A junior ice hockey team has apologized for a “Dash for Cash” event, where teachers scrambled to collect $1 bills during a game.

Cash Grab Teachers Will Get an Additional $500 Each After Stunt Went Viral
A junior ice hockey team has apologized for a “Dash for Cash” event, where teachers scrambled to collect $1 bills during a game.
Twitter has started alerting users to "synthetic or manipulated media"—videos, audio and images that have been altered
Coronavirus update: Enhanced policies for international travel, campus events
March 5, 2020
Dear Cornell Community,Florence Nightingale contracted an illness in the Crimea, probably brucellosis*, which left her thereafter confined to her bed - her seclusion only enhanced her popular status.
As Andrew Sullivan, once a Bush cheerleader, observed last weekend in The Sunday Times of London, America’s “enhanced interrogation” techniques have a grotesque provenance: “Verschärfte Vernehmung, enhanced or intensified interrogation, was the exact term innovated by the Gestapo to describe what became known as the ‘third degree.’ It left no marks. It included hypothermia, stress positions and long-time sleep deprivation.”
Kelly tells us, for example, that Handel recruited musicians he didn’t know to perform Messiah in a newly built hall in Dublin; that Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was performed with a mixture of professional and amateur musicians after only three rehearsals; and that Berlioz was still buying strings for the violas and mutes for the violins on the day his symphony was first played. Kelly’s narrative, which is enhanced by extracts from contemporary letters, press reports, account books, and other sources, as well as by a rich selection of illustrations, gives us a fresh appreciation of these five masterworks, encouraging us to sort out our own late twentieth-century expectations from what is inherent in the music.
in the zone
In a state of focused attention or energy so that one's performance is enhanced: a goalie who was in the zone throughout the playoffs.
The enhanced scenes workbench contains the following features and tools: 拡張シーン ワークベンチには、次のフィーチャーとツールが含まれています
not a moment too soon は何か: used to say that something happened when it was almost too late:
- 〔機能などが〕改良[改善・強化]された
- 〈米俗〉マリフアナでハイになった
enhanced 911
〈米〉拡張911◆緊急通報用電話番号である911にダイヤルしたときに、発信者の位置を自動的に通知する、緊急通報位置通知システム。◆【略】E-911 ; E911
表現パターンenhanced 911 [9-1-1]enhanced 911 call
enhanced 9-1-1
〈米〉拡張911◆緊急通報用電話番号である911にダイヤルしたときに、発信者の位置を自動的に通知する、緊急通報位置通知システム。◆【略】E-911 ; E911
表現パターンenhanced 911 [9-1-1]enhanced 9-1-1 call
enhanced ability to
《an ~》~する力の高まりenhanced accumulation
高度蓄積enhanced acquisition
強化習得enhanced activation
活性化増強enhanced activity of the sympathetic nervous system
交感神経系の緊張亢進enhanced adhesion
付着増強enhanced analyses
表現パターンenhanced analysis [analyses]enhanced attention
より一層の注意enhanced aviation capacity
航空輸送力の増強enhanced biliary secretion
胆汁分泌増加enhanced binding
増大結合enhanced bonding
強化結合Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002
2002年国境警備強化・ビザ入国改正法enhanced business productivity
業績[業務の生産性](の)向上enhanced by a hanging plant
《be ~》植物をつり下げることによって改善されるenhanced by a relationship with
《be ~》~との関係によって高められる[強化される]enhanced by addition of
《be ~》~を加えることによって増強されるenhanced by repeated administration
《be ~》繰り返し投与されることで増強されるenhanced by someone's kind arrangements and hospitality
《be ~》(人)の親切な手配や温かいもてなしで〔主語〕が一層良いものになるenhanced by stimulation of
《be ~》~の刺激によって増強されるenhanced by the dissociation of
《be ~》~が解離することによって強められるenhanced by the further broadening of
《be ~》~を一層拡大することで強化されるenhanced by the generation of
《be ~》~が生成されることで増強されるenhanced by the presence of
《be ~》~の存在で増大するenhanced by using
《be ~》~を使用[利用]することによって高められる[強化される]enhanced cell
増大細胞enhanced coagulation
強化凝集enhanced coexpression
同時過剰発現enhanced combustion
増加燃焼enhanced complexity
高まった[増幅された]複雑性enhanced considerably
《be ~》大幅に強化されるenhanced control
高度抑制enhanced cooperation
協力の強化enhanced cooperation among relevant international bodies
関連国際機関における協力の強化enhanced customer contact
顧客との接点の強化enhanced cytotoxicity
細胞毒性の増強enhanced database
強化データベースenhanced dechlorination
《化学》高度脱塩素enhanced definition plasma display panel
(ワイドクリアビジョン対応)プラズマディスプレー◆【略】ED PDPenhanced degradation
増大した分解enhanced delivery
増加した輸送enhanced detection
増強検出enhanced differentiation
分化促進enhanced diffusion