Package testing: heat sealing film for evaluation of shelf life of lettuce
More than 160 South Koreans have tested positive a second time for the coronavirus, a development that suggests the disease may have a longer shelf life than expected.
She used the word “vagina” during a discussion with eighth graders about Georgia O'Keefe's work.
She used the word “vagina” during a discussion with eighth graders about Georgia O'Keefe's work.
The assumption that Germany’s tight labour market was tailor-made for job-hungry migrants has given way to the grim realisation that most are an ill fit for an economy mainly seeking highly skilled workers
Apple is a victim of its own success. Will it soon be overtaken by Alphabet?
"Throughout medical training, my greatest fear was that my supervisors would find out about my stuttering and deem me unfit to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor."
For people with disabilities, doctors are not always healers
It took me 22 years to admit to myself that I stuttered and needed treatment for it.
What is a canto in poetry? A canto is a division in a long poem, much like a chapter in a story. Twentieth-century poet Ezra Pound's most famous work was called The Cantos. It is a collection of his 117 finished cantos, and it focuses greatly on the political and economic situation over the course of the several decades in which he wrote the poems. The controversial poet was born in Idaho on this date in 1885. He moved to Europe as a young man, spending much of his adult life there, until — after making anti-American broadcasts over Italian radio — he was arrested and charged with treason against his native land, and returned to the US after WWII. Found mentally unfit to stand trial, Pound was sent to St. Elizabeth's Hospital, where he spent 13 years writing and produced some of his greatest work. When he was released, he returned to Italy. He died there at the age of 87, in 1972.
› to make something else seem better or more attractive whencombining with it
Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly.
The music complements her voice perfectly.
A substitute teacher is a person who teaches a school class when the regular teacher is unavailable; e.g., because of illness, personal leave, or other reasons.
Traditionally, the verb substitute is followed by for and means ‘put someone or something in place of another’, as in she substituted the fake vase for the real one. From the late 17th century substitute has also been used to mean ‘replace someone or something with something else’, as in she substituted the real vase with the fake one. This can be confusing, since the two sentences shown above mean the same thing, yet the object of the verb and the object of the preposition have swapped positions. Despite the potential confusion, the second, newer use is well established, especially in some scientific contexts and in sport (the top scorer was substituted with almost half an hour still to play), and is now generally regarded as part of normal standard English.
1 (長詩の)編:小説などのchapterに当たる(略:can.).
A major division of a long or extended poem. A canto of a poem corresponds to a chapter of a novel.
[名](複 〜s)
2 ((俗))《スポーツ》試合の区切り(野球のinningなど).
[もとはラテン語cantus (canere歌う+-tus過去分詞語尾=歌われるもの)]deem
Line breaks: deemunfit
Line breaks: un¦fit
Pronunciation: /ʌnˈfɪt /
1(Of a thing) not of the necessary quality or standard to meet a particular purpose:the land is unfit for food crops
Make (something or someone) unsuitable; disqualify:making women printers will only unfit them for theparamount duties of female society
unfitness NOUN
Shelf life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shelf life is the length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use, consumption, or sale. In other words, it might refer to whether a commodity should no longer be on a pantry shelf (unfit for use), or just no longer on a supermarketshelf (unfit for sale, but not yet unfit for use).(薬・食品などの)貯蔵寿命...