Hunter-gatherers in the southern Levant and Iran independently developed farming, according to a new study.
Cinematic Flops Suggest Fading of an Icon
BEIJING — China’s celebrations of “Learn from Lei Feng Day” turned into a
public relations debacle after films about the Communist Party icon
bombed at the box office.
Cluster's last stand
Nov 23rd 2011, 16:30 by The Economist online
Where cluster bombs are madeCLUSTER munitions caused at least 60 casualties in at least seven countries in 2010, according to the latest Cluster Munitions Monitor, though inadequate data collection in many places means the total was probably much higher. The UN convention banning the manufacture, use and stockpiling of cluster munitions, which came into force last year, has been signed by 108 countries and ratified by 60 of them. But 17 of the non-signatories continue to produce the weapons (see map below), and two have used them in conflict this year: Thailand during border clashes with Cambodia in February, and Libya under Muammar Qaddafi during the battle of Misrata in April.

A Lion in the Undergrowth

“About an hour after this picture was taken, an unexploded cluster bomb was found in the undergrowth.”
&&&It is the year 100,000 B.C., and two hunter-gatherers are out
hunter-gathering. Let's call them Ig and Og. Ig comes across a new
kind of bush, with bright-red berries. He is hungry, as most
hunter-gatherers are most of the time, and the berries look pretty, so
he pops a handful in his mouth. Og merely puts some berries in his
goatskin bag. A little later, they come to a cave. It looks spooky and
Og doesn't want to go in, but Ig pushes on ahead and has a look
around. There's nothing there except a few bones. On the way home, an
unfamiliar rustling in the undergrowth puts Og in a panic, and he
freezes, but Ig figures that whatever is rustling probably isn't any
bigger and uglier than he is, so he blunders on, and whatever was
doing the rustling scuttles off into the undergrowth. The next
morning, Og finally tries the berries, and they do indeed taste O.K.
He decides to go back and collect some more.

- Low-growing plants, saplings, and shrubs beneath trees in a forest.
- A growth of short, fine hairs underlying the longer and thicker outer hairs of an animal's coat; underfur or underwool.
- The condition of being less than fully grown.