For all of Johnson's important programs designed to fight poverty, his "war on crime" kicked off decades of mass incarceration in the U.S. that continues today.
“We are at a level of incarceration in our country that is historically different and geographically different in terms of the rest of the world,” Ta-Nehisi Coates said at Harvard on Wednesday.
Happy Halloween! Every year, all the colleges get a supply of pumpkins for carving over dinner. This is some of Branford College's oeuvre. Photo: Eric Stern ’15.
At the 1919 fair Dix exhibited a painting of maimed war veterans begging on a Berlin pavement. The city was full of damaged men. In another of his Dada paintings, Card-Playing War Cripples, men breathe through tubes and use feet to hold cards – they are no longer men, they are collages.
"This is the beginning of the end of mass incarceration."
associate dean of Northeastern University's school of criminology and
criminal justice, on a decline in the nation's prison population.
Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York
The poet-artist John Ashbery’s “Poisson d’Avril” (1972), one of his collages exhibited at Tibor de Nagy Gallery. More Photos »
In 1961, he refused the military draft and was sentenced to three years in prison. While incarcerated, he began to notice contradictions in Nation of Islam theology. That led to the ideological rift with his father.
Supporters of the tough sentencing rules say the law applies to a lifetime of crime, while opponents say tough punishments often are out of proportion to the underlying crimes.
Three strikes laws are statutes enacted by state governments in the United States which require the state courts to hand down a mandatory and extended period of incarceration to persons who have been convicted of a serious criminal offense on three or more separate occasions. These statutes became very popular in the 1990s. Twenty-four states have some form of habitual offender laws.
Of Death and Profit
Death has long been a savvy financial move in the visual arts: it guarantees that the supply of new works has come to an end, conferring scarcity value upon the existing oeuvre.
verb [T]━━ vt. 監禁[留置]する.
1 FORMAL to put or keep someone in prison or in a place used as a prison:
Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or incarcerated.
2 to keep someone in an enclosed place and prevent them from leaving it:
We were incarcerated in that broken elevator for four hours.

- the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment."the public would not be served by her incarceration"
Walter Kempowski's first success as an author was the autobiographic novel Tadellöser und Wolf, in which he described his youth in Nazi Germany from the viewpoint of a well-off middle class family. In several more books he completed the story of his family from the early 20th century into the late 1950s, when he was released from an East German prison in Bautzen where, accused of spying for the US military forces in West Germany, he had been incarcerated for eight years. In West Germany he became a teacher in a small village near Hamburg. In 2005 he finished his enormous oeuvre Echolot, a collection and collage of documents by people of any kind living in the circumstances of war. Echolot consists of thousands of personal documents, letters, newspaper reports, and unpublished autobiographies that had been collected by the author over a period of more than twenty years. The documents are now deposited in the archive of the Academy of Arts in Berlin.
Walter Kempowski (April 29, 1929 – October 5, 2007[1][2][3]) was a German writer and archivist. Kempowski was chiefly known for his series of novels called German Chronicle ("Deutsche Chronik") and the monumental Echolot ("Sonar"), a collage of autobiographical reports, letters and other documents by contemporary witnesses of the Second World War.
KK: [

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DJ: [

n. (名詞 noun)
- 美術拼貼
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
- 把...創作成拼貼畫
Fit for a T: Portrait Gallery Gets Obama 'Hope' Collage

(National Portrait Gallery, ©Shepard Fairey)
The original red-and-blue "Hope" collage by graphic designer Shepard Fairey that inspired countless posters, T-shirts and buttons has been obtained by the gallery via a gift from Washington superlobbyists Tony and Heather Podesta.
The two are longtime fans of Fairey who have several other works of his in their large, eye-popping modern-art collection. Though they've donated to other local museums, this is their first to the Portrait Gallery -- and the Portrait Gallery's first Obama image to join its permanent collection.
Inside a dictator's insanely huge palace
Inside a dictator's insanely huge palace:
n., pl. oeu·vres (œ'vrə).
- A work of art.
- The sum of the lifework of an artist, writer, or composer.
noun [C usually singular] LITERARY
the complete works of a writer, painter or other artist:
Sadly, I'm not familiar with his oeuvre.

Line breaks: col|lage
Pronunciation: /ˈkɒlɑːʒ
, kəˈlɑːʒ
, kəˈlɑːʒ