Hong Kong prides itself on making it easy to do business in the city, with light-touch regulation, discretion and non-cooperation with foreign tax authorities.
But it has also earned a reputation for murky dealings -- the 2016 Panama Papers leak exposed the city as playing a key role in channelling money to tax havens via thousands of shell companies, including some linked to China's top political brass.
Protests and strikes often go hand in hand with roadblocks. When tens of thousands of Colombian protesters announced they would take to the streets on August 19th, President Juan Manuel Santos warned that he would brook no blocked highways (or violence). He ordered the police to tear down barricades wherever they cropped up. Predictably, protesters did not heed Mr Santos's warning http://econ.st/16cPvJ9
Egyptian Liberals Embrace the Military, Brooking No Dissent
Liberal Egyptians have long had an uneasy relationship with the
military, but since the military pushed out President Mohamed Morsi, a
majority of liberals have been intolerant of dissenters.
IT IS easy for outsiders to admire those in Japan who sport tattoos. First, think of the pain. The body art known as irezumi is inflicted on a wearer’s torso with wooden needles and charcoal ink. During up to 50 sessions, the irezumi master brooks no tardiness, insobriety or whingeing.
Full Definition of COMPLEMENT
a : the angle or arc that when added to a given angle or arc equals a right angle in measure
b : the set of all elements that do not belong to a given set and are contained in a particular mathematical set containing the given set
c : a number that when added to another number of the same sign yields zero if the significant digit farthest to the left is discarded —used especially in assembly language programming
: the musical interval required with a given interval to complete the octave
: an added word or expression by which a predication is made complete (as president in “they elected him president” and beautiful in “he thought her beautiful”)
: the thermolabile group of proteins in normal blood serum and plasma that in combination with antibodies causes the destruction especially of particulate antigens (as bacteria and foreign blood corpuscles)
See complement defined for English-language learners
See complement defined for kids
- A yellowish alloy of copper and zinc, sometimes including small amounts of other metals, but usually 67 percent copper and 33 percent zinc.
- Ornaments, objects, or utensils made of this alloy.
- Music.
- The section of a band or an orchestra composed of brass instruments. Often used in the plural.
- Brass instruments or their players considered as a group. Often used in the plural.
- A memorial plaque or tablet made of brass, especially one on which an effigy is incised.
- A bushing or similar lining for a bearing, made from a copper alloy.
- Informal. Bold self-assurance; effrontery.
- Slang. High-ranking military officers or other high officials.
- Chiefly British. Money.
[Middle English bras, from Old English bræs.]
brass brass adj.effigy
1 彫像;(貨幣面などの)肖像, 画像.
2 (その人の姿をわざと醜く模した)人形, 偶像.
burn [hang, execute] a person in effigy
(1) (怒り・軽蔑・嘲笑を公然と示すために)〈人の〉肖像[人形]を焼く[絞首刑にする, 処刑する].(2) 非難[酷評]する;嘲笑する.
so·bri·e·ty (sə-brī'ĭ-tē, sō-)

- Gravity in bearing, manner, or treatment.
- Moderation in or abstinence from consumption of alcoholic liquor or use of drugs: "three years of drug-free sobriety" (Ron Rosenbaum). See synonyms at abstinence.
[with object, with negative] formalOrigin:
Old English brūcan 'use, possess', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bruiken and German brauchen. The current sense dates from the mid 16th century, a figurative use of an earlier sense 'digest, stomach'whinge[whinge]
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[hwíndʒ | wíndʒ]