Rebels Control Most of Syria’s Largest City, War Monitor Says
The advance on Aleppo came just four days into a surprise rebel offensive that is the most intense escalation in years in a civil war that was mostly dormant.
State Law May Silence Anonymous Online Speech
By Matt Peckham

A merger would have to be approved by partners at Hogan and Lovells at meetings in December. The person with knowledge of the deal spoke only under anonymity, saying that discussions were continuing and could still collapse.
Detainee Alleging Torture to Be Sent to Britain, Source Says
A former British resident held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, will be flown home early next week, marking the first transfer of a Guantanamo detainee by the Obama administration, according to a source involved in the process, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on...
(By Peter Finn and Julie Tate, The Washington Post)
Briton Under Scrutiny for Role in Georgia Blame Game
A former British army captain helped Moscow turn the tide of opinion over who started the Russia-Georgia conflict. But his position as a fair observer is now being questioned.
Olympus Auditors Get New Scrutiny
the Olympus scandal intensifies, the company's auditors are also
feeling the heat, as regulators and lawyers examine why they never
exposed a 13-year coverup of more than $1.5 billion in investment
General Motors is said to be considering whether or not to sell or close down more automotive brands. The Wall Street Journal, citing anonymous sources, said Monday that all of G.M.'s brands except Cadillac and Chevrolet, which it considers core to its business, are under scrutiny.
Go to Article from Reuters via The New York Times»
17 babies are left in anonymous drop box in Japan
The Associated Press - TOKYO (AP) — An anonymous baby "drop box" in southern Japan received 17 babies from around the country in its first year since opening last May, ...
Reanimating long-dormant scrutiny
Apple Board Faces Scrutiny
years, Apple's directors operated in the long shadow of Steve Jobs.
Board members stretched the standards of corporate governance to
maintain Mr. Jobs's privacy and authority. But the board must now decide
whether to move back toward the mainstream of how big U.S. companies
govern themselves.
EU Opens Formal Probe Against IBM Reanimating long-dormant scrutiny of IBM, EU antitrust authorities said they have opened formal investigations into Big Blue's conduct in the market for powerful mainframe computers.
- 発音記号[dɔ'ːrmənt]
1 眠っている(ような);不活発な.
2 〈計画が〉実施されていない;〈権利が〉未発動の, 未行使の;〈才能・感情が〉現れていない, 潜んでいる
a dormant account
3 〈火山が〉活動休止中の
a dormant volcano
4 《生物》休眠中の
dormant snakes
5 《紋章》〈獣が〉休眠中の形の. ⇒COUCHANT
lie dormant
- (of an animal) lying with the body resting on the legs and the head raised."two lions couchant"
Search Results
scrutinize, UK USUALLY scrutinise
verb [T]
to examine something very carefully in order to discover information:
He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.
Associated Press WriterSTOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- V.S. Naipaul, a writer of aching humor and grim reality, won the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday for his "incorruptible scrutiny" of postcolonial society and his critical assessments of Muslim fundamentalism.
- 発音記号[ìnkərʌ'ptəbl]
1 買収されない[できない], 清廉[潔白]な.
2 ((形式))腐敗[腐食, 溶解]しない, 不朽の.
- 発音記号[skrúːtəni]
[名](複 -nies)
1 [U][C]精密な調査, 吟味, 詮索(せんさく). ⇒EXAMINATION[類語]
under public scrutiny
stand the light of scrutiny
2 ((英))投票(再)検査. ▼開票結果が接戦のとき行う.
3 [U]監視, 監督.
4 [U][C]じろじろ見ること.
[後ラテン語scrūtinium(scrūtārī注意深く探す+-inium名詞語尾). 原義は「がらくたの中から探す」]scrutiny
noun [U]
the careful and detailed examination of something in order to obtain information about it:
The Government's record will be subjected to/come under (close) scrutiny in the weeks before the election.
1 made or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public:
The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor.
Police said an anonymous caller warned that a bomb was about to go off.
An attempt to implant an embryo using an egg from an anonymous woman donor was unsuccessful.
He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn't pay the money.
For reasons of personal safety, the informant wishes to remain anonymous.
2 having no unusual or interesting features:
He has a rather anonymous face.
- [ənɑ'nəməs | ənɔ'n-]
2 個性[特色]のない, 何ということもない, 平凡な.
The donation was made anonymously.
noun [U]when someone's name is not given or known:
The police have reassured witnesses who may be afraid to come forward that they will be guaranteed anonymity.
drop box (technical )
An electric outlet box hung from above, as in a theater stagehouse where it is fed by a cable from the overhead gridiron.