Monroe, N.Y., home to a kid-friendly museum and family-oriented ashram, offers something few destinations do: peace.
( äsh'rəm)n. Hinduism. 講經所
A usually secluded residence of a religious community and its guru.
[Sanskrit āśramaḥ : ā-, to + śramaḥ, toil, penance, austerity (from śramati, he toils, practices austerity).]
n. - 嬉皮群居村, 修行的處所, 聚會所
n. - アーシュラマ, 隠者の住居
ashram字源為梵文 आश्रमः (āśramaḥ),此為 आश्रम ( āśrama) 的單數陽性主格,由ā- + śrama組合而成。 ā- 為梵文常用字首,表「從……;到……;至…… 」的意思。श्रम ( śrama) 的意思為「疲倦;練習;努力……。」華文中,出家修道者稱為沙門 ,即是由此字變化而來的श्रमण (śramaṇa)音譯而得,意思為勤息,義為努力修習。至於 āśramaḥ怎麼演變成「修行的處所」就無從查考了。
hc: 是"刻苦之練習"
A Magical Idyll's Mystery Future
Beatles' Decaying Ashram in India Could Become a Home for Street Children
By Emily Wax
Washington Post Foreign ServiceWednesday, December 19, 2007; Page A12
RISHIKESH, India -- With their iconic long hair and necklaces of Indian marigolds, the Beatles journeyed to this city in the foothills of the Himalayas in the late 1960s. They were at the height of their fame, but they came to escape material wealth and the pressures of celebrity.
Their destination: an ashram, where they would study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation.
But many visitors are surprised to find that the ashram, now owned by the government, is closed and dilapidated, filled with overgrown weeds and slowly being destroyed by desperately poor villagers who loot the teak furnishings and sell them for firewood.
noun [U]【植】柚木 柚木木材
(the wood of) a type of large tropical tree:
a teak forest
teak furniture