Commemorating a famous civil rights speech, a black president was at
center stage, as two white former presidents looked on deferentially.
Glaxo Trips for Chinese Doctors Played to Overburdened Medical System
BEIJING—GlaxoSmithKline PLC employees in China are said to have organized an all-expense-paid trip in May for a group of doctors to tour the scenic river town of Guilin, one of China's premier tourist destinations. The goal: Get Chinese doctors to begin prescribing the company's Botox medication, according to an anonymous tipster who alerted company executives.
Cui Lihua, a physician at Beijing's Bo'ai Hospital, was one of the more than 30 doctors invited on a three-day tour that included a trip to Elephant Trunk Hill and Seven Stars Park, attractions known for their lush natural settings and a chance to see ...
There were tears, and occasional laughter, as the Bishop of London, The Right Reverend Richard Chartres, paid tribute to Lady Thatcher's forthright character in a simple service, which, at her personal request, did not include any eulogies.
A Tepid Fiscal Agreement
The tentative deal reached between leaders in the Senate raises taxes but falls far short of meeting the nation's long-term needs.
Pussy Riot: activists, not pin-ups
Ms. Whitman gave Autonomy tepid support.
Jeremy Lin, a Christian with Taiwanese roots, is wowing the NBA
The Australian
It was an interesting choice for Jeremy Lin, the American-born son of Taiwanese immigrants, the out-of-the-box point guard who has become the NBA's newest sensation and a pin-up boy for the US Christian movement, due to his regular post game musings ...
New iPhone Bows but Fails to Wow
Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S smartphone, which includes a new camera and processor but otherwise closely resembles the model the company has been selling for more than a year.
Asian Handset Makers May Find Room to Shine
The tepid reception to Apple's new iPhone was viewed as likely to boost Asia's handset makers as they battle for market share.
According to the company, the core value is to "deliver 'WOW' through service."[15]
UPDATE: "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."
Those were the final words Steve Jobs ever spoke, according to his sister, Mona Simpson."Before embarking, he’d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life’s partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them," Simpson said in her eulogy for her brother that she delivered at his funeral earlier this month, which was published by the New York Times over the weekend. "Steve’s final words were: OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW."
You can read the full eulogy here.
連說3次「oh Wow」賈伯斯臨終遺言
〔編譯魏國金/綜合報導〕蘋果公司奠基人賈伯斯的妹妹、作家孟娜.辛普森在追思兄長的祭文中指出,賈伯斯生前最後的一句話是單音節的「喔,哇」(Oh Wow),而且連說3遍,宛如他帶給人們的驚嘆。
辛普森似乎認為,賈伯斯最後遺言與他相信來生有關,傳記作者艾薩克森也說,最後和賈伯斯談的是關於生死的話題,因此有人解讀,賈伯斯遺言或許可比擬為發明家愛迪生臨終的最後話語:「那裡很美」(It is very beautiful over there)。
有人解讀 可比擬愛迪生遺言
54 歲辛普森寫道︰「即使身為女性主義者,我傾注一生等候所愛的男子,而他或也愛我。數十年來我認為此人是我父親,當我25歲時,我遇見這個人,他就是我的哥 哥。我與賈伯斯相見時,他是那個年代穿著牛仔褲的傢伙,看起來像阿拉伯或猶太人,且比奧瑪雪瑞夫帥。」1984年兄妹相認後,辛普森透露正想買台電腦, 「賈伯斯告訴我等一等是好事,因為他正在創造一台極為美麗的電腦。」她提到,當賈伯斯被踢出一手創立的蘋果時,「他告訴我,有一個500名矽谷領袖與當時 總統共餐的晚宴,他竟未受邀。他很受傷,但他仍然工作…每一天都工作。」
辛普森指出,賈伯斯在生前最後幾個小時,家人隨侍在側,他的呼吸逐漸改變,不時傳出深沉聲音,他似乎在登山,「他的呼吸顯示旅程費力,山勢艱險陡峭」。賈伯斯最後一一凝視家人,說了「Oh Wow Oh Wow Oh Wow」,然後與世長辭。
連說3次「oh Wow」賈伯斯臨終遺言
10月5日去世的賈伯斯,今年6月間在蘋果全球開發商會議上談及雲端服務,當天據信是賈伯斯最後一次公開露面。 (路透) |
〔編譯魏國金/綜合報導〕蘋果公司奠基人賈伯斯的妹妹、作家孟娜.辛普森在追思兄長的祭文中指出,賈伯斯生前最後的一句話是單音節的「喔,哇」(Oh Wow),而且連說3遍,宛如他帶給人們的驚嘆。
辛普森似乎認為,賈伯斯最後遺言與他相信來生有關,傳記作者艾薩克森也說,最後和賈伯斯談的是關於生死的話題,因此有人解讀,賈伯斯遺言或許可比擬為發明家愛迪生臨終的最後話語:「那裡很美」(It is very beautiful over there)。
有人解讀 可比擬愛迪生遺言
54 歲辛普森寫道︰「即使身為女性主義者,我傾注一生等候所愛的男子,而他或也愛我。數十年來我認為此人是我父親,當我25歲時,我遇見這個人,他就是我的哥 哥。我與賈伯斯相見時,他是那個年代穿著牛仔褲的傢伙,看起來像阿拉伯或猶太人,且比奧瑪雪瑞夫帥。」1984年兄妹相認後,辛普森透露正想買台電腦, 「賈伯斯告訴我等一等是好事,因為他正在創造一台極為美麗的電腦。」她提到,當賈伯斯被踢出一手創立的蘋果時,「他告訴我,有一個500名矽谷領袖與當時 總統共餐的晚宴,他竟未受邀。他很受傷,但他仍然工作…每一天都工作。」
辛普森指出,賈伯斯在生前最後幾個小時,家人隨侍在側,他的呼吸逐漸改變,不時傳出深沉聲音,他似乎在登山,「他的呼吸顯示旅程費力,山勢艱險陡峭」。賈伯斯最後一一凝視家人,說了「Oh Wow Oh Wow Oh Wow」,然後與世長辭。
Used to express wonder, amazement, or great pleasure.
An outstanding success.
tr.v., wowed, wow·ing, wows.
To have a strong, usually pleasurable effect on: a performance that wowed the audience.
- To bend (the head, knee, or body) to express greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.
- To convey (greeting, for example) by bending the body.
- To escort deferentially: bowed us into the restaurant.
- To cause to acquiesce; submit.
- To overburden: Grief bowed them down.
Translate overburden | into Italianverb
Pronunciation: /əʊvəˈbəːd(ə)n/
[with object]noun
Pronunciation: /ˈəʊvəbəːd(ə)n/
- 音節
- tep • id
- 発音
- tépid
- レベル
- 社会人必須
2 熱意に欠ける, 気乗りのしない.
te・píd・i・ty, ・ness
- eu • lo • gy
- 発音
- júːlədʒi
- eulogyの変化形
- eulogies (複数形)
1 (人・物を)賛美する演説[文章], 賛辞, ほめ言葉;((米))(特に死者に対する)頌徳(しょうとく)文, 追悼頌徳演説. ⇒ELEGY
2 [U]賞賛, 賛美, 称揚.
[後ラテン語eulogia (eu-よく+logia話すこと)]deferential
Pronunciation: /dɛfəˈrɛnʃ(ə)l/
Translate deferential | into German | into Italian | into Spanish