The wife's mission, apart from monitoring the servants, making useless beaded objects and keeping up social standards, was to ensure that her husband was untroubled by domestic matters. A little bit of knowledge, in order to keep abreast of men's conversation, was desirable, but to impart it was not
"We must be careful about politicians and polemicists who lavish us with this cheap liquor and fan this kind of rampage," he wrote.
"You soon sober up after the buzz of cheap liquor passes," he said. "But the path for souls to come and go must not be blocked."
It has been said that Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol" created the holiday as we know it. Even the latest Hollywood iteration, a big-budget computer-animated extravaganza, is substantially faithful to the early-Victorian original. A celebration once banned by Puritans in America and England became the very symbol of Victorian domesticity, and Dickens set the tone with his vision of miserliness overthrown in favor of family, forgiveness and large game birds.
He eats dinner with his family, then often returns to work; aides have seen him in the Oval Office as late as 10 p.m., reading briefing papers for the next day.
“Even as he is sober about these challenges, I have never seen him happier,” Mr. Axelrod said. “The chance to be under the same roof with his kids, essentially to live over the store, to be able to see them whenever he wants, to wake up with them, have breakfast and dinner with them — that has made him a very happy man.”
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"king and his wife (above) provided for Gillray a model of sober domesticity; here they are shown on their way to their beloved Windsor" |
The Lure of Opulent Desolation
We “baby busters” of the ’60s never rebelled against the trappings of domesticity represented by our images of the 1950s. Many of us, deep down, yearn for it.
- 発音記号[sóubər]
[形](more 〜, most 〜;〜・er, 〜・est)
1 〈人が〉酔っていない, しらふの(⇔drunken);禁酒している
2 〈行動が〉静かな, 落ち着いた;〈判断・表現が〉冷静な;〈考え方・意見・批評が〉穏健な, 均衡のとれた;〈人が〉分別のある;〈態度・性質が〉まじめな, 謹厳な
sober reflection
━━(自)落ち着く;まじめになる((up, down));酔いがさめる((up)).
[古フランス語←ラテン語sōbrius (sē-離れて+-brius酩酊(めいてい)した)]
[名] sober (SERIOUS) adjective
serious and calm:
In fact the whole wedding was a sober affair - no dancing, just people standing around in groups chatting politely.
Anthony was in a very sober mood - I scarcely heard him laugh all night.
sober verb [I or T]
to become more calm and serious, or to make someone do this:
News of the tragedy has sobered us.
soberly adverb
seriously and reasonably:
She was dressed very soberly in a plain grey suit.
making you feel serious or think about serious matters:
a sobering thought
Surviving a car accident is a sobering experience.
noun [U] FORMAL
We had the priest sitting at our table which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion.
adverb, adjective
felt strongly and often hidden from other people:
a deep-down certainty
Deep-down, I know you love me really.
(dō'mĕ-stĭs'ĭ-tē)- The quality or condition of being domestic.
- Home life or devotion to it.
- domesticities Household affairs.