His bold dismantling of apartheid was not just to ease the lives of the black majority. It was also to ensure that Afrikanerdom was saved
The Communist Party must undo decades of sowing ethnic division between Uighurs and Han Chinese
Xinjiang's apartheid-like system must be undone

Dismantling China’s Muslim gulag in Xinjiang is not enough
"Yes! Life’s too short to read superannuated Marxists, especially those whose theoretical toolkit deploys the left-handed dialectical spanner and the right-handed Freudian screwdriver at one and the same time... At least it would be, if it weren’t for the jokes – and the comic timing."
Ebay chief John Donahoe is disassembling all of the major strategic moves of his predecessor, Meg Whitman, including her acquisitions of Skype and StumbleUpon.
In an effort to stave off the dismantling of his media empire, Sumner M. Redstone, the controlling shareholder of Viacom and CBS, recently proposed to sell his family's 1,500-screen theater chain in an effort to restructure his large debt load, The New York Times reported.
Go to Article from The New York Times»
North Koreans Agree to Disable Nuclear Facilities
The deal sets a timetable for North Korea to dismantle all of its nuclear facilities in return for economic aid.
In June 1997, environmental groups voiced anger because, in their view, Vice President Gore had failed to push hard enough for tougher air pollution standards and for negotiating deep cuts in worldwide emissions of greenhouse gases. They distributed a statement to editorial writers that derided remarks by the Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore about global warming as “hot air.”
“The failure of the White House to provide any leadership on the clean air standards and on climate change raises real questions about what real environmental progress Vice President Gore can point to in claiming the mantle of the environmental candidate in the year 2000,” Mr. Clapp told The New York Times.
Japan-aided project to scrap Russian N-subs to end in '10
A project in which Japan is helping Russia dismantle decommissioned nuclear submarines abandoned on the far east Russian coast is expected to conclude in 2010, according to government sources.
Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura is scheduled to meet with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, in Moscow on Monday, and will confirm arrangements to complete the project.
All the vessels, about 70 in total, will be dismantled and taken away in the project.
Japan has to date put up about 1.7 billion yen to take apart two submarines and plans to contribute about 3 billion yen more for the dismantling of another four vessels.
The submarines were built by the former Soviet Union as part of the Cold War arms race with the United States. But the collapse of the Soviet Union and the birth of a new Russia brought political chaos and later, economic difficulties, meaning the submarines were just abandoned without being dismantled following their decommissioning.
In 1993, it was learned that spent nuclear fuel from superannuated Russian submarines had been dumped in the Sea of Japan, which highlighted the dismantling issue.
(Apr. 13, 2008)

━━ v. 老齢ゆえに(恩給を与え)退職させる; 時代遅れとして捨てる; 老朽化する, 時代遅れになる.
super・an・nu・at・ed ━━ a.
super・an・nu・a・tion ━━ n. 老齢退職; 退職年金.

noun [S] FORMAL
the responsibilities of an important position or job, especially as given from the person who had the job to the person who replaces them:
She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.
He has been asked to take on the mantle of managing director in the New York office.
1 [I or T] to take a machine apart or to come apart into separate pieces:
She dismantled the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn't put it back together again.
The good thing about the bike is that it dismantles if you want to put it in the back of the car.
Talks on dismantling North Korea ’s nuclear program...
North Korea agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor and dismantle all of its nuclear programmes.
北朝鮮の核施設を「稼働できない状態」にすること。北朝鮮・寧辺の核施設の稼働停止・封印など「初期段階措置」に続く「次の段階」の措置として、今年2月の6カ国協議で合意した。今回の協議で暫定合意した共同文書案には(1)寧辺の実験用黒鉛減速炉など3施設を対象と ...
A previously undisclosed exchange of letters shows that President Bush was told in advance of a plan to dismantle the Iraqi Army.
2 [T] to get rid of a system or organization, usually over a period of time:
Unions accuse the government of dismantling the National Health Service.The Chinese government announced Monday that it would allow mainland Chinese citizens to invest in the Hong Kong stock market, the most significant move to date by Beijing officials to dismantle the barriers that prevent most Chinese from making international investments.
(dĭs-măn'tl)tr.v., -tled, -tling, -tles.
- To take apart; disassemble; tear down.
- To put an end to in a gradual systematic way: dismantling the cumbersome regulations for interstate trucking.
- To strip of furnishings or equipment: dismantled the house before knocking it down.
- To strip of covering or clothing.
[Obsolete French desmanteler, to raze fortifications round a town, from Old French : des-, dis- + (em)manteler, to cover with a coat, shelter (ultimately from mantel, cloak; see mantle).]
tr.v., -sioned, -sion·ing, -sions. 除役
To withdraw (a ship, for example) from active service.