No End in Sight to Job Losses; 663,000 More Cut in March
By PETER S. GOODMAN and JACK HEALYThe U.S. unemployment rate reached 8.5 percent, its highest level in a quarter-century, in a sign of the severity of the downturn.
George Ball: Mix and match
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Minneapolis,MN,USAAs management seer Peter Drucker notes, "Few knowledge-based innovations in this century [20th] have benefited humanity more than the hybridization of seeds ...
His subsequent novels — with protagonists like a clairvoyant crusader in the Middle Ages, a shipwrecked adventurer in the 1600s and a 19th-century physicist — also demanded that readers absorb heavy doses of semiotic ruminations along with compelling fictional tales.
Phrase used to describe the fact that it is easy for one to be knowledgable about an event after it has happened.
IE: An individual has a realization about the event that should have been obvious all along, yet they didn't catch on because they were acting in the heat of the moment.
20/20 vision is 50th percentile, average. It's mediocre. It means you can see at 20 feet what the average, middle-of-the-line person can see at 20 feet. Hindsight (perfect deduction) is the opposite of that. It's flawless. Properly expressed, to make any sense and actually convey the intended meaning, it would be "Hindsight is 20/0".IE: An individual has a realization about the event that should have been obvious all along, yet they didn't catch on because they were acting in the heat of the moment.
clair • voy • ant 発音
1 千里眼の,透視力のある.
2 直観の優れた,明敏な,鋭い洞察力のある.
━━ [名詞] 千里眼(の人),透視者;洞察者(◆女性形は clairvoyante). [語源]
1671.<フランス語=clair CLEAR+voyant 見ている
noun [C or U]
(the ability to have) a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation:
It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.
The poet August Kleinzahler writes with elegiac insight about life’s losers, the people he calls “strange rangers,” the addicted, insane or destitute.
Get the business insights and political analysis trusted by key decision makers around the world.
adjective APPROVING
- (sē'ər) One that sees: an inveterate seer of sights.
- A clairvoyant.
- A prophet.
Love at first sight. 所謂"一見鍾情".....
second sight noun [U]
an unusual ability that some people are thought to have that enables them to know without being told what will happen in the future or what is happening in a different place
SIGHT was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
In Vegas, Politics Comes to The Strip
LAS VEGAS -- Next Saturday, gamblers at the Bellagio, the opulent Las Vegas casino immortalized in the George Clooney blockbuster "Ocean's Eleven," will be treated to an unusual sight.
(By Paul Kane and Alec MacGillis, The Washington Post)
While Grass(德國名作家) notes that he "never looked through a sight, never felt
for a trigger and thus never fired a shot," the exchange of his Waffen
SS uniform, with "those ornaments" (the double rune) on the collar,
for "an ordinary Wehrmacht jacket" was the work of an older private
who took the 17-year-old Grass under his wing — the first but not the
last "guardian angel" to look after the budding author.
- second sight
- sight-read
- know sb by sight
- line of sight
- lose sight of sth
- not be a pretty sight
- Get out of my sight!
- out of sight
- lose sight of
- Out of sight, out of mind.
- a sight for sore eyes
- sight unseen
- can't stand the sight of
━━ n. 視力, 視覚; 視界; 見ること; 一見 (glimpse); 目撃, 観察; (a ~) (見るも)ひどいもの, 笑いぐさ; 光景, 有様; (the ~s) 名所; 見解; (時にpl.) (銃の)照星[尺]; 〔話〕 ((a ~ ofで)) たくさんの, うんと ((副詞的)).

No G.O.P. Anchor in Sight
Mitt Romney’s victory means that three very different states have embraced three candidates.
美國共和黨2008年初選三州各彈其調 接力賽總成者還沒現身

Commodities’ Relentless Surge
A global boom in the cost of commodities, the staple ingredients of a modern economy, is entering its sixth year with no end in sight.

Putin’s Last Realm to Conquer: Russian Culture
A Kremlin that has gained authority over business and government may be setting its sights on artistic freedom.
December 1, 2007

━━ vt. 見る, 目撃する; 観測する; 照準を定める ((on)).

sight-seeing n., a. 見物[観光](の).
sight・seer 観光[見物]客.
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moral compass
- used in reference to a person's ability to judge what is right and wrong and act accordingly."he is by no means the only senior politician who has mislaid his moral compass"