The Worst of Both Worlds: Zooming From the Office
Hybrid work has created a mushy middle ground, raising concerns about whether such flexibility is sustainable, even with the benefits it confers.
Harrison Ford certainly isn't getting all mushy about returning to play Han Solo in the new Star Wars films.
柿餅成串曬 如算盤之珠子
A haiku by Yukio Takashima goes: "Persimmons/ Strung up to dry/ Like abacus beads."
高島 幸夫
The situation reminds me of an old Japanese folk tale, "Saru-Kani Gassen" (The feud between the monkey and the crab). A monkey immediately eats a rice ball that it receives from a crab in exchange for a persimmon seed, but the crab plants its seed, which grows into a tree that bears fruit.
[puhr-SIHM-muhn] The most widely available persimmon in the United States is the Hachiya, also called Japanese persimmon and kaki. It's large (up to 3 inches in diameter) and round, with a slightly elongated, pointed base. The Fuyu persimmon is smaller and more tomato-shaped. When ripe, both have a red-orange skin and flesh. The Hachiya is quite soft when completely ripe and has a smooth, creamy texture and a tangy-sweet flavor. If eaten even slightly underripe, it will pucker the mouth with an incredible astringency. The Fuyu, however, is still firm when ripe and is not at all astringent. Sharon fruit is a sweet, round Israeli persimmon that can be eaten slightly underripe. It's found in Europe and the Middle East. Persimmons are available from October to February. Choose fruit that is plump and soft but not mushy (the Fuyu should be quite firm). The skin should be smooth, glossy and brightly colored. Persimmons that are not quite ripe can be ripened at room temperature. Store ripe fruit in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Persimmons can be used in baked goods, puddings and other desserts, as well as eaten out of hand. They contain a good amount of vitamin A and some vitamin C.
- 2.informalexcessively sentimental."a mushy film"
synonyms: sentimental, mawkish, over-sentimental, emotional, cloying, sickly,saccharine, sugary, syrupy; More
其中Kakiemon的Kaki,我不陌生。因為「法文」的「柿子」就是le kaki,或者la plaquemine。初看到Kakiemon一詞,我還覺得奇怪,為什麼日文中的「柿右衛門」的「柿」剛好跟法文中的「柿」都是kaki呢?
但柿蒂卻又是kaki calyx (法文為la calice de kaki),kaki calyx 柿蒂紋是常見的中國傳統裝飾圖案。---
Pharmaceutical Latin: | Calyx Kaki |
Common English: | Persimmon Calyx Kaki Diospyros |
Wikipedia article "Persimmon".
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - カキ属の各種の木, 柿の実, 柿
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n. (名詞 noun)