from Middle Low German slēpen
First Known Use: 1922
Old English swillan, swilian (verb), of unknown origin. The noun dates from the mid 16th century.
v., swilled, swill·ing, swills. v.tr.
- To drink greedily or grossly: "Unshaven horsemen swill the great wines of the Chateaux" (W.H. Auden).
- To flood with water, as for washing.
- To feed (animals) with swill.
To drink or eat greedily or to excess.
- A mixture of liquid and solid food, such as table scraps, fed to animals, especially pigs; slop.
- Kitchen waste; garbage.
- A deep draft of liquor.
- Nonsense; rubbish.
[Middle English swilen, to wash out, from Old English swilian.]
swiller swill'er n.
1 (動物用の)流動[半流動]飼料, (特に豚に与える)残飯(pigswill);(一般に)台所くず.
2 まずそうな食物.
3 ((略式))(特にビールの)がぶ飲み, 深酒;安ものの酒.
4 ((a 〜))((主に英略式))水洗い, すすぎ洗い.
1 ((略式))…をがぶがぶ飲む((down)).
2 〈動物を〉残飯で飼う.
3 ((主に英略式))…を水で洗う[洗い流す], すすぐ((out, down)).
1 ((略式))がぶ飲みする.
2 流れる, こぼれる((around)).
[名]schmuck Yidish:penis
also shmuck (shmŭk)
n. Slang
A clumsy or stupid person; an oaf.
[Yiddish shmok, penis, fool, probably from Polish smok, serpent, tail.]
a businessman of Lebanese extraction
or schmoose also shmooze (shmūz)
v., schmoozed, or schmoosed, also shmoozed, schmooz·ing, or schmoos·ing, shmooz·ing, schmooz·es, or schmoos·es, shmooz·es.
To converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.
To engage in schmoozing with: "how to be a professional artist-how to be a businessperson, how to schmooze the collectors" (Paige Powell).
The act or an instance of schmoozing.
schmoozy schmooz'y adj.
a businessman of Lebanese extraction
- 発音記号[ikstrǽkʃən]
3 抜粋, 引用(句).
4 抽出物, エキス.demy [de・my]
- 発音記号[dimái]
1 (Oxford大学Magdalen Collegeの)特待給費生.
2 デマイ判:印刷用紙・筆写用紙・本などのサイズ;16×12インチ.schmooze[schmooze]
- 発音記号[ʃmúːz]
((米略式))[動](自)[名]くだらないおしゃべり(をする);〈人を〉おだてて誘惑する, 調子のいいことを言ってものにする. (またschmoose)
[イディッシュ]or schmoose also shmooze (shmūz)
v., schmoozed, or schmoosed, also shmoozed, schmooz·ing, or schmoos·ing, shmooz·ing, schmooz·es, or schmoos·es, shmooz·es.
To converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.
To engage in schmoozing with: "how to be a professional artist-how to be a businessperson, how to schmooze the collectors" (Paige Powell).
The act or an instance of schmoozing.
[Yiddish shmuesn, possibly from shmues, a chat, pl. of shmue, rumor, akin to Hebrew šəmû'â, rumor.]
schmoozer schmooz'er n.schmoozy schmooz'y adj.