"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." ~ Helen Keller
Sociopaths are modern-day boogeymen, and the word “sociopath” is casually tossed around to describe the worst, most amoral among us. But they are not boogeymen; they are real people and, according to Patric Gagne, widely misunderstood. Gagne wrote “Sociopath,” her buzzy forthcoming memoir, to try to correct some of those misunderstandings and provide a fuller picture of sociopathy, which is now more frequently referred to as antisocial personality disorder.
What It’s Like to Be a Sociopath
After Microsoft's powerful AI chatbot verbally attacked people — and even compared one person to Hitler — the company has decided to rein in the technology until it works out the kinks.
Inside the 'unhinged' West Wing meeting on Dec. 18 - NPR
https://www.npr.org › 2022/07/12 › unhi...
The White House meeting took place four days afterelectors met to make Joe Biden the president-elect. A faction that pushed the former ...
Why did Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter, aggressively increase production despite reeling demand from the coronavirus crisis?
NPR denies accusations of Secretary of State Pompeo, who accused a reporter of lying and called news media “unhinged.”
Trump bashed former beauty queen Alicia Machado in a series of tweets that Clinton called “unhinged, even for him." It's the latest in a series of feuds.
Thailand’s prime minister sometimes resembles a ham actor ad-libbing his way through an audition for a role as an unhinged dictator
“I wandered into Beinecke as a freshman, unhinged by my first set of midterms, looking for a quiet place to regroup. . . . To this day, I’ve never seen anything as compelling.” As the Beinecke closes for a year for renovations, Amy Kaufman Burk ’80 remembers how the library captured the essence of her years at Yale.
Light, truth, and Peter Rabbit
In the spring of 2014, I stood at our college reunion, in the Timothy Dwight courtyard, under a gi
"It was not the British government that seized India, but a private company, run by an unstable sociopath."
How the world's first 'too big to fail' corporate giant ransacked India.
The East India Company: The original corporate raiders
The long read: For a century, the East India Company conquered,...
This year, along with new gun laws, Democratic leaders in Colorado pushed bills to allow gay civil unions, require more use of renewable energy, lower tuition fees for illegal immigrants, allow voters to register on polling day and abolish the death penalty. Lawmakers also grappled with rules for the sale of marijuana, legalised by voters last year. All this has left Colorado's conservatives reeling http://econ.st/1dsOuFM
Trending: What is a sociopath? Diagnostically speaking, it is someone who possesses a mixture of the following characteristics: charm, grandiosity, bloodless rationality, impulsivity, an appetite for risk, an erratic sex-life and little capacity for remorse. As it turns out, high-functioning sociopaths are full of handy lifestyle tips http://econ.st/13G25Gb
As it turns out, high-functioning sociopaths are full of handy lifestyle tips http://econ.st/1abvABO
'The Why of Things'
Two inexplicable tragedies leave a tight-knit family reeling in Elizabeth Hartley Winthrop's third novel.
SEC Chief's Exit Opens Void
The reel 膠卷 revolution
With foreign media barred from the country, the Syrian uprising provides the best example of how the concept of what was formerly called broadcasting has changed and of the transformative power of personal videos.
Britain Reels as Austerity Cuts Begin
The $130 billion in cuts over the next five years are no longer just election talking points. A Masterpiece of Nature? Yuck!
Scientists are studying why we find some creatures unsightly, even if they aren’t threatening.
Pronunciation: /riːl/
reel2 (rēl)
v., reeled, reel·ing, reels. v.intr.
To cause to reel.
adj., -li·er, -li·est.
Unpleasant or offensive to look at; unattractive. See synonyms at ugly.
unsightliness un'sight'li·ness n.
adjective 【形容詞】1狂気または精神異常により影響を受ける(
https://www.npr.org › 2022/07/12 › unhi...
The White House meeting took place four days afterelectors met to make Joe Biden the president-elect. A faction that pushed the former ...
Why did Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter, aggressively increase production despite reeling demand from the coronavirus crisis?
NPR denies accusations of Secretary of State Pompeo, who accused a reporter of lying and called news media “unhinged.”
Today alone, Trump:
— called our Kurdish allies “no angels” in an unhinged press conference
Trump bashed former beauty queen Alicia Machado in a series of tweets that Clinton called “unhinged, even for him." It's the latest in a series of feuds.
Thailand’s prime minister sometimes resembles a ham actor ad-libbing his way through an audition for a role as an unhinged dictator
“I wandered into Beinecke as a freshman, unhinged by my first set of midterms, looking for a quiet place to regroup. . . . To this day, I’ve never seen anything as compelling.” As the Beinecke closes for a year for renovations, Amy Kaufman Burk ’80 remembers how the library captured the essence of her years at Yale.
Light, truth, and Peter Rabbit
In the spring of 2014, I stood at our college reunion, in the Timothy Dwight courtyard, under a gi
"It was not the British government that seized India, but a private company, run by an unstable sociopath."
How the world's first 'too big to fail' corporate giant ransacked India.
The East India Company: The original corporate raiders
The long read: For a century, the East India Company conquered,...
Pfizer will acquire Wyeth in a cash and stock deal valued at $68 billion, the companies said in a statement Monday morning.
The megamerger, which is a rarity in the current financial tumult, almost came unhinged at the 11th hour, The New York Times reported.
An eleventh-hour effort to salvage a proposed $14 billion rescue plan for the auto industry collapsed late last night as Republicans and Democrats failed to agree on the timing of deep wage cuts for union workers, killing the legislative plan and threatening America's carmakers with bankruptcy.
(By Paul Kane, The Washington Post)
Pfizer will acquire Wyeth in a cash and stock deal valued at $68 billion, the companies said in a statement Monday morning.
South Korea Ferry Sinking Leaves High School Reeling3
This year, along with new gun laws, Democratic leaders in Colorado pushed bills to allow gay civil unions, require more use of renewable energy, lower tuition fees for illegal immigrants, allow voters to register on polling day and abolish the death penalty. Lawmakers also grappled with rules for the sale of marijuana, legalised by voters last year. All this has left Colorado's conservatives reeling http://econ.st/1dsOuFM
Trending: What is a sociopath? Diagnostically speaking, it is someone who possesses a mixture of the following characteristics: charm, grandiosity, bloodless rationality, impulsivity, an appetite for risk, an erratic sex-life and little capacity for remorse. As it turns out, high-functioning sociopaths are full of handy lifestyle tips http://econ.st/13G25Gb
As it turns out, high-functioning sociopaths are full of handy lifestyle tips http://econ.st/1abvABO
'The Why of Things'
Two inexplicable tragedies leave a tight-knit family reeling in Elizabeth Hartley Winthrop's third novel.
SEC Chief's Exit Opens Void
SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro stabilized the reeling agency she took over
in 2009, but her exit now comes amid a host of pending regulatory
The reel 膠卷 revolution
With foreign media barred from the country, the Syrian uprising provides the best example of how the concept of what was formerly called broadcasting has changed and of the transformative power of personal videos.
Britain Reels as Austerity Cuts Begin
The $130 billion in cuts over the next five years are no longer just election talking points. A Masterpiece of Nature? Yuck!
Scientists are studying why we find some creatures unsightly, even if they aren’t threatening.
Pronunciation: /riːl/
Definition of reel
- 1a cylinder on which film, wire, thread, or other flexible materials can be wound:a cotton reel
Phrasal Verbs
reel2 (rēl)

v., reeled, reel·ing, reels. v.intr.
- To be thrown off balance or fall back: reeled from the sharp blow.
- To stagger, lurch, or sway, as from drunkenness: reeled down the alley.
- To go round and round in a whirling motion: gulls reeling and diving.
- To feel dizzy: My head reeled with the facts and figures.
To cause to reel.
adj., -li·er, -li·est.
Unpleasant or offensive to look at; unattractive. See synonyms at ugly.
unsightliness un'sight'li·ness n.
- reel2
3 (目まい・酔いなどのため)ふらふらする, よろよろする, 〈(周囲の)物が〉ぐるぐる回るような感じがする, めまいがする.
━━(他)…をふらつかせる, よろめかせる, …に目まいを起こさせる.
━━[名]よろめき, ふらつき, 目まい;ちどり足;旋回.unhinged
mentally ill:mentally unbalanced; deranged:
I sometimes think that your mother is a little unhinged.
adjective 【形容詞】1狂気または精神異常により影響を受ける(affected with madness or insanity)
the eleventh hour
the last moment or almost too late:
We only received the official signatures at the eleventh hour.
Pronunciation: /ˈsəʊsɪə(ʊ)paθ, ˈsəʊʃɪə(ʊ)-/
1 則留言:
Unsightly nose or ear hair preoccupied 38 percent of respondents, being overweight bothered 37 percent and 30 percent were worried about yellowing teeth.