heartwarming, sheaf, comer, newcomer. quadrilateral, cornice, molding. Tetra Pak, tetragon for consistency with pentagon (5-sided), hexagon (6-sided)
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‘A wonderful testimony of kindness leading to friendship,’ one viewer says of heartwarming story

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Geopolitics waits for no man, not even the United States' president-elect
Thomas Hardy 的家族提過caul這回事,他將它寫在Return of the Native (Book iii chapter 7)。我抄張谷若先生的譯本供參考:
Fairway, Sam, and another placed their shillings on the table, and the man turned to Christian.
"No, sir," said Christian, drawing back, with a quick gaze of misgiving. "I am only a poor chap come to look on, an it please ye, sir. I don't so much as know how you do it. If so be I was sure of getting it I would put down the shilling; but I couldn't otherwise."
"I think you might almost be sure," said the pedlar. "In fact, now I look into your face, even if I can't say you are sure to win, I can say that I never saw anything look more like winning in my life."
"You'll anyhow have the same chance as the rest of us," said Sam.
"And the extra luck of being the last comer," said another. 「不但有同樣的機會,還格外有最後來的好運氣那,」【後來的好運氣:英國諺語:「最後的有運氣,髒土裡撿便士。」
hc案:還找不到原文;義大利說法:The last comer shuts the door. Source: (Italian). The later comer is ill lodged.Source: (Italian).】。
"And I was born wi' a caul, and perhaps can be no more ruined than drowned?" Christian added, beginning to give way.「俺是.戴著白帽子下生的,水裡淹不死俺,大約別的法子也毀不了俺吧?」克瑞開始心活起來,補充了一句話。
A novel from 1969 comes as a box of unbound sheaves, giving the reader a sense of the fragile experiences it contains.
A novel from 1969 comes as a box of unbound sheaves, giving the reader a sense of the fragile experiences it contains.
noun [C] plural sheaves
a number of things, especially pieces of paper or plant stems, that are held or tied together:
A lawyer walked in carrying a whole sheaf of papers.
The corn was cut and tied in sheaves.
In geometry, a quadrilateral is a polygon with four 'sides' or edges and four vertices or corners. Sometimes, the term quadrangle is used, for analogy with triangle, and sometimes tetragon for consistency with pentagon (5-sided), hexagon (6-sided) and so on. The word quadrilateral is made of the words quad and lateral. Quad means four and lateral means sides. The interior angles of a quadrilateral add up to 360 degrees of arc. (© Wikipedia)
変化《複》quadrilaterals 文節quadri・lateral
━━ n., a. 四辺形(の).
- 名
- 四辺形{しへんけい}(のもの)、四角形{しかくけい}(のもの)
- 形
- 四辺形{しへんけい}の、四角形{しかくけい}の
- complete quadrilateral
- 完全四辺形{かんぜん しへんけい}
- convex quadrilateral
- 凸四辺形{とつ しへんけい}
- cyclic quadrilateral
- 内接四角形{ないせつ しかくけい}
- plane quadrilateral
- 平面四辺形{へいめん しへんけい}
- quadrilateral element
- 四角形要素{しかくけい ようそ}
- One that arrives or comes: free food for all comers.
- One showing promise of attaining success: a political comer.
Word Tutor: comer
IN BRIEF: Someone who arrives; someone with a promising future.
Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and it is shameful to surrender it too soon or to the first comer. — George Santayana (1863-1952), Spanish-American philosopher and poet.
Tutor's tip: My cumme" (godmother) is a real comer (person who is likely to do well).
ET: The Extra-Terrestrial: opened; heartwarming, it is now considered
one of the top films ever made (1982)
People of French descent poured into Maine and other New England
states from Canada beginning in the 1870's and became the backbone of
textile mills and shoe factories. But resistance developed, and people
began stereotyping the newcomers as rednecks, dolts or inadequate
patriots. In 1919, Maine passed a law requiring schools to teach in
---- 紐約時報報導Long-Scorned in Maine, French Has Renaissance
新しく来た人 ((to)); 新参者
━━ n. 【建】(軒・柱の頂部の)じゃ腹; 【登山】雪庇(せっぴ).
. An ornamental molding, usually of wood or plaster, running round the walls of a room just below the ceiling; a crown molding; the molding forming the top member of a door or window frame.
crown molding 冠頂部? 【建】凹凸形;裝飾板條
Any molding serving as a corona or otherwise forming the crowning or finishing member of a structure.