A U.S. Air Force airman died after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, the police said.
A U.S. Air Force airman died after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, the police said.
After Silicon Valley Bank's Flameout, What's Next for Entrepreneurs?
Silicon Valley Bank's failure in the face of rising interest rates shook founders and funders across the country. Julia Austin, Jeffrey Bussgang, and Rembrand Koning share key insights for rattled entrepreneurs trying to make sense of the financing landscape.
Five years after Richard A. Grasso flamed out as the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, his legal adversary and stock exchange directors -- the former being Eliot L. Spitzer and the latter including James E. Cayne -- have fallen even more spectacularly.
- Failure of a jet aircraft engine, especially in flight, caused by the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber.
- One that fails suddenly, especially after having been successful.
━━ n. 矢柄(やがら), (やり・斧・ゴルフのクラブなどの)柄, シャフト; 矢, やり; 軸, 心棒; 樹幹; (鳥の)羽軸; 【建】柱身; 【採鉱】縦坑; 排気孔; 一条の光線, 稲妻; (車の)ながえ; (嘲笑・攻撃などの)ほこ先, 矢おもて.
get [give] … the shaft 〔米話〕 ひどい目にあう[あわせる]; だます[される].━━ vt. shaftをつける; 〔米話〕 不当に扱う; だます.

When they tear us from this one embrace,
When they destroy forever the shaft of tender light,
What Heaven will see us reunited?
When they destroy forever the shaft of tender light,
What Heaven will see us reunited?
(A Treatise on Poetry
III. The Spirit of History
III. The Spirit of History
Czeslaw Milosz)
哦 亂箭齊發
百辯千言萬語 無心
【出處為 The Lord of the Isles, by Sir Walter Scott.】
"Oh, many a shaft at random sentFinds mark the archer little meant!
And many a word at random spoken
May soothe, or wound, a heart that's broken!"
【採鉱】縦坑; 排気孔:豎井
Emergency workers searching for six coal miners who have been trapped for a week in a deep underground shaft announced that they would begin drilling a third hole.
air shaft/wind shaft/ventilating shaft
the passage through the mouth and throat that carries air to the lungs
the passage through the mouth and throat that carries air to the lungs
American Heritage Dictionaries
A passageway or shaft in which air circulates, as in ventilating a mine. 通風孔/ 通風路A covered, self-propelled passageway used for airline passenger and crew embarkation and debarkation at airport terminal gates. 這定義很特別 最近邁阿密機場誤射殺某" 恐怖份子"所使用的字眼已有其他專名
A passageway or shaft in which air circulates, as in ventilating a mine. 通風孔/ 通風路A covered, self-propelled passageway used for airline passenger and crew embarkation and debarkation at airport terminal gates. 這定義很特別 最近邁阿密機場誤射殺某" 恐怖份子"所使用的字眼已有其他專名
noun [C]
1 a pole or rod which forms the handle of a tool or weapon:
the shaft of a golf club
2 a rod which forms part of a machine such as an engine, and which turns in order to pass power on to the machine:
the drive shaft of a car
the propeller shaft of an aircraft
See also crankshaft.
shaft (PASSAGE) Show phonetics
noun [C]台灣曾用"囪道"
a long, either vertical or sloping, passage through a building or through the ground:
a UK lift/US elevator shaft
a ventilation/air shaft
a well shaft
shaft (REMARK) Show phonetics
a clever remark, especially one that is intended as an attack on someone or something:
John came out with an unexpected shaft of wit/wisdom.
shaft (TREAT UNFAIRLY) Show phonetics
to cheat or trick someone in order to get money unfairly from them:
She was shafted by her agent over the film rights to her book.
the shaft noun [S] US INFORMAL
unfair treatment:
After years of loyal service, his boss gave him the shaft by firing him just before he would have qualified for a pension.
shaft of light
a beam of light: 一条の光線
A shaft of (sun)light came through the open door.