Is it a wall? Is it a cave? Actually, this year’s Serpentine Galleriespavilion started life as shelves – but it has gawp-factor by the bucketload
Waiting for Rajoy
Spain is going to have a bail-out. The question is how and when (27)
Mariano Rajoy, Spanish prime minister, insisted when he came to office that not one euro more of taxpayers’ money would be used to bail out the banking sector. But the meltdown at Bankia, the savings bank that holds 10 per cent of the country’s deposits, has forced Mr Rajoy to confront the bull elephant in his room.
BEHIND a huge bulletproof screen sit judges, lawyers and three wizened former leaders of the Khmer Rouge. In their 80s, the defendants may be the last people to be prosecuted over the deaths of at least 1.7m people in 1975-79, when the Khmer Rouge exercised monstrous power in Cambodia. Gawped at daily by busloads of onlookers—monks, black-clad teenagers, turbaned villagers, earnest foreigners—the men can expect to pass much of the rest of their lives in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, a hybrid local and United Nations creation that sits just outside the capital, Phnom Penh.
- 発音記号[búl][名]
1 (去勢していない)雄牛(⇔cow). ▼去勢した雄牛はox.
(1) (水牛・象・オオシカ・クジラ・オットセイなどの)雄.
(2) ((俗))(動物園などの)象. ▼雌雄どちらにも用いる.
(1) (水牛・象・オオシカ・クジラ・オットセイなどの)雄.
(2) ((俗))(動物園などの)象. ▼雌雄どちらにも用いる.
3 大柄ながっしりした人.
4 好景気だ[になる]と信じている人;(株・商品の)買い方, 強気筋(⇔bear);《トランプ》エース.
5 ((the B-))《天文・占星術》おうし(牡牛)座(Taurus).
7 ((米俗))探偵, 警官, ポリ公.
8 =bull's-eye 1.
9 ((米俗))機関車(locomotive).
10 ((俗))(木こりなどの)かしら.
be like a bull in a china shop
like a bull at a gate
((略式))猛烈に, 狂暴に;無器用に.
milk the bull
take the bull by the horns
〈闘牛士が〉角をつかんで牛を押さえる;((略式))身をもって危険に直面する, 恐れず問題に取り組む.
3 《証券》上向きの, 買い(方)の, 強気の(⇔bear).
1 《証券》…を買いあおる, 投機的に買い上げる
bull stocks

v., -ened, -en·ing, -ens. v.intr.
To dry up; wither or shrivel.
To cause to wither, shrivel, or dry up.
Shriveled or dried up; withered: "There would be a day when his face would be wrinkled and wizen" (Oscar Wilde).
[Middle English wisenen, from Old English wisnian.]

Withered; wizen.