Trump’s Cabinet Is Nearly Full With Flurry of Picks
Trump’s Cabinet Is Nearly Full With Flurry of Picks
- In late Friday announcements, President-elect Trump named his picks for Treasury secretary, surgeon general, labor secretary and the heads of the C.D.C. and HUD.
- Some of his choices were well-known, while others were unconventional.
- The deluge came a day after Mr. Trump’s top choice for attorney general, Matt Gaetz, withdrew and a new pick, Pam Bondi, was made.
In Cleveland, Killings Show Social Costs of Deterioration
The killings of three women near Cleveland exposed how a city that
is proud of its downtown business revival and world-class cultural and
medical institutions continues to harbor pockets of despair.
Big Banks, Flooded in Profits, Fear Flurry of New Safeguards
Wall Street's big banks are still opposing aspects of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law and do not like a proposal to set aside more capital to cover future losses.Concern in G.O.P. Over State Focus on Social Issues
Some Republicans, eager to focus attention on fiscal issues, fear that a
flurry of socially conservative legislation in states across the
country could hurt the party in the fall.
So Much for the Nativists
The flurry of visa-related bills making the rounds on Capitol Hill offers further proof that the country cannot live without immigrant labor.
XXX Domain Goes Public With Flurry of Activity
Porn-themed suffix joins .com, .edu and .org as a top-level Internet domain.
In March, Apple sued rival smartphone maker HTC over patent infringements. Earlier this year, Motorola sued Research in Motion, maker of the BlackBerry, for similar reasons. And last year, Nokia sued Apple -- only to be counter-sued. According to experts at Wharton, the flurry of patent battles playing out in the smartphone arena is the mark of a young industry with billions of dollars at stake. And while companies like Apple have much to gain from aggressive patent protection, there are some potential downsides to that strategy as well.
Iran’s Death Penalty Is Seen as a Political Tactic
A flurry of executions has raised concern that the government is using judicially sanctioned killing to quell pockets of unrest around the nation.
We cannot make cavities go away, we can make them less painful.
An act from which you get no benefit that costs you. No good deed goes unpunished. A good deed will come back and bite you in the ass.
Goring issued an order shielding decorated Jewish WW1 veterans and their families from the Gestapo. That order was used against Goring at his trial. His good deed came back and bit him in the ass.
cav·i·ty (kăv'ĭ-tē)

n., pl., -ties.
- A hollow; a hole.
- A hollow area within the body: a sinus cavity.
- A pitted area in a tooth caused by caries.
━━ n. 空洞, うつろ, 穴; 虫歯の穴; 【解】腔.
Body cavity search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A body cavity search is either a visual search or a manual internal inspection of body cavities for prohibited materials (contraband), such as illegal drugs, money,pock·et (pŏk'ĭt)

- A small baglike attachment forming part of a garment and used to carry small articles, as a flat pouch sewn inside a pair of pants or a piece of material sewn on its sides and bottom to the outside of a shirt.
- A small sack or bag.
- A receptacle, cavity, or opening.
- Financial means; money supply: The cost of the trip must come out of your own pocket. the food was all priced to suit the hard-up airman’s pocket
- A small cavity in the earth, especially one containing ore.
- A small body or accumulation of ore.
- A pouch in an animal body, such as the cheek pouch of a rodent or the abdominal pouch of a marsupial.
- Games. One of the pouchlike receptacles at the corners and sides of a billiard or pool table.
- Baseball. The deepest part of a baseball glove, just below the web, where the ball is normally caught.
- Sports. A racing position in which a contestant has no room to pass a group of contestants immediately to his or her front or side.
- A small, isolated, or protected area or group: pockets of dissatisfied voters.
- Football. The area a few yards behind the line of scrimmage that blockers attempt to keep clear so that the quarterback can pass the ball.
- An air pocket.
- A bin for storing ore, grain, or other materials.
- Suitable for or capable of being carried in one's pocket: a pocket handkerchief; a pocket edition of a dictionary.
- Small; miniature: a pocket backyard; a pocket museum.
- To place in or as if in a pocket.
- To take possession of for oneself, especially dishonestly: pocketed the receipts from the charity dance.
- To accept or tolerate (an insult, for example).
- To conceal or suppress: I pocketed my pride and asked for a raise.
- To prevent (a bill) from becoming law by failing to sign until the adjournment of the legislature.
- Sports. To hem in (a competitor) in a race.
- Games. To hit (a ball) into a pocket of a pool or billiard table.
in (one's) pocket
- In one's power, influence, or possession: The defendant had the jury in his pocket.
- Having funds.
- Having gained or retained funds of a specified amount: was a hundred dollars in pocket after a day at the races.
[Middle English, pouch, small bag, from Anglo-Norman pokete, diminutive of Old North French poke, bag, of Germanic origin.]
pocketless pock'et·less adj.
n., pl., -ries.
- A brief, light snowfall.
- A sudden gust of wind.
- A stirring mass, as of leaves or dust; a shower.
- A sudden burst or commotion; a stir: a flurry of interest in the new product; a flurry of activity when the plane landed.
- A short period of active trading, as on a stock exchange.
v., -ried, -ry·ing, -ries.
To agitate, stir, or confuse.
To move or come down in a flurry.
[Perhaps from flurr, to scatter.]
1 突風, (一陣の)疾風, (一時的な)吹雪, 風雨
a flurry of dry leaves
2 (突然の)混乱[動揺];興奮, ろうばい;いっせいに起こる動き
in a flurry
a flurry of objections
3 《証券》(株価の)小波乱.
4 (もりを打ち込まれた)鯨のあがき.
━━[動](他)((しばしば受身))〈人・動物を〉あわてさせる, ろうばいさせる
━━(自)〈人・動物が〉まごつく, うろたえる;せわしなく動く.
get flurried
動揺する, うろたえる.
動揺する, うろたえる.
1. Follow a given circuit, as in The watchman makes the rounds every hour, or The gossip soon made the rounds of the school. Versions of this expression, such as go the rounds, follow the rounds, march the rounds, date from about 1600.
2. make rounds. Visit each hospitalized patient who is under the care of a specific physician, as in The surgery residents make rounds with their chief every morning. [c. 1900]