2024年11月23日 星期六

jack, hijack. swag, swagger, carousel, paperback carousel立式旋轉書架 once-swaggering, chaplet, festooned with union jacks, most watched young women of his era.


Mr. Amis’s talent was undeniable: He was the most dazzling stylist in postwar British fiction. So were his swagger and Byronic good looks. He had well-chronicled involvements with some of the most watched young women of his era. He wore, according to media reports, velvet jackets, Cuban-heel boots, bespoke shirts. He stared balefully into paparazzi lenses.

When it comes to covid, the economy and the war in Ukaine, Xi Jinping is exhibiting poor judgment. China's response to each has a common root: swagger and hubris in public, an obsession with control in private, and dubious results. Our latest cover story https://econ.st/3KJOggf

在談到新冠病毒、經濟和烏克蘭的戰爭時,習近平的判斷力很差。 中國對每一個問題的反應都有共同的源頭:公共場合的狂妄自大,私下對控制的痴迷,結果都令人懷疑

Russia is on a charm offensive in South-East Asia. But some analysts argue that this “pivot to Asia”, as Moscow calls it, is really a pivot to China: https://econ.trib.al/fJY9nj0
Credit: George(s)

The once-swaggering prime minister has lost every key vote of his young premiership.

After losing some of its braggadocio in recent years, ExxonMobil is rediscovering its swagger

Once the Proms have finished, the chaplet is taken from Wood’s bust to St Sepulchre’s Church and a service is held in his memory.
In America they’re swaggering, in India they’re chaotic, in Britain they’re understated and ruthless. The Economist’s 1843 magazineexamines how a nation’s character is reflected in its motorcades

From the archive
The actor and model Gal Gadot, who will star in the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, was photographed at the set earlier.
The London landmark was festooned with union jacks, while actors in period costume and antique cars could be seen.
Roads around the square were closed off during the filming, with buses diverted, Transport for London said.

Image copyrightAlistair MacleodImage captionSoldiers carrying Union Jack flags were amassed by Nelson's Column

HONG KONG -- When Richard Eng isn't teaching English grammar to high-school students, he might be cruising around Hong Kong in his Lamborghini Murciélago. Or in Paris, on one of his seasonal shopping sprees. Or relaxing in his private, custom-installed karaoke room festooned with giant Louis Vuitton logos.

The actors who didn't win the Oscar won't go home empty-handed.

Reportedly included in the bag: Free Audi rentals, a laser vibrator valued...

Management Carousel Continues in Soccer

A revolving door has prevailed in Britain’s Premier League, where 195 head coaches have been fired or forced to resign since 1992 and 5 of 20 are gone this season.

Jean-Luce Huré for The New York Times

Fashion Review
Saint Laurent Finally Regains Its Swagger
Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Gaimbattista Valli and Sonia Rykiel showed collections this week in Paris. Above, the Chanel carousel erected in the middle of the Grand Palais.

However, robbers will be unhappy to hear that not even the most heavily disguised criminal can be 100 percent sure of getting away with their swag. An alleged German robber has been identified and caught -- not because her face was caught on camera or a distinctive t-shirt she was wearing had been seen again, but because an eagle-eyed witness recognized her large behind.

And she got lots more applause when she said that Club Nintendo — a customer loyalty program in Japan that rewards Nintendo fans with exclusive games and swag when they register products — will come to America for Christmas.

Google brings a little swagger to Sun Valley

  1. 1.
    a garland or circlet for a person's head.
  2. 2.
    a string of 55 beads (one third of the rosary number) for counting prayers, or as a necklace.

  1. 1.
    a chain or garland of flowers, leaves, or ribbons, hung in a curve as a decoration.
    synonyms:garlandchainleiswatheswagwreathchaplet, loop
    "the streets are hung with festoons of paper flowers"
  2. 2.
    a Eurasian butterfly or moth patterned with dark arcs on a lighter background:
  1. 1.
    adorn (a place) with chains, garlands, or other decorations.
    "the staffroom was festooned with balloons and streamers"

Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
By Joe Flint Reporting from Sun Valley, Idaho -- Continuing a recent tradition, Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt held court with the press Thursday ...

swag (STEAL)
stolen goods:
The cartoon showed a picture of a robber carrying a bag with 'swag' written on it.

possessions wrapped in a cloth and carried by a person who does not have a home or a job, but walks around from place to place
    1. An ornamental drapery or curtain draped in a curve between two points.
    2. An ornamental festoon of flowers or fruit.
    3. A carving or plaster molding of such an ornament.
  1. Promotional items, especially when given for free, considered as a group.
Products given away free, typically for promotional purposes:check out the fun bag of swag we gave our guests!
intr.v., swagged, swag·ging, swags.
  1. Chiefly British. To lurch or sway.
  2. Australian. To travel about with a pack or swag.
[Probably of Scandinavian origin.]


━━ n. 〔俗〕 盗品, 略奪品, 不正利得; 〔豪〕 (森林旅行者の)携帯品包み; 花づな (festoon).
swag・man 〔豪〕 (包みを持ち歩く)浮浪者.

But by the middle of the 19th century, British swagger had developed a hitch. The empire’s troops were dying in the Crimea (yes, the same Crimea seized by Vladimir Putin), supposedly to keep Russia from expanding its competing empire, and rebellious Indian soldiers tried to pull off a Brexit of their own. To counter the national angst, Victoria posed reassuringly for John Mayall’s camera, “as the image of the motherly Queen first imprinted itself on the mind of the British public.”


  • Slang. Stolen property; loot.
  • Australian. The pack or bundle containing the personal belongings of a swagman.
  • Slang. Herbal tea in a plastic sandwich bag sold as marijuana to an unsuspecting customer.
  • ━━ vi. 威張って歩く; 自慢する ((about)); 威張り散らす.
    ━━ vt. おどして…させる.
    ━━ n. 威張った歩き方[態度].
    ━━ a. 〔話〕 しゃれた, スマートな.

    After losing some of its braggadocio in recent years, ExxonMobil is rediscovering its swagger

    swag・ger・ing・ly ━━ ad. ふんぞり返って.
    swagger stick [cane] (軍人などの)短いステッキ.

    verb [I]
    to walk, especially with a swinging movement, in a way that shows that you are very confident and think that you are important, or to act in that way:
    They swaggered into the room.
    A group of young men swaggered about outside the bar.
    His swaggering self-confidence irritates many people.

    noun [S or U]
    He walked out of the room with a self-confident swagger.
    Underneath all his swagger (= way of acting that shows he is very confident and thinks that he is important), he's actually quite nervous.

    noun [C]



    Syllabification: (car·ou·sel)
    (also carrousel)
    Translate carousel | into French | into Italian | into Spanish

    • 1chiefly North American a merry-go-round.
    • a rotating machine or device, in particular a conveyor system at an airport from which arriving passengers collect their luggage.
    • 2 historical a tournament in which groups of knights took part in chariot races and other demonstrations of equestrian skills.


    mid 17th century: from French carrousel, from Italian carosello


    , ━━ n. 〔米〕 =carrousel; 円形の回転トレイ.

    Jackの意味 - 小学館 プログレッシブ英和中辞典
    [名]ジャック(◇男子の名;JacobJohn の愛称)

    Jack and Jill
    1bC〔しばしばJ-〕召し使い;付き添い;((英略式))警官,刑事;〔J-〕水兵,船員;《海事》(船の)国籍旗;檣頭しょうとう横材(jack cross)
    1cC《トランプ》ジャック(knave);(時計の)ジャック(clock jack)(◇ベルを打つハンマーを持った人形);動物の雄;(特に)ロバの雄
    3C=jackstone 2
    4C《電気》ジャック(jack socket);プラグ(jack plug
    5〔複合語で〕(同種の小型の生物名に用いて)コ…,小…(◆jacksnipe など);=jack rabbit;=jackfish
    jack1の慣用句・イディオムevery man jack [Jack]((略式・やや古))どいつもこいつも(◆everyone の強調)I'm all right, Jack.((英略式))おれは満足だ,他人のことなど知るもんかJack of all trades (and master of none).((諺))何でも屋は中途半端,多芸は無芸jack (shit)〔通例否定文で〕((米略式))ちっとも…(ない)Jack the Lad((英略式))自信満々の若者Jack the Ripper切り裂きジャック(◇1888年ロンドンの売春婦連続殺害事件の犯人につけられたあだ名)
    jack1の慣用句・イディオムjack around1 自むだに過ごす,ぶらぶらする2 〔jack A around〕((米略式))A(人)に時間を浪費させるjack in他((英略式))〈仕事などを〉やめる,投げ出すjack in [into]自+((略式))《コンピュ》〈インターネット・システムなどに〉接続するjack up1 他…をジャッキで持ち上げる(⇒動1)2 他((略式))〈価格を〉つり上げる,〈数値を〉大きく上げる3 他〔受身形で〕((米俗))〈人を〉ハイにする,酔わせる;自((英俗))麻薬を打つ語源[原義は「ジョンの仲間」→「道具」]

    [動]他((米略式))…を不法に取る,盗む語源[hijack から]
