"Miaw?" said the cat when the tailor opened the door, "miaw?"
The tailor replied: "Simpkin, we shall make our fortune, but I am worn to a ravelling. Take this groat (which is our last fourpence), and, Simpkin, take a china pipkin, buy a penn'orth of bread, a penn'orth of milk, and a penn'orth of sausages. And oh, Simpkin, with the last penny of our fourpence buy me one penn'orth of cherry-coloured silk. But do not lose the last penny of the fourpence, Simpkin, or I am undone and worn to a thread-paper, for I have no more twist."
So there are 20 Porte-Bouquets at the Hermitage collection now. Perhaps, it’s more that any museum have.
You can visit the exhibition till August 23! About the exhibition:http://bit.ly/1N6QPry

RSS Founder Fine with Google Reader's Demise
PC Magazine
With all the online furor surrounding Google's decision to kill off Google Reader – one of the more well-known and oft-used RSS readers of the past many years — there's one person who doesn't really seem to care that Google's pulling the plug on the app.
The Arch 1979-80 on display in Kensington Gardens, London, before it was dismantled for restoration.
Work to return Henry Moore's famous sculpture 'The Arch' to its original home in Kensington Gardens is nearing completion in time for summer visitors to enjoy.
The Arch, a six-metre high Roman travertine sculpture, was presented by the artist to the nation for siting in Hyde Park in 1980- two years after his eightieth-birthday exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery, London. It was positioned on the north bank of the Long Water in a commanding position where it was enjoyed by visitors to the park until 1996, when it became apparent that The Arch had become structurally unstable. http://www.henry-moore.org/hmf/press/press-information/henry-moore/the-arch-restored-to-london-site
《中英對照讀新聞》London police send flowers to victims of crime 倫敦警方送花給犯罪受害者
◎陳成良Police are sending bouquets of flowers to victims of burglaries and muggings - crimes they often have difficulty solving.
They claim the gift helps "soften the blow", but it can also be accompanied by a note explaining that officers are closing the case for lack of evidence.
The policy has divided opinion among victims – some saying they feel "fobbed off’ and others praising the "lovely thought".
London’s Metropolitan police regularly send bunches to victims of burglaries. But rates of detection can be as low as 12 percent in these areas.
Met police officers have given out around 300 bouquets since the initiative began in November. Most have gone to elderly women living alone.
Sarah Miller, 55, received a bunch of flowers from Met officers in Barnet following a burglary at her home.
Mrs Miller said: "It was nice to receive them, but the thought that went into that could have gone into solving the burglary, like putting pictures of the things that were stolen in the local paper in an effort to recover them.
"I’d rather they’d had sent a community support officer to comfort me after it happened rather than being fobbed off with flowers."
A new exhibit, a Bouquet-Holder made in the middle of the 19th century is now on display at the exhibition «Porte-Bouquets of the 19th to Early 20th Century from the Kenber Collection, France». It was gifted to the Hermitage by Zinaida Brusnitsyn.
This porte-bouquet was a family heirloom, but Zinaida decided to give it to the museum. At the end of May 2015 she heard on the radio that the exhibition dedicated to this elegant lady’s accessory was opened at the State Hermitage museum. And she came to us.
Pronunciation: /bʊˈkeɪ, bəʊˈkeɪ, ˈbʊkeɪ/
Definition of bouquet
fob off:片語,(用虛偽的諾言等)哄騙,哄走(某人),搪塞(某人)
fob off
1. Sell or dispose of goods by fraud or deception, as in They tried to fob off the zircon as a diamond. [c. 1600]
2. Put off or appease by deceitful means, as in We needed her help but were fobbed off by promises. [c. 1600]