“I love this dance.” -Elizabeth Bennet
“Indeed. Most invigorating.” -Mr. Darcy
“They’re very difficult dances to learn, these, and so when you’re having to do big dialogue scenes at the same time it’s very difficult. Matthew and Keira did brilliantly.” -Joe Wright
Greenhouse warming might mean that more tropical storms reach high latitudes, where they can invigorate the meanders of the jet stream
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
"...this exhibition lets the visitor exist within the Sahel on its own terms...there’s an invigorating sense that although the art may be worthy of anything that empire has produced, it embodies ideas and meanings deeper than empire." —Washington Post
New exhibition puts the Sahel on the map — and the visitor inside the region’s unique art culture.

Review | The Met gives a long-overdue look at an African cultural powerhouse
Obama Plans Sharper Tone as Party Frets By ADAM NAGOURNEY and JEFF ZELENY
Barack Obama is planning more forceful attacks and new TV ads as he confronts an invigorated Republican ticket.
Paris Performance Reinvigorates Ballet Classics
The worlds of classical ballet and contemporary dance generally exist as if they were on separate planets --- each with their own enthusiasts and stars. Now Canadian choreographer Edward Lock has brought them together in his most recent creation: Amjad, which recently opened in Paris. In it, he deconstructs great classical ballets such as Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty and re-invigorates them with contemporary music and choreography. (Reporter Genevieve Oger)
Six Steps for Reinvigorating Americahttp://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5802.html
In the early stages of the 21st century, America has lost its way both at home and in the world, argues Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter. In her new book, America the Principled, she details 6 opportunities for America to boost its economic vitality and democratic ideals. Q&A plus excerpt.
Jet streams are fast flowing, narrow, meandering air currents in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth.
高速氣流,或稱噴射氣流、高空急流、極鋒噴流(英語:Jet Stream),是行星尺度的大氣環流。在地球上,指數條圍繞地球的強而窄的高速氣流帶,集中在對流層頂,在中高緯西風帶內或在低緯度地區都可出現。
lose your way
to become lostvigorousadj.
- Strong, energetic, and active in mind or body; robust. See synonyms at healthy.
- Marked by or done with force and energy. See synonyms at active.
vigorousness vig'or·ous·ness n.
tr.v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates.
To impart vigor, strength, or vitality to; animate: “A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her” (D.H. Lawrence).
[Possibly obsolete invigor (from French envigorer, from Old French envigourer : en-, in; see in–2 + vigour, vigor; see vigor) + –ATE1.]
invigoratingly in·vig'or·at'ing·ly adv.invigoration in·vig'or·a'tion n.
invigorator in·vig'or·a'tor n.
invigorate verb [T]
to make someone feel fresher, healthier and more energetic:
We were invigorated by our walk.
an invigorating swim/run