A woman thought she was suffering from a serious bowel disease for six years before doctors discovered some Heinz packaging piercing the wall of her intestine.
"It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician." — Augustus De Morgan
get around
1. Also, get round. Circumvent or evade, as in He managed to get around the rules for visiting hours. [Late 1800s]
2. Also, get round. Convince or win over by flattery or cajoling, as in Karen knew just how to get around her father, or I'll try to get round him but I'm not sure it'll work. [Mid-1800s]
3. Travel from place to place; also, be active socially. For example, It's hard to get around without a car, or Mary is never without a date--she really gets around. [First half of 1900s] Also see get about, def. 1.
4. Become known, circulate, as in Reports of her resignation got around quickly. [c. 1950] Also see get about, def. 2.
5. get around to or get round to. Find the time or occasion for, as in Dean never gets around to cleaning up the garage. [Late 1800s]
get round to:抽出時間來做或考慮某事,如I’ve been meaning to call her, but I just haven’t gotten around to it.(我一直想要打電話給她,但始終都抽不出時間。)
《中英對照讀英文》Bread spreads all the rage with Japanese food makers 日本食物製造商趕搭麵包熱
The saying that man cannot live by bread alone seems to have been taken to heart by Japanese food manufacturers.
With changing dietary styles, bread has supplanted rice as a staple at the breakfast table of many Japanese households, and food makers are keen to capitalize on the development by offering a variety of spreads and condiments.
Maruha Nichiro Foods Inc. is set to release a spread with grilled salmon flakes in March. Based in Tokyo’s Koto Ward, the company has been making the product as a condiment to be served with rice for nearly 30 years.
Maruha Nichiro食品公司準備在3月推出一款有烤鮭魚薄片的麵包塗抹物。總部設在東京江東區的這家公司,過去近30年一直是以配飯佐料來販售這項商品。
"We want to change the image that grilled salmon flakes should be only eaten with rice," said a Maruha Nichiro representative.
「我們要改變烤鮭魚薄片只能配飯的印象,」Maruha Nichiro公司的一名代表說。
A survey by Maruha Nichiro of 200 mothers of school-age children found that more than 90 percent of the women served bread as part of breakfast.
Maruha Nichiro公司針對200名學齡兒童的母親所做的調查發現,超過9成受訪婦女提供麵包當早餐。
It's all the rage to question their effectiveness. But critics don't understand the research.
be all the rage:片語,非常流行,非常時髦。例句:Mini skirt, so fashionable in the sixties, is all the rage again now.(60年代紅極一時的迷你裙,現在又流行起來了。)
man cannot live by bread alone:意指為了過快樂生活,人除了要吃飯,還要有音樂、藝術與詩歌等精神糧食。語出聖經馬太福音第4章第4節,原文:Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.(人活著,不是單靠食物,乃是靠神口裡所出的一切話。)
take something to heart:片語,關心重視,形容非常認真看待某事。例句:I took all his advices to heart.(他的建議我都聽進去了。)
A condiment is an edible substance, such as sauce or seasoning, added to food to impart a particular flavor, enhance its flavor[1], or in some cultures, to complement the dish. The term originally described pickled or preserved foods, but has shifted meaning over time.[2] Many condiments are available packaged in single-serving sachets (packets), like mustard or ketchup, particularly when supplied with take-out or fast-food meals. Condiments are usually applied by the diner. Condiments are sometimes added prior to serving, for example a sandwich made with ketchup or mustard. Some condiments are used during cooking to add flavor or texture to the food; barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, marmite are examples.
Outcry, and a Little Cunning, From Bankers
LONDON — Bankers voiced complaints about a euro zone proposal to limit
bonuses, but it appears that banks will have ways to get around it.
1. Also, get round. Circumvent or evade, as in He managed to get around the rules for visiting hours. [Late 1800s]
2. Also, get round. Convince or win over by flattery or cajoling, as in Karen knew just how to get around her father, or I'll try to get round him but I'm not sure it'll work. [Mid-1800s]
3. Travel from place to place; also, be active socially. For example, It's hard to get around without a car, or Mary is never without a date--she really gets around. [First half of 1900s] Also see get about, def. 1.
4. Become known, circulate, as in Reports of her resignation got around quickly. [c. 1950] Also see get about, def. 2.
5. get around to or get round to. Find the time or occasion for, as in Dean never gets around to cleaning up the garage. [Late 1800s]
get round to:抽出時間來做或考慮某事,如I’ve been meaning to call her, but I just haven’t gotten around to it.(我一直想要打電話給她,但始終都抽不出時間。)
《中英對照讀英文》Bread spreads all the rage with Japanese food makers 日本食物製造商趕搭麵包熱
The saying that man cannot live by bread alone seems to have been taken to heart by Japanese food manufacturers.
With changing dietary styles, bread has supplanted rice as a staple at the breakfast table of many Japanese households, and food makers are keen to capitalize on the development by offering a variety of spreads and condiments.
Maruha Nichiro Foods Inc. is set to release a spread with grilled salmon flakes in March. Based in Tokyo’s Koto Ward, the company has been making the product as a condiment to be served with rice for nearly 30 years.
Maruha Nichiro食品公司準備在3月推出一款有烤鮭魚薄片的麵包塗抹物。總部設在東京江東區的這家公司,過去近30年一直是以配飯佐料來販售這項商品。
"We want to change the image that grilled salmon flakes should be only eaten with rice," said a Maruha Nichiro representative.
「我們要改變烤鮭魚薄片只能配飯的印象,」Maruha Nichiro公司的一名代表說。
A survey by Maruha Nichiro of 200 mothers of school-age children found that more than 90 percent of the women served bread as part of breakfast.
Maruha Nichiro公司針對200名學齡兒童的母親所做的調查發現,超過9成受訪婦女提供麵包當早餐。
In Defense of Antidepressants
It's all the rage to question their effectiveness. But critics don't understand the research.
be all the rage:片語,非常流行,非常時髦。例句:Mini skirt, so fashionable in the sixties, is all the rage again now.(60年代紅極一時的迷你裙,現在又流行起來了。)
man cannot live by bread alone:意指為了過快樂生活,人除了要吃飯,還要有音樂、藝術與詩歌等精神糧食。語出聖經馬太福音第4章第4節,原文:Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.(人活著,不是單靠食物,乃是靠神口裡所出的一切話。)
take something to heart:片語,關心重視,形容非常認真看待某事。例句:I took all his advices to heart.(他的建議我都聽進去了。)
A condiment is an edible substance, such as sauce or seasoning, added to food to impart a particular flavor, enhance its flavor[1], or in some cultures, to complement the dish. The term originally described pickled or preserved foods, but has shifted meaning over time.[2] Many condiments are available packaged in single-serving sachets (packets), like mustard or ketchup, particularly when supplied with take-out or fast-food meals. Condiments are usually applied by the diner. Condiments are sometimes added prior to serving, for example a sandwich made with ketchup or mustard. Some condiments are used during cooking to add flavor or texture to the food; barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, marmite are examples.
- 発音記号[kɑ'ndəmənt | kɔ'n-]
[名][C][U]((形式))((しばしば〜s))調味料, 薬味.
音節sa・chet 発音記号/sæʃéɪ|![[N16-A12C]](https://weblio.hs.llnwd.net/e7/wbr/CHUJITEN/N16-A12C_F-000000_B-FFFFFF.png)