China is about to unveil a secret missile that experts say could make aircraft carriers obsolete.
Our current system guards against a powerful third party, and the main achievement of the Lib Dems has been to remove electoral reform from the political agenda. It's sad that British democracy has been brought so low – and by bricks "worth" millions.
Perhaps the biggest change is the rise of mobile commerce: a world where most shoppers have smartphones and the store boundaries have eroded. New academic studies confirm that online commerce will indeed permanently cannibalize bricks-and-mortar sales.
Our current system guards against a powerful third party, and the main achievement of the Lib Dems has been to remove electoral reform from the political agenda. It's sad that British democracy has been brought so low – and by bricks "worth" millions.
Wildavsky, author of "The Great Brain Race", says the global education
marketplace is becoming more competitive. America is still the favourite
destination for foreign students, but its market share fell from 23% in
2000 to 17% in 2011. Colleges in other countries have made themselves
more attractive
Perhaps the biggest change is the rise of mobile commerce: a world where most shoppers have smartphones and the store boundaries have eroded. New academic studies confirm that online commerce will indeed permanently cannibalize bricks-and-mortar sales.
Johann Rousselot for The New York Times
Citroën showroom on the Champs-Élysées.
building block noun [C]
a piece of wood or plastic used by children to build things with
building blocks plural noun
the basic things that are put together to make something exist:
Science and the arts are the building blocks of a good education.
Economics focus: Building BRICs of growth
Record spending on infrastructure will help to sustain rapid growth in the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China
building block noun [C]
a piece of wood or plastic used by children to build things with
building blocks plural noun
the basic things that are put together to make something exist:
Science and the arts are the building blocks of a good education.
This is one of the most daring new pieces. Manuelle Gautrand (one of the few female architects in the bunch) designed this showroom, called C42,
for the automaker Citroën, which bursts from the street wall of the
Champs-Élysées. Unveiled in 2007, it has a glass-and-steel facade that
climbs aggressively and is formed from abstracted chevrons, Citroën’s
symbol. Inside, a stack of revolving turntables showcases the cars. You
can circle your way up, stopping to hop into a car or to catch the
Citroën, 42, Champs-Élysées;
Ammar Aziz from Pakistan loves to provoke. With his documentaries on leftist movements in his country and his work on punk in Islam, he has earned praise and brickbats alike.
From Bauhaus to Our House, Tom Wolfe, Book - Barnes & Noble
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]BARNES & NOBLE - Find From Bauhaus to Our House by Tom Wolfe. ... to whatever you didn't like in the lives of people above the level of hod carrier. ...
- 1.a person or thing that carries, holds, or conveys something."water carriers"
synonyms: bearer, conveyor, transporter; More
- 2.a person or company that undertakes the professional conveyance of goods or people."the instruments can be sent by carrier"
A brick hod is a three-sided box for carrying bricks or other construction materials, often mortar. It bears a long handle and is carried over the shoulder. A hod is usually long enough to accept 4 bricks on their side, however, by arranging the bricks in a chevron fashion, the number of bricks that may be carried is only limited to the weight the labourer can bear and the unwieldiness of that load. Typically 10-12 bricks might be carried.[1][2]
Hod carrying is an unskilled labouring occupation in the building industry. Typically the hod carrier or hoddie will be employed by a bricklaying team in a supporting role to the skilled bricklayers. Two bricklayers for each hod carrier is quite normal. The hoddie's duties might include wetting the mortar boards on the scaffolding prior to fetching bricks from the delivery pallet using his hod and bringing them to 2x2 wide 'stacks' upon the scaffold that may then be easily laid by the bricklayers. The carrier needs to time deliveries of bricks with deliveries of mortar - also carried in the hod - to ensure the bricklayers maintain a constant work rate. On sites without premixed mortar, the mortar will also be mixed by the hod carrier. Bricks may be cut and assistance given to 'rake out' the mortar joints, if that form of coursing joint is required, or in repointing work. The baseline rate for a bricklayer is to lay 1000 bricks a day, if the hod carrier is serving a team of two then he must move 2000 bricks although it is not uncommon for experienced hod carriers to serve three bricklayers.
Line breaks: brick
Pronunciation: /brɪk/
Back to topPhrases
you can't make bricks without straw
- • proverb Nothing can be made or accomplished without proper or adequate material or information.
[with biblical allusion to Exod. 5; ‘without straw’ meant ‘without having straw provided’ (i.e. the Israelites were required to gather the straw for themselves). A misinterpretation has led to the current sense]
late Middle English: from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch bricke, brike; probably reinforced by Old French brique; of unknown ultimate origin.mortar
n. - 臼, 灰泥, 研缽
v. tr. - 用灰泥塗抹, 用灰泥結合
- mortar board 學士帽, 學位帽
Syllabification: (mor·tar·board)
Pronunciation: /ˈmôrtərˌbôrd/
1 (投石用の)れんが[石, コンクリートなど]の破片.
2 ((略式))憎まれ口, 非難.punk
1 [U]パンク(ロック)(punk rock);[C]パンク歌手[ファン](punk rocker).
2 [U]パンク調:わざと汚した服装やつっぱった態度が特徴.
3 ((米俗))不良, ちんぴら, 青二才, 若造;男色の相手の少年, 同性愛者
a young punk
a little punk
4 ((古))売春婦.
━━[形]((米俗))劣等な, 粗悪な;みじめな;くだらない;体の調子が悪い.
1 びびる((out)).
2 パンクロッカーになる((out)).chevron
- 音節
- chev • ron
- 発音
- ʃévrən
- レベル
- 社会人必須
- chevronの変化形
- chevrons (複数形)

1 (下士官・警官の階級・功労の)山形袖章(しゅうしょう).
3 《建築》雁木(がんぎ)飾り.
4 ((C-))シェブロン:米国の石油会社.