‘Disgraceful’: Trump Attacks Sessions Over Wiretap Inquiry
- President Trump scolded Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, for suggesting that the Justice Department would look into claims of surveillance abuses.
- The tweet was the latest example of Mr. Trump publicly criticizing Mr. Sessions and wading into Justice Department investigations.
Tips for Smart Shopping in Marrakesh
The designer Laetitia Trouillet offers advice for bargaining, avoiding buyer's remorse and exploring shops beyond the souks.
The canopy’s surface is a grid of tensile metallic mesh resembling a flying carpet, a Bedouin tent, a Middle Eastern souk or waves of water, depending on your perspective. History is still everywhere around you (catch a glimpse of the courtyard to assure you of that), but the overall sensation is quite energetic.
on Page 60:
" ... William Birch after Benjamin West, 1788, showing bathing at Ramsgate; incidentally demonstrated is the use of a bathing machine"
The bathing machine was a device, popular in the 19th century, to allow people to wade in the ocean at beaches without violating Victorian notions of modesty. Bathing machines were roofed and walled wooden carts rolled into the sea. Some had solid wooden walls; others had canvas walls over a wooden frame.
Buffett Hits Kraft on Cadbury
Warren Buffett waded into the battle for Cadbury, issuing a rebuke of Kraft's nearly $17 billion takeover offer.
tensile strength...
Pronunciation: /ˈtɛnsʌɪl/
early 17th century (in sense 2): from medieval Latin tensilis, from Latin tendere 'to stretch'bath・ing
━━ n. 入浴; 水浴.
bathing beauty [belle] 水着の美人.
bathing cap (女性用の)水泳帽.
bathing costume [suit] (特に女性用の)水着.
bathing trunks 水泳パンツ.
- souk
- [名](アラブ諸国の)市場.
Pronunciation: /suːk/(also suk, sukh, or suq)
from Arabic sūq - soukous
- [名][U]スークス:アフリカのポピュラー音楽のスタイル.
wade (wād)

v., wad·ed, wad·ing, wades. v.intr.
To walk in or through water or something else that similarly impedes normal movement.
To make one's way arduously: waded through a boring report.
To cross or pass through (water, for example) with difficulty: wade a swift creek.
The act or an instance of wading.
phrasal verb:
wade in or into
To plunge into, begin, or attack resolutely and energetically: waded into the task.
[Middle English waden, from Old English wadan.]
1 則留言:
Hitching a Ride
A villager wades through the floodwaters with his pigs in Surat Thani province, south of Bangkok, where severe flooding and mudslides have killed 21 people and stranded thousands.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/picturesoftheweek/0,29409,2062509,00.html #ixzz1IKJgCCQT