The decision comes after an FT report on lewd activity at a dinner attended by high-profile figures in UK business and politics.
Germany's wood detectives
How can you tell if mahogany is really mahogany? And can you really know
whether the wood in your table wasn't illegally felled? Germany's wood
detectives are on the case with DNA analysis.
The Article
Melania Trump Urges Voters to Accept Husband’s Apology
Donald Trump’s wife condemned his lewd comments about women that were revealed on video, saying in a statement released by the Trump campaign…
In Alyson Hagy's novel, a young ranchman dreams of training a bay filly for a life in polo.
Editor's note
are very sorry to announce that Peter David, our Washington bureau
chief, Lexington columnist and former foreign editor, died in a car
accident on Thursday night. He had worked at The Economist since 1984 and was a much-loved colleague and friend. We will pay fuller tribute to him in next week’s issue.
Today, at 86, Delpire seems to sum up his accomplishments with a deceptively simple statement: “A publisher’s job is to showcase the work of others,” says Delpire. “It’s not just the work of a team; it requires deep mutual understanding. I’ve never published anyone who was of no interest to me.”
The Pace/MacGill Delpire tribute opens May 10 in New York City. Five simultaneous companion exhibitions across the city will expand on Delpire’s work.
This is London from dawn till night ( 1953photo books of the world)
This is London from dawn till night.
114 photos. by Cas Oorthuys. Text by Neville Braybrooke.
Published 1953 by B. Cassirer; distributed by Faber & Faber, London in Oxford .
Written in English.
Publicly, a whole new lewdness
Everywhere you look, porn is suddenly inescapable
(By Monica Hesse, The Washington Post)
Chinese Internet operators apologize for lewd content
Reuters - USA
Officials named and shamed 19 Internet operators and websites, including search engines Google and Baidu, it said had flouted warnings about pornography and ...
Krefeld Cops Stop Sex in the City
German police who arrested two women for engaging in lewd behavior in a
pedestrian zone showed their humorous side, dubbing their report "Sex in
the City."
The DW-WORLD Article
Daily Highlights Wednesday, January 23, 2008
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Édouard Manet's In the Garden of the Villa Bellevue | |
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on the case
phrase of case
- 1.actively engaged in an official investigation.
"officers on the case are unable to find a motive"
DISAPPROVING ━━ a. みだら[好色]な; 卑わいな.
(of behaviour, speech, dress, etc.) sexual in an obvious and rude way:
Ignore him - he's being lewd.
till2 (tĭl)
[Middle English, from Old English til, from Old Norse.]
USAGE NOTE Till and until are generally interchangeable in both writing and speech, though as the first word in a sentence until is usually preferred: Until you get that paper written, don't even think about going to the movies. • Till is actually the older word, with until having been formed by the addition to it of the prefix un-, meaning "up to." In the 18th century the spelling 'till became fashionable, as if till were a shortened form of until. Although 'till is now nonstandard, 'til is sometimes used in this way and is considered acceptable, though it is etymologically incorrect.
a lewd suggestion
- crude and offensive in a sexual way."she began to gyrate to the music and sing a lewd song"
- 発音記号[tríbjuːt][名]
1 [C][U]感謝[賞賛, 尊敬]のしるし, (…への;に対する)賛辞, 捧げ物((to ...;for ...))
a tribute of acclamation
floral tributes
2 [U][C](他国への)貢ぎ物;《歴史》(臣下が君主に納める)地代, 税金, 貢税;(一般に)強制的な納付物;[U]貢物[納税]義務;進貢国の地位
3 [U]((英))《鉱物》配分, 配当.
be a tribute to ...
〈事が〉…の所産である, のすばらしさを実証するfilly[fil・ly]
- 発音記号[fíli][名]
1 雌の子馬(⇔colt).
2 ((略式))(陽気な)少女, 小娘.(fĭl'ē) 
n., pl., -lies.
- A young female horse.
- Informal. A lively, high-spirited girl or young woman.
[Middle English filli, from Old Norse fylja.]