1739 Edition of Poor Richard's Almanack
Chatto & Windus
Almanack 1927
India Minister: Won't be Rash With Retroactive Tax
may go slow on proceeding with tax demands over an acquisition
involving Vodafone Group and similar transactions, with Finance Minister
P. Chidambaram assuring no "rash decision" would be taken on
retroactively taxing foreign deals involving Indian assets.
Eliot Spitzer, former governor of New York and before that the state's attorney general, has taken issue with a recent Op/Ed in The Wall Street Journal over several suits he brought while in office. His legacy is at stake.
at stake
At risk to be won or lost, as in We have a great deal at stake in this transaction. This phrase uses stake in the sense of something that is wagered. Shakespeare used it in Troilus and Cressida (3:3): "I see my reputation is at stake." [Late 1500s]
Cf. L. festina lente, make haste slowly; after [Suetonius Augustus xxv. 4.] nihil autem minus perfecto duci quam festinationem temeritatemque convenire arbitratur. crebro itaque illa iactabat: σρɛῦδɛ βραδέως, he [Augustus] thought that haste and rashness were alike unsuited to a well-trained leader. So he often came out with sayings like ‘make haste slowly’ [etc.]; [c 1385 Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde i. 956] He hasteth wel that wisly kan [knows how to] abyde.
Cf. L. festina lente, make haste slowly; after [Suetonius Augustus xxv. 4.] nihil autem minus perfecto duci quam festinationem temeritatemque convenire arbitratur. crebro itaque illa iactabat: σρɛῦδɛ βραδέως, he [Augustus] thought that haste and rashness were alike unsuited to a well-trained leader. So he often came out with sayings like ‘make haste slowly’ [etc.]; [c 1385 Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde i. 956] He hasteth wel that wisly kan [knows how to] abyde.
Gently make haste. ‥A hundred times consider what you've said.
[1683 Dryden Poems (1958) I. 336]
Make haste slowly.
[1744 B. Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack (Apr.)]
The magazine initially struggled for readers, except for an 1842 "Almanack" issue which shocked its creators by selling 90,000 copies. In December 1842 due to financial difficulties the magazine was sold to Bradbury and Evans, both printers and publishers. Bradbury and Evans capitalised on newly evolving mass printing technologies and also were the publishers for Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray.
nounnoun: almanack
an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables.
a handbook, typically published annually, containing information of general interest or on a sport or pastime.rash[rash1]
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[rǽʃ]
rash・ness[名]ina lente,’ Miss Dora suggested slyly. ‘Not bad advice,’ Max said cheerfully. At Annie's glare, he added quickly, ‘Make haste slowly.’
[1989 C. G. Hart Little Class on Murder xii.]