"No breadth at all, and cut on the cross; it is no breadth at all; tippets for mice and ribbons for mobs! for mice!" said the Tailor of Gloucester.
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48 Hours in the Strange and Beautiful World of TikTok
The video app offers an endless scroll of creativity and goofing off, told in 15-second snippets. What did five critics see when they went down the rabbit hole?

- a woman's long fur scarf or shawl worn around the neck and shoulders.
- a long scarf or shawl worn as a ceremonial garment, especially by the clergy.
- HISTORICALa long, narrow strip of cloth forming part of or attached to a hood or sleeve.
Definition of 'snippet' ; noun · C17: from snip + -et ; a small piece, scrap, or portion, specif. of information, of a book, etc. · dim. of snip ; 1. a small piece ...
goof off
— phrasal verb with goof verb [ I or T ] mainly US informal
/ɡuːf/ US
/ɡuːf/ US informal
to avoid doing any work
The teacher told them to stop goofing off and get back to work.老師讓他們不要偷懶了,趕緊開始學習。
Rabbit Hole:掉入未知的“兔子洞”
上週,時報影評欄目發表了這部關於獨生子女政策的紀錄片的影評 ,稱其“以一種毫不畏懼的有力視角審視了中國的計劃生育政策”;觀影者將跟隨導演王男栿的敘述,走進一個調查的“兔子洞”(Rabbit Hole)。
Rabbit hole直譯為“兔子洞”,來自童話故事《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》。在書中,主角愛麗絲從兔子洞掉入了一個異境世界,開啟了她奇妙的旅程,故而rabbit hole被引申為“一種複雜、奇異或未知的狀態和情景”。電影《獨生之國》展開的就是一副這樣的圖景。揭開歷史的面紗,你將看到一個殘酷而真實的複雜世界。
Down the Rabbit-Hole... - Project Zero
Sometimes I can't explain the results, and getting to the bottom of those discrepancies can reveal new research opportunities. This is the story of one of those discrepancies; and the security rabbit-hole it led me down.
Rabbit Hole - Urban Dictionary
Infinitesimally deep and complex, venturing too far down is probably not that great of an idea. Taking hallucinogenic drugs can be considered "tripping" down the rabbit hole, but it is also explored through philosophical and existential thinking.
豐盛的宴會包括鯛魚,鱸魚,牛,排骨和雞肉,還有素食主義者,無麩質食物和素食者 - 所有這些都是由多餘的食物製成的,否則這些食物將被運往垃圾桶。
夫婦提供婚禮早餐 - 扭曲
twist noun [ C ] (CHANGE)
an unexpected change:
The incident was the latest twist in the story of the robbery.
Walnuts give a new twist to regular banana bread.
pork 不見了
BBC Radio 4
The lavish banquet included sea bream, sea bass, ox, pork ribs and chicken, with vegan, gluten-free and vegetarian diners also catered for – all created from surplus food that would otherwise have been destined for the rubbish bin.
Couple serve up wedding breakfast - with a twist
Rabbit Hole:掉入未知的“兔子洞”
上週,時報影評欄目發表了這部關於獨生子女政策的紀錄片的影評 ,稱其“以一種毫不畏懼的有力視角審視了中國的計劃生育政策”;觀影者將跟隨導演王男栿的敘述,走進一個調查的“兔子洞”(Rabbit Hole)。
Rabbit hole直譯為“兔子洞”,來自童話故事《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》。在書中,主角愛麗絲從兔子洞掉入了一個異境世界,開啟了她奇妙的旅程,故而rabbit hole被引申為“一種複雜、奇異或未知的狀態和情景”。電影《獨生之國》展開的就是一副這樣的圖景。揭開歷史的面紗,你將看到一個殘酷而真實的複雜世界。
Down the Rabbit-Hole... - Project Zero
Sometimes I can't explain the results, and getting to the bottom of those discrepancies can reveal new research opportunities. This is the story of one of those discrepancies; and the security rabbit-hole it led me down.
Rabbit Hole - Urban Dictionary
Infinitesimally deep and complex, venturing too far down is probably not that great of an idea. Taking hallucinogenic drugs can be considered "tripping" down the rabbit hole, but it is also explored through philosophical and existential thinking.
豐盛的宴會包括鯛魚,鱸魚,牛,排骨和雞肉,還有素食主義者,無麩質食物和素食者 - 所有這些都是由多餘的食物製成的,否則這些食物將被運往垃圾桶。
夫婦提供婚禮早餐 - 扭曲
twist noun [ C ] (CHANGE)
an unexpected change:
The incident was the latest twist in the story of the robbery.
Walnuts give a new twist to regular banana bread.
pork 不見了
BBC Radio 4
The lavish banquet included sea bream, sea bass, ox, pork ribs and chicken, with vegan, gluten-free and vegetarian diners also catered for – all created from surplus food that would otherwise have been destined for the rubbish bin.
Couple serve up wedding breakfast - with a twist