Michelangelo's Grocery List with Drawings, 1518 ( probably the servant tasked with the grocery run was illiterate)
Preserved at the Casa Buonarroti museum in Florence, Italy
The mayor of Osaka has come under fire for suggesting men should be the ones doing the grocery shopping during the pandemic because women are indecisive and "take a long time." Under the national state of emergency for the coronavirus, residents in some areas have ...
台北捷運 有" 通道 請勿逗留 (loiter)"布告
Motivating minds
Jan 22nd 2009
From The Economist print edition
From The Economist print edition
TO SOME there is nothing so urgent that it cannot be postponed in favour of a cup of tea. Such procrastination is a mystery to psychologists, who wonder why people would sabotage themselves in this way. A team of researchers led by Sean McCrea of the University of Konstanz, in Germany, reckon they have found a piece of the puzzle. People act in a timely way when given concrete tasks but dawdle when they view them in abstract terms.
2004 0816讀奇境奇字:lallygag和筆記
人生有些時候,所讀的書特別有味道。台灣很早就有CONFESSIONS OF AN ADVERTISING MAN by David Ogilvy 的翻譯本(晨鐘出版社?),不過我可能沒讀過。
80年代中期,有一回從美國回來的途中,選讀的是 Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy 。印刷精美,文字和故事都迷人。那時,我的專業與他的行業隔如山,唯一相疊的,只是每一行業都相同的企業目的:「服務顧客」。不過,我想他得故事精採得多,而我對於他們迷戀 big idea和文字,一定很羨慕。
再幾年,《廣告大師奧格威—未公諸於世的選集》(The Unpublished David Ogilvy by Joel Raphaelson, David Ogilvy)莊淑芬譯,台北:天下文化出版社,初版:1987/97 近兩萬本。這書,在我去年讀評《奧格威自傳》(David Ogilvy : An Autobiagraphy)
奧格威是奇人,有許多奇遇。這種人的自傳,有許多文化上的東西須要注解,《奧格威自傳》的編者在「最喜歡的食譜」加些注,有有幫助。其實最需要加注的,倒是之前的「最喜歡的字彙:清單上的字讓我驚喜…..abecedary/字母;akimbo/手插腰……」( pp.231-33)
這章之名 A Forest Full of Surprises,翻譯成「歡樂林」,似乎有點奇怪。除了記朋友,還有Favourite Words, RECIPES. Customers.
這位夢想受勳變成Sir David的Favourite Words,我們當然可能一字都認不得。昨天我研究「.abecedary/字母」,發現《廣告大師奧格威—未公諸於世的選集》第50頁有解。
由rl每日一字 flaneur(閒逛的)想到 lallygag

'lallygag' is one of preferred word of David Oglivy.
But some one translate it into. 閒逛的—hc: 錯,原譯「游手好閒」。
問他意見Please advise what you know about lallygag.【 rl 2004-08-17
因為趕稿暫時無暇細思量,此字為動詞,例中譯作形容詞應屬不宜,至於漢譯,則兩者皆對,也就是說,它可以用來表示無所事事或縱慾方面的動作。 】
hc 查The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition和Yahoo ,都說它與 flaneur意思近似:To waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle. ETYMOLOGY: Origin unknown.
【Dawdle字義: 1.To take more time than necessary: dawdled through breakfast.
2. To move aimlessly or lackadaisically: dawdling on the way to work.】
verb [I]
to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary:
Stop dawdling! You'll be late for school!
lallygag Variant of lollygag.
lallygag Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The verb has one meaning:
Meaning #1: be about
Synonyms: loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, lurk, mill about, mill around
LALLYGAG midC19 [English] (v) ~ To kiss and cuddle.
A Dictionary of Slang and Euphemism, Richard Spears, informs that lallygag/lollygag has an older meaning of "to flirt, court, or make love" (mid-1800s), and a more current meaning of "to be idle" (1900s). The same source reveals the slang term, "ladies' lollipop." (British, jocular, 1800s).
An aimless idler; a loafer.
[French, from flâner, to idle about, stroll, of Germanic origin.]
清沈復《浮生六記·浪游記快》:“ 海幢寺規模極大,山門內植榕樹,大可十餘抱,蔭濃如蓋,秋冬不凋。”
- 漫無目標的四處遊逛。唐.杜牧.見穆三十宅中庭海榴花謝詩:「堪恨王孫浪遊去,落英狼籍始歸來。」