Justices Appear Skeptical of Arguments to Kick Trump Off State Ballots
The Supreme Court seemed poised to issue a lopsided decision rejecting a challenge to Donald Trump’s eligibility to hold office again.
As Britain’s furlough system winds down, the weaknesses of the country’s welfare system will gain new political salience
Women, two-thirds of the workforce, were treated pretty much as equals at Bletchley Park. They could notch up their own victories—May 25th 1941 was Jane Fawcett's
In general, the Oscars fell the way they were expected to. There were only two salient injustices. “The Imitation Game” won for Best Adapted Screenplay, despite its failure to convey what the Bletchley Park codebreakers actually did. Meanwhile, the decision to give the Best Animated Feature award to Disney’s cynical, forgettable attempt to launch a superhero cartoon franchise, “Big Hero 6”, only emphasised how absurd it was that the far superior “Lego Movie” wasn’t even nominated http://econ.st/1D2sl99
Both sides are bombing each other, but there's at least one clear asymmetry to the conflict.
Both sides are bombing each other, but there's at least one clear asymmetry to the conflict.
IT TAKES a minute or two to work out what is refreshingly odd about Hideki Shimazaki’s lettuce farm in Nagano on Japan’s main island. Then it dawns: all the workers are 20- or 30-somethings, with the same lop-sided grins and earthy jokes common to young farmers elsewhere in the world.
It's easy to see why Murdoch might like Ballmer's proposal. Murdoch has been grumbling for a while now about Google getting a free ride on his content. Google creates abstracts of news articles, places ads next to them, and keeps all the money. Google insists this lopsided arrangement is fair because some readers click on the abstracts and get directed to the original article.
The House handily passed legislation to slap a 90% tax on bonuses at Wall Street firms and other struggling companies that received federal bailout funds.
- Salience: the Internet becomes the most important activity in the person's life, affecting feelings, behavior, and thoughts.
Clinton Beats Obama Handily in W. Virginia
Racial considerations emerged as an unusually salient factor in Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s lopsided victory over Senator Barack Obama.
One-Way Traffic Dominates French-German Border
As France and Germany celebrate the 45th anniversary of the signing oftheir 1963 friendship treaty, at the border between the two countries,relations are still somewhat lopsided in nature.The DW-WORLD Article
Pronunciation: /ˈkəʊdˌbreɪkə/NOUN
handy (USEFUL)
useful or convenient:
a handy container/tool
First-time visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy.
It's a nice house and it's handy for (= near) the station.
INFORMAL Don't throw those bottles away - they'll come in handy (= be useful) for the picnic next Sunday.
An additional power switch for the radio is handily located next to the steering wheel.
US The Yankees handily (= easily) defeated the Boston Red Sox.
adjective FORMAL
The salient facts about something or qualities of something are the most important things about them:
She began to summarize the salient features/points of the proposal.
The article presented the salient facts of the dispute clearly and concisely.
a. (形容詞 adjective)
- 顯著的;突出的
- 凸出的,突起的
- 跳躍的;(水等)噴射的,涌出的
n. (名詞 noun)[C]
- 凸角;凸出部分
- 【軍】(戰線等的)突出部
- 音節
- sa • li • ence
- 発音
- séiliəns
1 突出(していること);目立つこと, (ある特徴を)顕著に示していること.
2 突出物[部];顕著な点[特徴].lopsided Show phonetics
with one side bigger, higher, etc. than the other; not equally balanced:
a charming, lopsided grin
lopsided Line breaks: lop|sided
Pronunciation: /lɒpˈsʌɪdɪd/
with one side bigger, higher, etc. than the other; not equally balanced:
a charming, lopsided grin
a. (形容詞 adjective)
- 傾向一側的
- 不平衡的;不對稱的

- Heavier, larger, or higher on one side than on the other.
- Sagging or leaning to one side.
- Characterized by the domination of one competitor over another: a lopsided victory.
lopsidedness lop'sid'ed·ness n.