National Gallery of Art
There aren’t enough people talking about John Singer Sargent’s landscapes
What’s a #StrongOpinion you have about an artist?Scroll down to read more about this painting by Sargent
....The demands placed on John Singer Sargent by his unparalleled success as a painter of Gilded Age portraits on both sides of the Atlantic began to tire him in the early 1900s. He even declared that he was "shutting up shop in the portrait line" to focus more on landscapes.And just like his striking portraits, the landscapes did not disappoint.The infinite variety of brushwork that defined Sargent's vibrant portraits also enlivened his landscape paintings. Just notice how brilliantly he captures the sunlight and deep shadows that outline the rocky terrain in his “Simplon Pass” painting...
John Singer Sargent, “Simplon Pass,” 1911, oil on canvas, 28 × 36 in., Corcoran Collection
There aren’t enough people talking about John Singer Sargent’s landscapes 

What’s a #StrongOpinion you have about an artist?
Scroll down to read more about this painting by Sargent 

The demands placed on John Singer Sargent by his unparalleled success as a painter of Gilded Age portraits on both sides of the Atlantic began to tire him in the early 1900s. He even declared that he was "shutting up shop in the portrait line" to focus more on landscapes.
And just like his striking portraits, the landscapes did not disappoint.
The infinite variety of brushwork that defined Sargent's vibrant portraits also enlivened his landscape paintings. Just notice how brilliantly he captures the sunlight and deep shadows that outline the rocky terrain in his “Simplon Pass” painting...

I might pumped, BUT I did not dump.
Musk says SpaceX holds bitcoin, Tesla ‘likely’ to resume accepting it
Comments on cryptocurrency come during panel discussion with Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Ark Invest CEO Cathie Wood
A business trip still presents an array of challenges for breastfeeding mothers.
Floodwaters Add to Pressure on Gas Prices
Flooding in the Midwest has caused ethanol prices to rise, which could be passed on at the pump as Americans enter the summer driving season.
Yellow Buses Put Schools in the Red
June 19, 2008
June 19, 2008
The pain at the pump is hitting those too young to drive.
In Nebraska, Bellevue School District is budgeting $600,000 to cover fuel costs for school buses next school year, compared with $250,000 a year ago. Kentucky's Bowling Green Independent Schools is budgeting 36% more for fuel compared with last year. The Durham, N.C., public schools budgeted $3.3 million for fuel, more than twice what was budgeted a year ago.
- 1C(細)道,山道,峠,通路,水路,(やなの上の)魚道;《航空》(特定地域の)上空飛行,目標地点への飛行
- pass
- 山道を登る
- 2C《スポーツ》パス,送球
- a pass
- パスを出す
- 2aC(順番・機会などを)パスすること,辞退,《トランプ》パス;《野球》(四球による)出塁(a base on balls);《闘牛》パセ(◇ケープまたは赤い布で牛の攻撃をかわす動作)
- [ ] a pass ...
- …を断る,辞退する
- 3CU(…の)通行[入場]許可証,(無料)入場[乗車]券,定期券,優待パス≪to,for≫;《軍事》前線陣地通行券,軍事基地出入許可証,外出許可証
- a ( ) pass [ ]
- 劇場への(無料)入場券
- 3aCU合格(すること),((主に英))(大学の)普通及第[合格]
- [ ] a pass ...
- …にちゃんと合格する
- a pass .
- 化学(のテスト)に合格した
- 4C(状況を)通過すること,(出来事などの)段階;〔a ~〕やっかいな状況,困難,危険,不幸,ありさま,事態
- pass
- 最初の段階で
- Things [ ] a [ ] pass.
- 困ったことになった
- 5C(催眠術をかけるときの)手の動き,(奇術で)手さばき;ごまかし,品物のすり替え;《フェンシング》突き;((略式))(相手に当たらない)腕の突き,腕で突くまね
- 6C(個々の)作戦行動,試み,努力;(異性へ)接触しようとする試み,口説き
- 7C(コンピュータ・機械などでの)一通りの作業工程
- a pass
- 単一パスで
pass sth on (GIVE) phrasal verb [M]
to give someone something that another person has given you:
Could you pass it on to Laura when you've finished reading it?
pump (DEVICE)
noun [C]
a piece of equipment which is used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place to another:
a water/bicycle/fuel pump
a UK petrol/US gas pump
1 [T usually + adverb or preposition] to force liquid or gas to move somewhere:
Our latest machine can pump a hundred gallons a minute.
The new wine is pumped into storage tanks.
The heart pumps blood through the arteries/round the body.
2 [T] INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information, especially in an indirect way:
She was pumping me for details of the new project.
ma·te·ri·el or ma·té·ri·el (mə-tîr'ē-ĕl') 
The equipment, apparatus, and supplies of a military force or other organization. See synonyms at equipment.
The equipment, apparatus, and supplies of a military force or other organization. See synonyms at equipment.
[French matériel, consisting of matter, materiel, from Old French material. See material.]
- 〔m
- 〔m
1 設備, 施設, 資材.
2 軍需品, (軍用)資材.