Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell
1950s Soho comes to life.
This high-low pairing might have made the onetime Rouen resident Marcel Duchamp proud; he did, after all, introduce the urinal to the art world. Duchamp is buried, along with Flaubert, in the Rouen Cemetery.
White House asks GM chief to step down, wants Chrysler-Fiat deal
General Motors has confirmed that chief executive Rick Wagoner will step down immediately at the request of the White House. The news comes as President Barack Obama's administration on Monday issued a report that demanded additional restructuring efforts from GM and another ailing automaker, Chrysler, in exchange for further government loans. GM representatives said Wagoner would be replaced by onetime GM Europe head Fritz Henderson, a move that won praise from Opel's top union representative Klaus Franz. Meanwhile, the US administration gave Chrysler 30 days worth of operating capital to finalize a proposed merger deal with Italian carmaker Fiat, and said it would consider investing up to six billion dollars
Mr. Valenti, a onetime Houston advertising man who became a confidant of President Lyndon B. Johnson and then, for nearly four decades, Hollywood’s spokesman as chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America, died on April 26, just weeks before the release of his new memoir. Now his publisher, Harmony Books, and his survivors are struggling to ensure that the autobiography gets a modicum of the attention it would have received had Mr. Valenti, a singular raconteur, been around to talk it up himself.
As soon as I could I got Méli on his own. I had decided that I had to have a confidant at the school.
It’s not men who spend their time secretly ogling women - it’s women, according to a revealing new study.
- o • gle
- 発音
- óugl
- ogleの変化形
- ogles (複数形) • ogled (過去形) • ogled (過去分詞) • ogling (現在分詞) • ogles (三人称単数現在)
1 …をいやらしい目で見る, …に色目を使う.
2 …をものほしげに見る.
━━(自)(…を)いやらしい目で見る((at ...)).
[名]ogle:動詞,向…拋媚眼;盯視。例句:He ogled all the pretty girls.(他色迷迷地看著所有漂亮的女孩。)
a one-time teacher/doctor/cleaner, etc. someone who was a teacher/doctor/cleaner, etc. in the past:
Duggan, a TV presenter and one-time journalist, made the announcement last week.
confidant (kŏn'fĭ-dănt', -dänt', kŏn'fĭ-dănt', -dänt') ━━ n. (fem. ~e) (打明け話のできる)親友, 腹心.
- One to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed.
- A character in a drama or fiction, such as a trusted friend or servant, who serves as a device for revealing the inner thoughts or intentions of a main character.
[French confident, from Italian confidente, from Latin cōnfīdēns, cōnfīdent-, present participle of cōnfīdere, to rely on. See confide.]
confidant IN BRIEF: n. - Someone to whom private matters are told.
Tutor's tip: She was "confident" (sure of oneself or of something) that her "confidant" (one with whom secrets are shared) would not blab.
rac·on·teur (răk'ŏn-tûr')
One who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit.
[French, from raconter, to relate, from Old French : re-, re- + aconter, to count up, reckon; see account.]
- 音節
- rac • on • teur, ((女性形))rac • on • teuse
- 発音
- ræ`kəntə'ːr | -kɔn-, -tə'ːz
- raconteurの変化形
- raconteurs (複数形)
Search Results
- plain-speakingadjective
- 1.talking in a frank, outspoken, or blunt manner."a plain-speaking Texan whose words are to be taken at face value"
noun- 1.directness of speech; frankness."they have lost the art of plain speaking"